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Stressed Out

Guest kizmet

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! I'm a new member here... maybe im so stressed out that's why i tried this group.. hey guys maybe you can help... what do you do when your all stressed out.. from work... house.. partner....







Hi TS: I hope my message still finds you in good hands because I noticed that you posted this at the height of your distressing condition...i.,e.. Posted 24 September 2003 - 05:32 PM


Anyways, one good way to address negative stress (or what we call "distress") is by simply putting yourself in a scenario wherein you are driving a fast car...then all of a sudden, you find something "blinking" in the instrument panel. but you are not sure what it means.


Common sense would dictate that a flashing button in our instrument panel signals something is wrong with the vehicle.

In which case, you have to slow down and find a safe place to park.

check the vehicle. take time to think. Consult with a mechanic if necessary. or read the manual.

In short, keep it back in shape and rectify whatever the problem is, before you move on.



this is the same way on how to deal with negative stress.

1. Take it slow...whatever you are doing.

2. Pause. Make a self assessment to determine the cause of negative stress.

3. Stop or block the source of the negative stress.

4. If necessary, consult with a professional who could give you better advice on how to deal with the problem that causes negative stress.

5. Take time to heal any wounds until you recover your mental and emotional stability.

6. Focus on your recovery process by engaging in inspirational activities.


Hope this helps.... happy.gif





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