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What have You Learned Lately?

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It is never too late to be positive. It is never too late to let go of the anger, the fear, the worries and anxieties that have been draining you.


No matter how far back you may have fallen, you still can turn around. Your current direction is far more important than your current location.


Imagine how great it would feel to be moving forward. You are, this moment, just one step away.


Take that step forward, and then another. Put momentum on your side, and get time working in your favor.


Start giving to life, rather than fighting against it. Begin now to fill each moment with positive purpose, with meaning, with real fulfillment.


No matter where you are, or what you've already done, it is never too late. The time to move forward is here and now.

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came across this in a magazine... its a nice affirmation to keep in mind.


I am the only unique me that will ever be...


I have the power to make a difference in this world...


I look forward to taking on the grand adventure of life...


Living and always remembering to be myself...


I love being me!

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  • 3 weeks later...
i realized that men are such an expensive commodity. you pay them with your sleep, your appetite, your sanity. and they won't even text you!!!!





I will also have to agree with Kristin on this.


One learns this the hard way, and needs to keep re-learning it every time.

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