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The Mail Box

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Dearest Teach,



Tomorrow, you know what to do...I trust you.



As for Monday, we've one more ledge to climb, love. You can do it. ('Crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes again for ya').


One more after that, and then we can start planning better. Remember that God will lead us to where we are meant to be.



Your Student

Edited by jewelofthenile
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I am sorry. Terribly sorry. I wanted in, you boxed me out. Being left on the outside was painful and you hadn't the slightest idea what was going on with me. Everyday a piece of me was dying and had it gone on like that it would have reached a point when there'd be nothing of me left--nothing for me to build on, and nothing for you to go back to, either. I decided to preserve myself. Will I stop caring about you? Of course not. In the course of a day memories come to me -- beautiful and happy. I will never forget, and I will never be completely gone. No, I can't do that.


Just here,


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Dear Boss,


I know it will be difficult for you to learn Tagalog but could you please, pretty please, get a good grasp of the English language? I cannot always revised my work every time you misunderstood your professor's instructions. I'm not even supposed to do this for you. Do you know how hard it is to transcribe and make implications for 15 videos with philosophical topics? Do you know? Let me tell you, I eat Plato for breakfast. Aristotle gives me indigestion for lunch. Locke won't let me enjoy my snacks and Kant won't leave my mind during dinners. That's not to mention the terrible headaches every now and then for almost a month.


Straighten up, woman! Or I'll book you a one-way ticket to Indonesia!

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Dear J,


Yes, i shortened your short name. I'm sorry for the drunk messages i sent over last night. I know you wouldn't get to read this but I just wanted to throw it out there. I never meant for you to worry that pretty little head of yours over me. Thanks for caring though. It was just a really rough day and these things shouldn't get to me but it does. I am young and i am not that calloused yet for me to just feel nothing over what happened. I know i should expect this but it was just down right mean for those parents to push their kid into something she's not. I digress.


So thanks again and i hope i get to see you soon. Know that i care for you too.






How was work before i pissed you off?



Can you try to at least not ignore me at some point?

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