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What's Your Astrological Sign?

What's Your Sign?  

421 members have voted

  1. 1. What's Your Sign?

    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Gemini
    • Cancer
    • Leo
    • Virgo
    • Libra
    • Scorpio
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Pisces

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proud to be a S C O R P I O N!!!

The Scorpio personality isn’t easy to pin down. Highly secretive about their own affairs, Scorpio is quite curious about yours! Has a knack for getting out secrets and other confidential information. They are intuitively aware that change is inevitable and that the next one may be right around the corner. While one aspect of change is the tearing down of the old - the other is the rebuilding of the new. Scorpio’s function lies in both these areas. They can be just the person needed in times of emergency or upheavals because she faces a crisis with great calm. Collected and resourceful, showing tremendous staying power when involved in a cause she feels is worthy.


Disliking weakness, especially in their selves, she puts forth great effort and sacrifice toward goals.

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proud to be an ARIES :)

The sign is independent, assertive, and impulsive. Aries will never waste time and as soon as they makes a decision, which is quickly, they acts on it. They make an excellent and energetic leader, but not always the best follower. They are great at getting things started, but not always so good at finishing them. Highly competitive, must constantly be proving himself through action.


Although quick-tempered, his anger is short-lived and most of the time they are warmhearted and inspirational. They show the qualities of courageousness, loyalty, impatience, and has a strong sense of individuality.

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my zodiac sign is AQUARIUS

and my birthstone is AMETHYST (February)

The personality is of one who functions primarily on a mental plane. Pursuits are intellectual, and their independent viewpoints usually tend to run against popular belief. They may be ahead of the times or possibly brilliant, but others do tend to get stirred up or shocked at their way of thinking. Original, creative, and unpredictable in temperament. Often feels that others do not comprehend his ideas and this annoys him. Aquarius finds their security through the company of other people where he can exchange ideas with them. Dislikes hypocrisy, phoniness, and imitation and those with whom he becomes friends will always have his loyalty.


Aquarius is people oriented and the brotherhood of all is important to him. Because he is a believer in equality, of all the signs, Aquarius is the one most capable of truly platonic relationships.

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... Sagittarian ...


they say we are the romantic type... like a volcano... very deep, suddenly bursts and dies instantly... loves having fun and loves smart conversations... :rolleyes:


i'd say it's true... :lol: :lol: :P

Enthusiastic, optimistic, and always forward looking.Has absolute faith, and never loses exuberance for life for very long. Even when things go wrong, can usually find a bright side, and identify a meaning behind why something happened the way it did. The Sagittarian has many philosophies and because they understand that our motivations and thinking has everything to do with where we eventually stand, their insights can often prove almost prophetic. On occasion the Sagittarian can have his head so up in the clouds, however, that he overlooks something right in front of him.


Details they could easily live without and they have to make a conscious effort to stay on top of them. Have a tendency to jump to conclusions, and to overextend self in his commitments, time, and goals. Honest, straightforward, and outspoken, occasionally, one of their spontaneous comments offends or hurts someone, and he is startled and apologetic when he realizes how his words were taken. Unfortunately there may be a time or two when he won’t even notice the damage he’s done.

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