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The Mail Box

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Again and again, we must recall the Two-Step dance of Strategy:


1. What is the best path, given straightened means, to get from Here to There?

2. How do we turn this into a story, a plot, a narrative, that will sell to the people whose help we need?


Thinking of item 1, makes you also consider item 2, and then you check back to see if item 1 is still fulfilled, and so on. A dance, simple and clean.


It's like fcuking - you thrust, then checks how she reacts, you adjust, then check again, until the Dance ends.


It's like life, in general. The ones who can dance the steps faster, get more out of it.


Like you.


Happy Valentine's!

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Yes ... I *know* your INITIALS.


Coz I checked the traffic ticket (that you got while we were making our way to Rosal the other day) ... while you got down to buy condoms at 7/11.


Was BAD form for you to PUMP me a few times ... then PULL OUT & say "I cant DO this".




Well, this SCREW up is ON you ... not me.


I just REGRET that I pretty much JUMPED just coz you asked me to meet you ... even AFTER you DIDNT CUMfirm about our 1pm meeting.


I hoped, EXPECTED and looked forward to getting my brains f#&ked ... but you just GAVE UP, mid way mind you!


Hell! You CLAIM that you're REAL good at GIVING ... you make SURE that the woman is SATISFIED. What happened?


THIS certainly SHOWED you were ALL talk!!!

Edited by Barenaked-NoMre
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My dearest A,


we're two of a kind

when one of us thinks it's warm, the other may be chilly

one likes a wacky TV show, the other thinks is silly

one loves the smell of flowers, that just makes the other sneeze

when one wants spicy mexican, the other wants chinese

a happy couple is bound to have some differences, it's true


we are the exact opposite, but we still have each other...


i'm sorry for the times i hurt you, for the brat and hard headed me

i miss you so much , i love you.




i do not wish to unwrite my past, the pain and joys were so perfect

to make us what we are right now.

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missing you,

i'm living a lie, imprisoned

putting on another disguise

i wanna tear it off and step in the light

don't you, don't you?

you know my weakness that is knowing my secrets

you''re keeping them close, while I'm holding them tight

you know the way to, silently make me smile with your eyes

can't you see, i want to find me.

i really do.


sweet kisses,




Edited by shhhhhh
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