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The Mail Box

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New Operations Manager,


Congratulations for snatching this role. You are new to the company, I see. But please conduct yourself with grace and humility. Do not expect us to change for and adjust to you. There's a reason why this company is one of the best places to work in before you even submitted your application. More to the point, you are an Operations Manager, not a Micro Manager. Let the Team Leads and Managers under you do their job. Do not go about policing people around, as if you can always do a better job than anybody else who has been at it for longer.


With all due respect, sometimes I feel like you should be on a diet. Why? Because you are so full of yourself.



Employee not under you, thank goodness

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Hello ^_^


There's no reason to lie to me. I'm very patient and understanding. I get it, s@%t happens. Just be honest and tell it as it is. Second chances have never been a problem with me. Yeah, I've given more than that before I tell you to f#&k yourself.


Hope you get the day that you deserve.



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make me feel foolish

foolish that my words seem feeble

feeble and weak to express what is real

real enough for you to understand

understand that i am drawn to you

you and your written thoughts

thoughts brighter than sunshine

sunshine that's what you bring



~the unqueenly queen

Edited by Queen Darkeinjel
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To the girl in my 3AM thoughts,


Like a dream, you tip toe into my early morning consciousness

- ecstatically filling my pre-waking hours.

And like a dream, you vanish into the morning light

- forlornly occupying my waking hours

To this evenings restful sleep

- do I dread it or look forward to it... dream no more.


Your 3AM thoughts

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Dear Inspiration,


I'd like to ask you to do come and pay me a visit as I need to be inspired at the moment.


I'm thanking you in advance for whatever lessons that you might decide to impart to me the moment that you flutter into my consciousness.


I'm waiting for the time when you decide to fill my thoughts.



~the inspiree

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