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What have You Learned Lately?

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This would be the first time in my life wherein I will be restraining myself, fighting against my own desires and emotions. I have never thought that this could be as painful as I am feeling it right now. The waves of desire, as it comes to me, knocking at the doors on my defenses, just keep me off balance at most times..but I have to get up, shrug it off and continue with what I must do for such is the noble act; to uncomplicate things, to make sacrifices, to preserve harmony, to not give in to my human nature that wants and wants and wants with no regard to altruism and moderation.

Sometimes, I wonder why man has to be kept from becoming himself, why man has to be restrained by laws, rules and regulations, why freedom has to be limited in a way where man ought to move in a society so structured, things become routinary and man becomes nothing but a shadow of a system man has built to imprison himself into.

As these thoughts and more come streaming to my mind, I realize that understanding of these facts could be therapeutic yet scarring at the same time. Understanding heals, brings hope and puts to light what is important so as to know what ought to be done and not. I hope that as I trudge this path, things will be brighter. I have tool look past the sorrow and feelings of incompleteness if I were to make it out of this victorious and sane. It is expected that I won't make it out of this unscathed but that is okay. There will be scars that would take time or even and eternity to heal but what is important is that growth has taken place. It was once said that one won't be able to grow unless he or she would know how to let go of things that are important. Love is not love unless it is shared. Sharing won't be complete until one learns how to let go and letting go will not be fulfilling unless one learns how to sacrifice...

And sometimes, one must let go of what matters most...

I am a work in progress...I know in my heart that I will see past this endeavor...and that beyond the dark clouds that scour the skies is the sun shining ever so brightly...

I am in pain but this, too, will pass away...so shall everything....

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today i learned, or maybe not to long ago...


- that stressing over things squeezes the "angsty writer" in me.


- that money does and will ALWAYS make the WORLD go round. now I need more! harharhar!


- that YOU are such a Favorite Mistake. I need to find a better replacement, I guess. Slowly, you're making me think of taking a step back to start bringing back the OOMPPPH in my life.



:huh: :evil: <_<

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