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Spooky Nights!

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@ Maxiev - thanks for answering my questions. I hope that you wouldn't mind me saving the photo so that I can ask some of my friends about it.

Sure be my guest Ms. darkeinjel. You can show your friends the photo. Hopefully one of them will be able to identify what that thing was in the photo.

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I personally don't believe in ghosts, because I haven't experienced anything


but there's an interesting theory (can't remember who said it exactly) that sometimes certain places or locations undergo a very intense and traumatic experience, that a psychic imprint is left on that place, and people who are sensitive to this can often experience to a small degree that intense experience left imprinted in that place.


sort of like (this is going to reveal my age); during the days of VHS and betamax, movie rental places often just record over old movies in order to save money on new cassettes, and sometimes when you fast forward after the end of the movie you just watched, you see scenes from the movie that was taped over.

Bro I understand where you're coming from. It's really hard to believe in something you can't validate with your senses. I guess I'm fortunate to have been able to document a ghostly encounter through this photograph. I have other ghost stories which I will share soon. No photos though....

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Another story from another call center that I worked in located in Makati.


It was our "lunch" break at around 1AM. Before I ate, I went to the washroom to wash my hands and face. The washroom was structured this way:


Imagine the main door with a small glass beside the handle which allows you to see the entire line of the washroom. The first area that you would see would be the sink, then there's another door with glass beside the handle which leads to the cubicles.


I was on my way out of the washroom when I thought I heard my manager call my name. I looked around and saw that she was still brushing her teeth. For what ever reasons, my eyes darted to the glass partition of the inner door and what I saw literally froze me on the spot that I was standing on.


Holding on to the door, I saw a woman wearing a dress (not your typical white lady clothes), something a little bit more modern (early 2000's fashion style). Her hair was long, dirty looking and she was staring at my manager's back with murder in her eyes. She looked up to me and I saw anger in her flashing eyes (again not typical red eyes, etc). I can describe it as a look that you would see when a person is really, really, and I mean REALLY angry.


Thankfully at that point my friends started looking for me. One of them found me holding on to the washroom door and another blessing in disguise was that she saw what I saw, too. She tugged on the sleeve of my blouse and asked me to go with her for lunch. Our manager finished with her business was coming out of the washroom and asked me why I looked so pale as well as my friend. She even joked about us fainting from hunger if we didn't move our a$$es out of the washroom.


We pulled her out of the washroom and told her the story. Halfway through my retelling, she glimpsed at the washroom and she said, "Is that what you were telling me about?" We all looked and there she was, looking at as with anger and then, POOF! she was gone. After that incident my manager, my friend and I would always ask someone to go with us whenever we needed to pee.


About 3 months after the first encounter, many ladies have recounted the same story and our Country Manager decided to get a priest and bless the place. It helped for about 3 months and then the spooks started happening again.

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I don't have the ability to see spirits but i believe they exist because i can feel them specially when i'm tired, clueless and weary.


I attended school in Makati along Ayala Ave 2yrs ago, one term lasted for 3 months and classes starts 12nn to 7 in the evening. There are 6 rooms with see through doors and no, i didn't even think the bldg was haunted not until i experienced it personally. One time, our class ended 8 in the evening because we have to finish the activity that day. I was impatient to wait for the boys that's why i left the room first because i badly need to pee. I opened the door, as i pass by along the corridor, there's this one particular room full of students and surprisingly, a kid aged 4-5 yr old, long hair and wearing a dress peeking outside the see through door, looking at my direction and smiled. I smiled back and went to pee not bothered if it was out of the ordinary because i love kids and she looks like the rest of us and maybe one of the students brought her kid and she was just bored and played around the room. The next day before our lecturer discusses the next lesson, i decided to ask him if someone brought a kid in one of the classes last night. I described to him what she looked like and what she was wearing because im planning to bring my niece next time. Immediately his face lit up and not surprised about my question, "Ah. Multo yun. May bata talagang nagpaparamdam dito kapag ganung oras. Minsan nga nasa ibaba ng desk, naglalaro.Mabait naman siya. Minsan nga may lalake pa kaming nakikita dito. Sanay na kami. Ok lang yan, mabait naman siya. Huwag kang mag alala" he said. I got goosebumps and the rest screamed even the boys. Haha! Eventually, my classmates teases me a lot about the incident and asks me if i saw her again. Good thing, it never happened again. And thanking the little girl that she appeared normal and didn't scare the hell out of me.

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I never found out who they were.


That particular building had so many spooky stories. Some of them I experienced, some from friends, from other employees.


One spooky story from a trainer.


It was the "graduation" of her class and to add to our ever growing memorabilia, she decided to whip out her digital camera, set the timer on and take a photo of the whole class.


*snap!* picture taken, camera stowed.


The following day everyone in the support group received an e-mail. The trainer (whom I personally know) was asking everyone for help in identifying a certain trainee in the picture. We printed a copy of the said photo, gathered everyone from the training batch in a room and asked them who the trainee in question was. The long and short answer: No one knew the trainee because she wasn't part of the class. The trainer said she doesn't know the trainee and that person has a really good memory.



sa IBM Daksh yan ano? ganyan din yung mga kwento samin nung training namin.. pinakita rin samin yung mga pics..

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Ima working here in another country as a FIRE/EMT our clinic and fire station is in a same building, since our merger with the fire team the clinic is unmanned during night shift, thats when the scary stuff happens,our printer fax machine is located there everytime we go to collect printouts you would feel as if something is at your back, same thing is experience by other group. so one time i slept in the clinic area to manned it during the night shift i saw a darkman figure moving in the clinic.area


other area here is the fire truck parking bay, we dont have any sleeping are here in the fire station cause we are not allowed to sleep here cause its not your typical fire station ,its a private oil and gas fire station , so we would look for places to hide if want to sleep during night shift, I personaaly just sleep in the fireman room in a chair and one of my colleauge would sleep in the parking bay either in the truck or in the pick up, when he go on our seperate hidding places after a while one of my friend who usually sleep in the vechle would come back inside the fire mans room then we would ask him why you return he would tell us in the pick up when he is sleeping somebody would throw something at the pick up numerous times, in the fire truck he would feel somebody is shaking the truck then at one time push him in the floor , and when he open his eye he saw a hand print in the window, just a few months experience the same thing when i sneak to have a siesta in the truck somedy is trying to pin me down and saw this dark shadow the same dark shadow i saw inside our clinic area.......

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In our accomodation as well we experience some creepy stuff, in my room before i could not sleep without the light as if something is bothering me disturbing me our got thie eerie feeling ,but since i put the cross and medal os saint Benedict it was gone , and one thing i do is i cover the mirror with blanket when everytime i slepp. also our accomodation is a two storey building and usually our department occupy the ground floor during evening time and knowing that the person sleeping in the 2 floor is at work at wee hours at night we would here furniture moving and beeing drag on the second floor we could hear but got use to it , and not only in our building we are experiencing it but in other building as weel.

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copied from a multiply site:


old school ghost stories



A girl was by the sink washing her face when shelooked in the mirror, and saw the drops of water on her face not as what they really are but as drop of blood. And at her back, there was a headless man in soldier's uniform.Every year, students would encounter various but similarly scary experiences in that toilet. According to my research, the St. Vincent de Paul building, where the toilet is, is the oldest building of Adamson University and was used as an execution station by the Japanese army during World War II. Rumor has it hat countless number of heads had been chopped off in the toilet itself. - OSC Arnel B. Tablizo Jr.



Sacred Heart Novitiate: The story of the "stairs" is one that forces retreat-goers to go around in the "safety" of groups. Legend has it that late one night, a group of students went downstairs to go "exploring" after the others had gone to sleep. The frightening thing was that no matter how long they kept going down the flights of stairs from the 3rd floor dorm hall they occupied, they could not seem to find the ground floor landing. Even more sinister was that they kept passing the same eerie painting of Christ at each floor landing, over and over again.- OSC Catherine Candano



It happened few years ago in College of Saint Benilde. In an early morning class, a girl in black dress entered room M-409 where a class was ongoing.The class didn't mind the girl hinking that she was only sitting in. Suddenly, in the middle of the teacher's lecture, the girl stood up, walked towards the front wall and, to the awe of everyone, vanished. Until now that ghost story still scares students who take classes in the said room. - OSC Neptali Esguerra



One day last February, even before the 7am classes started, a young Accounting sophomore decided to drop by the St. La Salle Chapel to say a quick prayer for her accounting exam. She reached the empty chapel, went to the very first pew, knelt down, and with eyes shut, began to pray. A few minutes later, she heard a shuffling sound and frantic footsteps. The student opened her eyes and saw a limping, pale-faced man reaching out towards her, his torn clothes covered in blood, a bayonet sticking in his chest and mouthing the words, "Help me..." -OSC Paolo Gamboa

*DLSU Main building was used as a bomb shelter during World War II



At 10 pm one night, one ROTC cadet was relieving himself in one of the comfort rooms at the third floor of the Paterno building when he unmistakably made out the figure of a woman dressed in white floating in the air. The vision made him scream in intense fright, catching the attention of his other companions. Upon their arrival, they witnessed the same lady hovering in the air. It was seven in the evening at another instance, when a janitor getting ready to go home noticed a mysterious lady enter one of the restrooms at the third floor. He followed the lady to warn her that the part of building was strictly prohibited. He entered the restroom and saw no one there. According to stories, the Paterno Building, which had existed even before the eruption of World War II, was used as a garrison by the Japanese during the war.



When graduation time is near, the Princess Lawan Bae all (PLBH) dorm residents can usually hear footsteps along the hallway, hough no one is there. The old janitress says they are seniors who committed suicide after finding out that they were pregnant. One restroom cubicle in the dorm has been closed since residents claim feelingunexplainable, eerie sensations when they use it. It is said that one of the students performed self-abortion and died inside that cubicle. It has been 8 years now but it remains closed. - OSC Ritchel Gabutin



A lovelorn spirit on our campus possessed a high school freshman girl a few months back. She would often see the "guy" standing near a Balete tree at the back of our campus' HS building. She would say that when Allen (the guy or spirit's name) enters her body he would tour her around the campus and tell her that she looks so much like his dead girlfriend. The girl now goes to a new school and words have it that Allen did not bother her anymore. -OSC Joyce Enriquez



"She was once there and she never left," according to one housekeeper of PUP Jasmin hostel, reluctant to tell the exact room number of the so-called "haunted room." Residents of the hostel reveal that every time they pass by the corridor during late afternoon and early in the morning, they could hear murmurs and cries coming from the haunted room. Stories say that a female nursing board examinee committed suicide inside the room. Many have had experiences seeing her walking in her nursing uniform at the middle of the night or appearing in bathroom mirrors-with blood on her face. She also loves to knock on the door and if one opens, he would find no one but sense an eerie feeling. Residents believe that once you open the door, she comes in the room, so they advise not to open the door.- OSC Jonizel Lagunzad



You will be shocked to know that there are no mirrors in some of the comfort rooms in the campus. It is for the reason that an anonymous lady appears in the mirror unexpectedly and really scares the students. It has been said that one student committed suicide in that comfort room.- OSC Christi Estepa



A group of high school girls had a play in the Little Theater. They took shots of them and when the film was developed, a nun was with them during curtain call. The nun had no face, floating, tip-toed, and her hands were clasped as though in prayer. He hands were pointed downwards and her head was cracked as though she had been hanged! - OSC Anthea Lamigo



In one of their overnight press work, the section editor decided to take a rest and went out of the editorial board cubicle. Suddenly, he heard the tick-tack of the keyboards, as if someone was typing. Knowing that he was all alone, he decided to look if somebody was using the computer. To his surprise, he saw the name Jackie repeatedly typed on the screen. The keyboard continued to tick-tack until the screen was filled with the name Jackie. While the news editor was encoding his article, someone said "hello" to him.When he looked around, a pretty girl approached him and again whispered "hello." All of a sudden, the girl disappeared.Dian, our present culture editor, who has a third eye, said that she was able to talk to Jackie. Jackie later on revealed that her real name is Patricia. Jackie revealed that she's always around since she finds the office peaceful. She also claimed that our office was then a park with a well and benches. According to Dian, Patricia (or Jackie) is a Spanish looking lady, with fair complexion, stands 5'5" and looks like a doll.- OSC Meryl Pecache



Baker Hall: There was a group of guys who passed by Baker Hall and noticed that there was a party going on. Everybody was dressed like they were in the'80s era. They had such a great time that they wanted to invite their other friends along. So, out they went and when they came back, Baker Hall was as quiet and as dark as the night. - OSC Ria Henares



Red Eyes Benitez Hall, which houses the College of Education, is considered the most haunted building in the campus (the oldest as well). It used to be one of the Japanese interrogation camps during World War II that's why many Filipino and American soldiers died there. One very rainy afternoon, a female instructor got stranded in front of the Education Building. As such, she begged the security guard to let her pass the night in the building.The guard agreed and locked her up in one of the classrooms. It was a restless night for the lady. She knew the ghost stories but refused to believe them. In the classroom was a door with a peeping hole. Curious at what was going on outside, she peeped and saw nothing but the color red. The next morning,she asked the security guard if the ghost stories are true. "Yes Ma'am, it is,"answered the man. "One of the ghosts sighted is in fact seen as dressed in white and with big RED EYES."- OSC Precious Cardenas

(This story looks familiar)



The weird and eerie experience happened two years ago when I was facilitating a retreat (Days with the Lord) in Don Bosco Technical College Mandaluyong. The session that night almost finished before midnight; my co-facilitators and I were heading off to our sleeping quarters when one of them told us that he was going to introduce someone and we asked, "Who?" He said meet "Puti," but I couldn't see anyone! He then asked me to raise my arms just in front of where I was and it suddenly felt freezing cold. I immediately ran to the sleeping quarters and left them. The following day, I learned that they were able to talk to "Puti," a young and playful kid who was shot in the middle of an encounter during the war. He continues to haunt the old Dona Cecilia corridors and manifests himself through a white silhouette as described by the security guards who would often see him play at night. - Cedric Ira A. Aquino



It happened a few years back. An old male college teacher was seen eating alone in a corner during a College Faculty luncheon. Some teachers who saw him attested that he looked a bit strange and unusually quiet. They invited him to join their group discussion but he just gave them a blank stare. After a while, he just disappeared and nobody noticed him go out of the room. The bizarre thing about it is that this certain teacher was already in the hospital slumped on his deathbed at that very same moment. A few hours later, he was dead. When his desk was cleaned by his fellow teacher a few days after his death, the teacher was so shocked to find a note personally addressed to her, thanking her for everything. - OSC Owen Jaen



Seen at: Kalayaan residence The story: It was the onset of sem break. While a resident was still packing her bag, her roommate was ready to go. Since the former wasn't done yet, the latter went ahead. Then the roommate's parents came in looking for her. The resident told them that she already left. When the resident was about to finish her packing, she opened the closet and saw her roommate inside--already decomposing.



Seen at: Vinzons Hall (second-floor comfort room) The story: A student was sitting in the toilet when he felt someone was patting or smoothing his head. When he looked up, a girl, hanging from the ceiling, was staring at him straight in the eye.



Seen at: One of the jeepneys plying the campus (sorry, I don't know he plate number, etc.) The story: A guy made sabit at the end of the jeepney because it was full of passengers. After a few minutes, the driver curiously asked him why he wasn't taking a seat. As the guy was about to say that all the seats were taken, he saw that the jeepney was empty.


Pahabol pa:


Ikot Jeep incident #2: Nag-iisa na lang yung girl sa jeep nung pauwi na siya sa dorm ng 9pm. Nagulat siya ng biglang nag-iba yung direction ng jeep,di na nito sinusunod yung route nito. Nakiusap siya: "Manong, bababa po ako sa ***** dorm," pero di siya pinansin ng driver. Nang bumalik ito sa ikot route, nakiusap ulit yung girl. So pinababa nga siya sa may dorm, pero bago siya bumaba sinabihan siya ng driver: "Ineng, pag-uwi mo hubarin mo agad iyang mga damit mo at kung pwede sunugin mo agad. Iniba ko yung ruta para makaiwas sa disgrasya. Kanina kasi pagtingin ko sa salamin, wala kang ulo."


Dorm incident #1: The Copycat

Ito nangyari sa room namin. Kasama ko bumaba sa lobby si Len at si Gie. Ang naiwan na lang sa room ay si Yzelle at si Ruby na parehong paalis din. Bago sila umalis, nakita nila si Gie na nakaupo sa may table niya at nakatalikod sa kanila. "Gie, alis muna kami." Eto ang nakakakilabot, nagtanong pa kung sino man yung nakatalikod na yun sa kanila (at nakatalikod pa rin siya) kung saan sila pupunta. Laking gulat na lang nila nang makita nila kami ni Gie at Len sa baba. At oo nga pala, may batang nagpakita sa mga dating nag-occupy ng room namin. Bigla siyang nagvanish into thin air...


Dorm incident #2:

Nangyari to dun sa katapat na room namin. Nagising ng madaling araw yung girl, na may feeling na may nagmamasid sa kanya. Pagdilat niya, una niyang nakita ay mukha ng babae na nakadungaw sa kanya (whatever, basta magkaharap mukha nila), except that walang mukha yung babae. All white. Sa shock, walang nagawa yung dormer. Pinanood na lang nya yung babae habang lumalabas ito ng room nila...hindi sa pinto, kundi sa bintana. Di na siya nakatulog pagkatapos noon kahit nagtalukbong siya ng kumot.


Dorm incident #3:

Matutulog na yung girl(from same corridor sa 2nd floor) nang maalala iya na di pa pala siya naghihilamos. The time was around 3am, pero di naman siya naniniwala sa multo dati so ok *** sa kanyang magsolo sa cr. Naghilamos nga siya mag-isa. Nang tumingin siya sa salamin habang sinasabon ang mukha, nakita niya...nakangiti ang reflection niya sa kanya. Takbo siya sa room nila nang me sabon pa ang mukha.Mineral water na lang ang pinambanlaw niya.Siyempre di ko malilimutang sabihin na during the witching hour (3-4am), may naririnig kaming nagdadrag ng furniture...rinig sa 2nd floor till basement...

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Here's another story to share:


My friend's experience (related to me by both my friend and our supervisor who is also our friend who experienced this that time)


Station 1: My friend's work space

Station 2: Empty station for emergency purposes

In the middle: Supervisor's station


The shift was going smoothly and although it was toxic, break times were being given on time. After the 3rd hour of the shift, the supervisor's phone rang and an "agent" asked for her break. Our supervisor gave her the go ahead after he checked the Avaya monitoring system for the queue.


After he checked the system, he stood up and shouted asking anyone if there was a person using Station #2 due to an emergency failure of equipment. My friend who was seated right next to the station in question answered our supervisor. No one was sitting at the station and no one ever sat at the station. The supervisor thinking that he was being ribbed walked to the station # 1. The supervisor told off my friend saying, enough of the jokes.


Since my friend was on his break that time, both he and the supervisor checked Station #2. To their surprise, the station in question did not have both a computer and a phone, the only thing that it had was a phone line because the IT department took the equipment from the station for regular check up and maintenance. The two went to the supervisor's monitoring system and checked the extension numbers reflected on the system, Station #2's extension was reflected and it was on break! The supervisor refreshed the system, called the IT personnel, but the extension was still there.


To summarize:


No phone (hard phone Avaya PBX system) but has a phone line - YOU CAN'T LOG-IN. You need the PBX system and if you in as much as pull out the headset, your extension number should not be reflected on your supervisor's system.


The supervisor received an actual call coming off from the extension number that did not have a hard phone.


After 15 minutes, the extension number reflected that it was available, then suddenly vanished from the list as if the person logged out of the system. And it has never happened since.


The personnel from IT and the phone company who was servicing our needs were unable to explain the situation. Operations were shut for half a day to test the entire system, no errors were found.

Edited by darkeinjel
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  • 3 months later...

Just sharing one of the creepiest stories I heard from my Psych Prof in UPLB<br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px;"><br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px;">The story happened daw sa PhySci building ng UPLB, 3rd floor. Normal na may mga Lab classes that extend beyond the usual 7pm time. Meron daw grupo ng students na nag-extend until mga 9pm dahil mahaba ang lab exercise nila that time. The class was divided into groups of five. So tapos na daw yung ibang groups until isang grupo na lang ang natira. They were so busy they almost forgot the time. And natapos na rin sila eventually. They were relieved to finally finish the assigned task. Tapos si girl student A na part ng group, biglang nakaramdam ng tawag ng kalikasan. Bilang gabing-gabi na by standard school time, nakalock na syempre ang ibang steel gates sa building. Isang way na lang ang pwede nilang daanan palabas. Since hindi na mapigilan ni Student A ang nararamdamang discomfort, napagpasiyahan nyang gumamit ng CR sa 3rd floor. So sinabi nya sa groupmates nya na hintayin siya saglit at iihi lang siya. Nag-agree naman sila at nagkwentuhan lang sa may hallway habang hinihintay si Student A.<br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px;"><br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px;">Pumunta si Student A sa girls' CR na hindi naman kalayuan sa pinaghihintayan ng kanyang groupmates. Naririnig pa nga nya ang tawanan at kwentuhan ng mga ito dahil nag-eecho sa hallway dahil sila-sila na lang ang tao sa buong building. So the usual her, gagamitin nya ang pinaka-last cubicle ng CR. Nakaugalian na nya ito for no specific reason at all. Mayroong tatlong cubicle sa loob ng girls' CR and of course, lahat ito ay vacant. Pero yung pinakadulong cubicle pa rin ang pinili nya. So the usual, nilock ni Student A ang 3rd cubicle at nagsimulang mag-unload ng kanyang burden. Almost finished na siya sa kanyang ritual nang may marinig na pumasok sa loob ng CR. Inisip na lang nya na baka isa ito sa girl groupmates nya, so keber lang.<br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px;"><br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px;">Narinig ni Student A na parang kinalabog ng bagong dating na girl ang unang cubicle. Marahil ay para icheck kung may tao (or alam nyo na). Tapos hindi pa natapos dun, narinig nyang kinalabog ang pinto ng ikalawang cubicle. Dito na nagsimulang magtaka at makaramdam ng kakaiba si Student A. Bakit nga naman kailangan pang icheck isa-isa ang cubicles eh obvious naman na sila na lang ang tao doon. Nagsimula na ring kabahan at manlamig si Student A. Bakit kasi ang dami ng kailangan nyang i-unload? Nararamdaman nyang papalapit na ang bagong dating na "girl" sa 3rd and last cubicle, kung saan nandun pa rin siya.<br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px;"><br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px;">At sa kanyang labis na takot ay nangyari na nga ang ipinangangamba nya - si mystery girl ay akmang kakalabugin din ang pinto ng cubicle na kinaroroonan nya. Dahil nga nakalock ito, hindi ito nabuksan. Pero ang pinaka-ikinatakot nya ay nang tumigil ang "girl" sa tapat ng cubicle nya. Kitang-kita ni Student A ang paa sa labas mula sa kinauupuan nya. Hindi na nya maigalaw ang kanyang katawan sa takot. Nanginginig at pinagpapawisan na siya ng malamig, pero hindi pa rin umaalis sa tapat nya ang mystery being.<br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px;"><br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px;">At para matapos na ang kanyang paghihirap (at bilang sobrang takot na rin naman siya), ay inattempt ni Student A na tumingin sa kanyang itaas. Dahan-dahan nyang itinaas ang kanyang nakayukong ulo para makita ang pinaka-nakakakilabot na nakita nya sa kanyang talambuhay: ang duguang mukha ng isang babaeng tila pinahirapan nang husto. At ang mas nakakakilabot pa, nakapatong ang buong ulo nya sa ibabaw ng pintuan ng CR.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

The Clown Statue

So-and-so's friend, a girl in her teens, is babysitting for a family in Newport Beach, Ca. The family is wealthy and has a very large house — you know the sort, with a ridiculous amount of rooms. Anyways, the parents are going out for a late dinner/movie. The father tells the babysitter that once the children are in bed she should go into this specific room (he doesn't really want her wandering around the house) and watch TV there.


The parents take off and soon she gets the kids into bed and goes to the room to watch TV. She tries watching TV, but she is disturbed by a clown statue in the corner of the room. She tries to ignore it for as long as possible, but it starts freaking her out so much that she can't handle it.


She resorts to calling the father and asks, "Hey, the kids are in bed, but is it okay if I switch rooms? This clown statue is really creeping me out."


The father says seriously, "Get the kids, go next door and call 911."


She asks, "What's going on?"


He responds, "Just go next door and once you call the police, call me back."


She gets the kids, goes next door, and calls the police. When the police are on the way, she calls the father back and asks, "So, really, what's going on?"


He responds, "We don't HAVE a clown statue." He then further explains that the children have been complaining about a clown watching them as they sleep. He and his wife had just blown it off, assuming that they were having nightmares.


The police arrive and apprehend the "clown," who turns out to be a midget. A midget clown! I guess he was some homeless person dressed as a clown, who somehow got into the house and had been living there for several weeks. He would come into the kids' rooms at nights and watch them while they slept. As the house was so large, he was able to avoid detection, surviving off their food, etc. He had been in the TV room right before the babysitter right came in there. When she entered he didn't have enough time to hide, so he just froze in place and pretended to be a statue.



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