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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest biancaanne

My dear Father, I just couldn't stop repeating "Thank you, Lord" in my head and smiling right now. That moment I stepped out of the building with my contract in hand was so sweet, that I almost shed tears in the middle of Ayala.


Thank you...now I really believe that all that everything that is deserved will come in its appointed time. I can't promise that I'll be perfect, or that I will change my worldly ways, but I want to start being better with my career first. An entire company is expecting me to care for them. Guide my hand, my tongue, my brain and my heart to make the right decisions.


Thank you for my dad. We may have not been in good terms for the longest time, but the new path I have chosen has bridged that gap, somehow. Thank you for my mom and my brother. They have always been there, despite my bitchy, emotional, and sometimes heartless demeanor. Thank you for Tel. He will always be one of my best friends. Thank you for Alo. He will always be my inspiration and my role-model.


I have more reasons to be thankful, but I'm sure you know them. Thank you. I love you.

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Thank you for your goodness & faithfulness Lord.

I pray Father that you please heal our cat Shadow. I am humbly begging you to heal her, please...

She's your creation Lord, have mercy on her. We dont wanna lose her, please touch her, heal her..

In Jesus name, amen.

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Lord God,


I know that I have made a lot of mistakes in the last few days, despite all the love, understanding and blessings that you've continously given me, all I repay you are my shortcomings, empty promises and deaf ears during mass.


Lord i know despite all of the things I did bad/good know you'll continue to bless me even If I'm truly not deseriving of it in any form.


Lord during this times while we are remebering the sacrifice that your son did for us, may you always protect not only me but all my love ones, keep us safe, healthy, and our beloved country.


also Lod god, in the coming Election may we truly find the answer that our country has long been looking for, if there is truly one.


we love you Lord Thank you,


I ask this through Christ our Lord.



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Holy Spirit, come, confirm us in the truth that Christ makes known;

We have faith and understanding through your helping gifts alone.


Holy Spirit, come, console us, come as advocate to plead;

Loving Spirit from the Father, grant in Christ the help we need.


Holy Spirit, come, renew us, come yourself to make us free;

Holy through your loving presence, holy through the gifts you give.


Holy Spirit, come, possess us, you the love of Three in One,

Holy Spirit of the Father, Holy Spirit of the Son.


Come, Holy Spirit, warm the hearts of all.

With the fire of your love, make us heed God's call.

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  • 2 weeks later...



He's out again. Please guide him in anywhere he goes.

May he remember us all the time, especially in the midst of his superficial happiness.


I don't wanna get tired but I'm beginning to.

I'm his favorite baby girl, I don't wanna lose faith.


If it concerns him, I worry. A lot. Give me strength so I may not show any hint of disrespect.

I just love him. We just all love him too much.


In your loving grace,


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  • 3 weeks later...

My Lord,


By Your grace please let me walk the straight path today and grant me the strength to remain on that path.

I ask that you make me sensitive in hearing Your wisdom so that all of what I do and say will be set as an

example of how should we live and to become an inspiration to others.



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