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LORD, There are times I don't understand your will for me. why you let bad things happen and suffering enter my family. what I pray right now is Teach me to trust you with all my heart and lean not into my own understanding for you are far supreme in wisdom and your plans for me and my family is good. Safety is not the absence of danger but your presence in our lives. help me to see your will and i know all things work together for good to your children who love you and call upon you. heal my child from sickness and deliver my family from this storm. In Jesus name. AMEN.

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Even when you bless me you still test me yet Your will be done unto my life forever!


Empty me Lord and come send your Spirit


Cleanse me through the fire as my faith remains upon you


My heart my soul my everything I give up all unto you


Use me to bring back all the glory and honor unto You

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Your presence overpowers me and i feel like a speck of nothingness and i can't understand why you bother to even glance at me. Yet i feel your LOVE so strong! Thank you for revealing yourself everytime everyday for me to know your ways and to know who i truly am in your eyes and especially who i am. for you are the only one who knows me.

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