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Thank you for loving me even when I am undone for only you God are my strength, my rock, my solitude and rest


Thank you for testing me for through these you make me determine my character and reveal yourself


Never hide your face from me Jesus for my household will worship you forever


We give you back all the glory



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Thank you Lord, for keeping my loved ones safe despite of the crisis that affected our country. For those who have suffered the wrath of the storm, give them hope and strength to overcome the trials that they are now facing. I feel that this problems that we are now facing shall pass so that we can start over again and recover from our losses. All we ask in your glorious name. AMEN. -_-

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This is actually a song:


Prayer for Generosity


Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous

Teach me to serve You as I should

To give and not to count the cost

To fight and not to heed the wounds

To toil and not to seek for rest

To labor and ask not for reward

Save that of knowing, that I do

Your most Holy Will.

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Thank you for keeping all my loved ones safe.

Thank you for renewed hope

Thank you for lessons learned and about to be learned

Thank you for reminding us that everything we have is ours only because you allowed us to have them


(my co worker whom I posted about na inanod ng ilog is safe in an evacuation center... medyo malayo nga lang narating nya kaya di sya agad naka contact. he managed to cling to a piece of wood)

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