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Guest Riveria



As time goes on and we're apart, I think of how things could have been. What we could have said or done to work things through. I would have been more understanding and not so judgmental, more loving and not so hurtful. I would have told you I loved and cherished you more often. That there can never or will ever be another person who I admire like you or who has reached the depths of my heart like you have. I would have told you that I'm so very proud of how far you've come and the things you have accomplished. Don't let our love fade away and our memories be scattered to the winds. It's was nice to see you again...My heart belongs to you and there is nothing or no one that will ever change that. Happy Heart's Day My Only One.



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How will things work when everything that needs to be done means having to move out of your comfort zone? And all of the things that would complete us would require that you make a 360 degree turn from the life that you once had? I am willing to make that 360 turn if you ask me to. I submit to you... remember? Maybe it's time that we listen. Maybe it's time to do things the way they are supposed to be done. That's why you are there and I am here (and about to move to save my sanity). Think. What do you really want?

I don't want to impose them on you because I was never that kind.

You have to do them because you want to, not because you have to.


we're on our way to becoming typical... I guess that the way it really goes... problem is if you'd rather walk the path less taken.


the grand gestures, I admit, have swept me off my feet, but it would require a life changing decision to turn everything around - sadly, they should come from you, because you are the driver who should lead us to the way you want us to go.


The timing is so perfect. What a way to make me remember of the day you promised to give everything up in exchange of having a life with me.


I know that this is just a minor bump. There are people who have done worse, in fact, and I know we'll get through... eventually.


I love you. I just don't like you all the time.






oh... and happy valentine's day.



preggy women of the unwanted kind,


you women just don't know how lucky you are.






you are my numbing drug. let me overdose in you one more time.






I wanna tie that long hair of yours down to your ankle in such a way that it would shove your frickin' head down your sorry ass. Beware of your so called "great moves" because the next move you might be making is to squirm in pain.


I am dead serious.



Edited by BallBreaker
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My dearest husband,


My life has always been strange, and never quite turning out the way I want.

And then you came, and we met in the weirdest of circumstances. I will be

eternally grateful for that fateful day and everything that brought us to that place,

that time together. Thank you for sharing your life with me, and for walking

with me in this scary, lonely, unfriendly world. When everything is confusing,

you are the only thing that remains real. When things don't make sense,

you come and I see meaning and all the chaos fades into the background.

Please be careful with my heart as I too will hold yours with tenderness

and care. Let us brave each tomorrow hand in hand, continue to be there

for each other and inspire each other to be the best we can be.


I love you. Don't ever forget that.



Your woman,




**a repost from my room. I forget YOU never visit it. :blush:

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When the crap hits the fan, and our easy deals have all dried up, you had better find a master of operations, so we can survive on minimal cost and keep everyone employed while hunting for the next sweet deals.


The trouble is, the sales persons who are suited to hunting for sweet deals, have no talent for the brutal practicality of operations. And cannot understand what is meant by efficiency - that necessary means to survival during lean times.


Either we let the efficient leaders take over today - or let the market take over us, after we first lose many of our people.


Starting with you sales guys,

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Take two steps back. You're working too hard that you actually agreed to do a double-shift today.


Are you loving your work too much, or are you afraid of going home too early and facing that weekday void?


Nauuwi na







Can't we enjoy our weekends? It's either you or me who has something work/school-related to do. I miss going outdoors with you, and the three weeks in Canada, alone, will test my sanity.


Give me something to look forward to coming back to. Tell me that you're 100% sure...please...


Crazy Bitch

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Between the two of us, you're the daring one. I'm not a fan of fraternal social organizations but the ideals of scholarship, leadership and fellowship (of the rings?)do have an appeal. So i'd say go for it. Show them the Pinay intellectuality. But make sure there's no paddling involved otherwise your Taliban of a husband just might run amok.


I won't tell mom. Promise.



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Guest Riveria



There are only few that I consider as my real friends here in MTC and even if you don't say anything I know that there's something wrong. It's bothering me every now and then coz I value the friendship. If there's anything that I've done wrong "I'm sorry". I really don't have any idea why both of you suddenly became cold. I must admit that it's hurting me right now. I still hope that I'll be able to bring back the friendship that the 3 of us shared before. Again, if there's anything that I've done wrong....I'M SO SORRY. The 2 of you will remain special and dear to me.



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