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The Mail Box

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Guest Riveria

My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it's surprising how often they head in your direction.


I am waiting and hoping and wishing for the time, when we can be together


Just wanted to let you know... You're in my thoughts... all the time!


My world is lonely when you are not with me

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dear erich segal,


it's good to have known you while you were still alive.


thank you for the wonderful times. what amazing memories

you have left with me.


truly love is never having to say you're sorry.

(whatever the hell it meant to you when you wrote them)


say hello to the love of my life when you bump into him.

tell him everything's fine. as always. and i miss him.


the angels will be glad you're going back home :)


your number one fan on earth,



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Dear D,


Life is full of regrets and one of mine is not having kept in closer touch with the people that i care about, including you and M. It was a shock, reading her letter, to learn of your passing.


These thoughts come too late, but i wish i could have told you that in my book, you and M have been some of the finest, kindest people i have ever had the good fortune to meet. i was a stranger, a young boy, and you and M welcomed me and made me a part of your family.


A lifetime later, the memories of your friendship and generosity continue to warm my heart. The weekends you had me over, even if you didn't need to. You taught me to play bumper pool and you beat me each time for it was a "D wins game;" then years later i came back and showed you a harder version of bumper pool, and i beat you each time. Truly, circles turn and close. And that epic chess game we played. And how could i forget learning to water ski from you guys? In a wet suit, teeth chattering and lips blue from the cold, because it was so late in the fall. Years later, coming up to visit you as a grown man, the first thing you said to me was,"Are you ready?" And down to the lake we went to see if i remembered how to. Oh yes, that same weekend i learned to water ski, C, who was such a gorgeous young thing, had to share a bedroom with me. And M was teasing us, "Will it be safe for these kids to sleep together in the same room?" You simply smiled because, i'd like to think, you knew you could trust me.


i wish i could have told you how grateful i am that you stood as an example of manhood - upright, strong, gentle and true.


i don't have any platitudes for the meaning of your passing and where you have gone. i can only say i'm privileged to have known you as a friend. You, M and your family have enriched my life and made me a better man.


Thank you, D. See you on the other side.

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Guest Serenity12



'twas very difficult to write it all down but... write everything from the heart , I did. Maybe one day I can write down happy memories for a change, not the sad ones that cause me pain. :)





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Guest biancaanne

I get to see the light of day again this week, and all I ever want is to be with you...

and yet, why am I so afraid to ask? (Or maybe I'm just so afraid of being rejected...)

And yet, if you do accept, I wouldn't be capable of looking at you straight in the eye

because I might fall in love with you all over again...

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Guest Riveria



I want us to stay together but with the revelation that you send me I wouldn't think twice to let you go.


This is what you want for me to let go and move on...Well that's what I'm doing now....


I hope this will be the last time that you will be doing that deed...Please have pity to other girls who might fall on your trap.


I'm not mad at you...I was just so disappointed...



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It was fun having you as an online friend for almost 8 months. I learned so much from you. For whatever reason of our silence perhaps implies that we're not on the same page anymore. You know I meant nothing bad about my last few comments... or maybe I was too insensitive to notice. I guess, you despise my being blunt. :(


I'm just a reader and you're like a book to me. You may feel uncomfortable when I tend to be too keen and analytical but you seem to be my favorite book.... always have been.


Like you mentioned, I don't have to say sorry..... for there was no offense taken. Then, I would take your word for that.


Hopefully one day, you would see things my way. I only have one life to live, so I'd rather remain sincere. I still thank you for being nice and sweet at one point in time. I hope I conveyed the same attention too. Please don't say that I'm a bit of unfair. It really makes me sad.


You know, I missed you.






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Guest Serenity12

You did love him in your own crazy way, girl. I see that now, after all these years. Did you know that I met him ? I invited him for breakfast a couple of times and he would go to the hotel coffee shop to keep me company. He always refused to order anything though, not even a cup of coffee. I think he didn't want to take advantage of me and that in itself spoke volumes about the kind of man that he was.


He did love you, though, in his own silent way. He never knew how he could reach out to you since you were always angry, always suspicious of his motives. You frightened him with your need yet you drew him like a magnet with the same need. I know that sounds strange but he always felt protective of you. You knew the power of your beauty and you knew how to lure men into bed yet you felt helpless since he seemed impervious to your charms. He loved you, girl. So much so that he didn't want to have sex with you. Does that sound a bit weird?


Sex for you had always been a weapon. Something you used to render men helpless. Yet by drawing them in, you hated yourself more and more. Because by luring them in, you just proved a point to yourself. That men are after you for your body, for your beauty. He desired you yet he had to find a way to resist the temptation you presented. He wanted to prove to you that not all men are the same, that he was different. And he really was sincere in his desire to help you.


I guess it was too difficult for him. You made it so difficult for him to continue loving you. I never knew what happened to both of you since I lost touch with him. Yet I pray that both of you had your happy endings.


Take care wherever you are.

Edited by Serenity12
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