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What Type Of Girl Do You Prefer? - MERGED THREADS


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I respect all of those who say looks are not important. For me, they are! Looks may not be the most important factor, but they are, nonetheless, very important.


For one, intelligence, and character are never seen by anyone, not even by you. They will only be known after some time of acquaintance.


Looks, instead, are the first thing that is noticed.


So, what's about looks that are important?


1. The girl must be pretty. I know. Pretty is subjective. But, c'mon. I'm sure we have some common ground and understanding on what pretty is. Should this include sexy? Somehow, yes. That doesn't have to be a someone with a super model type of body. But, of course, huwag naman yung sobrang heavy-weight.


2. The girl must also be decent-looking, and would know how to dress properly, in accordance with her age! Now I know this is somewhat hard to define, and again, could entail some subjectivity. I guess everyone will understand if I'll put it in the negative. Hwag naman bastusin ang dating. O di ba? Gets na ninyo siguro yan.


Why is this important for me? I'm an executive, and somewhat foreign-looking, and I wouldn't want negative impressions from people, much more my acquaintances, who will look at me if I would be seen dating the girl. Believe this: people here in the Philippines do look and stare. I don't want to be seen with someone who would look like an escort-service girl, or someone who would look like a you-know-what. (No pun intended.) I wouldn't be sincere if I said "who cares what people think?" That's bull. I do care what people think. It's also important. Impressions can make or break any person.


Character and intelligence are on the 2nd chapter of my book. But that will be for another post.

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looks is the first thing youll notice in a girl and it might get you interested in her. having said that pretty girls have less gf materials, the prettier they are, the less gf materials they possess and vice versa. its just an observation of mine.


so if i were you, look for a girl who is not ugly and youll be amaze whats inside her brains and heart.

Edited by BB-8
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Both have much in common and their union will result in a stable marriage. Neither of them needs to make major adjustments to their personality and both are very homely by nature. The sociable Pig is not as sensitive as the Sheep, who may take offense easily.

Where others may see the Sheep’s concern and mothering as possessiveness, the chivalrous Pig will appreciate the gentle Sheep as devoted. Theirs is a warm, intimate relationship between two generous and thoughtful individuals, who are only too happy to make one another the centre of their lives. Thus for once, the compassionate Sheep may do what she does best, without the worry of being viewed as being overprotective.


Pig born on (Jan 27, 1971 – Feb 14, 1972)…(Feb 13, 1983 – Feb 1, 1984)… (Jan 31, 1995 – Feb 18, 1996)


Totoo kaya ito? Try nga natin… PM me… hehe

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