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Guest Riveria



It was so nice to see you last night. Thank you for spending that special moment with me. By the way, I wasn't able to say how much you mean to me.



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Thanks for staying with me til wee hours, just to make sure that I am safe

It was so sweet of you and so thoughtful.


Thanks for being such a wonderful partner in every way.....

I am so glad I have someone like you

You made me feel that I am safe and protected everytime you are around me :wub:


Your Sweet

Edited by sikret_prend
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Guest Riveria



Sometimes you ask me why I love you and I don't answer. I know you must believe that it is because I don't love you, or I can't think of a reason, but it's just that when you ask me I don't know where to start.



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Guest biancaanne



So this is how it feels to be dead and wanting to feel alive again.


The pleasure is fleeting, yet the memories, enduring.


Look into my eyes. Are they still smiling?


I still remember how our eyes spoke to each other. Now mine either

looks to the sky or the ground, or shine like fool's gold.


Part of this journey is my reunion with a consummate kind of love.


Edited by biancaanne
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Guest lustfortravel

mother of the groom,


i was working but thanks for even offering. :flowers:


i wish i could have warned you that your daughter-in-law-to-be was more like Bridezilla, rather than Cinderella. i know you met her just two days before the wedding and she seemed sweet and nice. appearances can be very deceiving, trust me.


unfortunately, i was just the photographer. so thank you for the offer of a drink but i think you would need it more. :(

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Thanks for being so thoughtful and so sweet!

Pag lapag ko ng manila, ikaw agad ang una kong nakita.

Di halatang masyado mo akong miss ;)


I am indeed lucky to have you!


Loving you,


Edited by sikret_prend
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i was into the freeverse thing after i graduated from college so here's one i found in my old files ^_^



My excuse of a love letter (this is really for you)





Escape; yes escape a very damn hard thing to do. At first I thought that it was an easy thing to do, but when I was there it was then that I realized that it was hard. Not calling or sending an SMS was the key so I won’t endure the pain that I feel whenever I see you, when all that I am is a big brother to you. I will admit, although that is what you feel about me, I still am happy because that is what keeps me inside you, but as a human being who cannot get content with what is given, I gave in. So there goes escape.


I was wondering what it would be like when my faith in relationships is returned?


Well now enough of my ramblings and onto my babblings.


I was a romantic when I was young, but something ugly happened and the young romantic died and in his place a jaded young man emerged, that ugly thing was growing up too fast. I believed in every single love quote and saying about love, but as mentioned earlier those beliefs were buried with the romantic that died.


Now jaded, love is but a hallucination that distracts and offers no refuge for me, as I believe right now. The only thing with the word love that means something to me is unrequited love. Sounds mighty deep, indeed it is and may I add freaking painful, I guess I should know about it because that is what is driving me to write this piece.


Being jaded had its ups, but then again it has its downside which makes one a negative psycho, who in defense always say that it is being practical. I’m getting out of the topic here, so let us end my psycho-analysis of my mind lest I really get out of hand and go berserk.


So there, a short description of what my mind is going through, a short word to describe it is turmoil; my half-baked brain is in turmoil, and I would go bonkers if I don’t say this to you.


Really I’m telling you, after that unexpected meeting I’m having sleepless nights again all because old feelings that I kept locked are flooding right back, and I don’t have the slightest idea on how to tell you about them.


I read something in the internet that said, “Damn if you do, damn if you don’t.” well I think I’d be damned with whatever I do so why not go and just do it eh?


Single by my own choice, that was my front, because of being jaded that was the more practical approach that offers me happiness but no other option. Now I’m eating my words.


I’m not being pretentious when I say that the young romantic is revolting and gives innuendos of love being sweeter the second time around. I guess you’re laughing now because you know me as the type of guy who doesn’t get mushy easily, and would keep things more to himself than tell people about it. But hey, I’m human just like you, and I forgot that I was and thought as a machine for a long time in my life. Well now, I’m here again trying to be human, and feeling a strong human emotion that gets stronger as it is suppressed. Maybe it used the suppression to fuel it, now it is ablaze and the only thing that will stop it is to tell you about it.


I’m a schmuck, I can’t promise you anything big and I’m not the perfect guy, not the sweetest of the lot, not the popular jock, not the handsome dude, not the richest man, and not the coolest star, but I know that I could fake it to make you content.


Maybe now you can see where this is leading to.


I saw a shooting star last night while driving home from the drugstore and, I was just wondering what if we started all over again? I was wondering how wonderful life would be (well that would be in my case, for I know not what you are thinking) with you. I was hoping that you would be the one who would be the answer to my question in the beginning.


But all I can do right now is muse in my thoughts, and say all of this to you nothing more.


Rewind back in time, the time when I asked to hold your hand for you to feel my love for you. Still remember that time? Find it corny today?


If you are laughing now that you’ve remembered it, I guess it is only fair to laugh about it. It was a very old line of teenagers to tell their sweets of their undying love. But now again I am asking to hold that very same hand, to hold mine and accompany me as I hope to earn the owner’s love.

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Why do I feel as if I am having a love-hate relationship with you? I know I should be grateful that more than the paycheck, you give me more reasons to love myself. That with you, I am now beginning to realize my full potential as an individual. Self actualization is something that I sure would want to gain from you. However, there are times that you tend to burn me out. I know you shouldn't be blamed for that since doing more than what is required is out of my own volition, but I do not want and I wouldn't accept what you want me to become. I know I can do that and you've seen me in action, but I am happy with what position I am in now. That is my passion and I know it's something I am good at. Whatever task I can do beyond what is required, just please treat that as a bonus. Don't put pressure on grooming me for something more... I am doing that for the love of the account since I was one of those who suffered the birth pains, not because I aspire for something that I know would corrupt me in the end. The reason why I don't complain to others about you is not because I am trying to look indestructible to those above me, but because I don't really see the need to do that nor even have time for that. I love you, but I am not obsessed with you yet. I won't let you consume all of me and everything else that doesn't concern you. I will do everything I can to make them achieve that goal... not because I have to, but because I want to. Easy lang... Pero kung gusto mo taasan pa yung sweldo ko, OK lang. :)


... don't worry, you still make me happy and you don't have to worry 'bout me leaving. Matagal tagal pa yun, but yes, I will leave you eventually. For the meantime, I know we'll make it through thick and thin. I do have lots to learn, but I'm learning.






Big Daddy,


I so envy you... Human contact at last! Good to know you had fun with the girls and the guy with the flat affect. I also appreciate you respecting the P.M. :P Thanks for being my sounding board as well. My boss should really pay you... you saved her career.


Let's go get wasted... I need that badly. Or maybe we could rob a bank, watch Master Showman live, run for president, or run over innocent cats and dogs instead.


your little pixie wifey






You are so unfair to vertically challenged people.

Now I can't even enjoy the new baby.

Little girls like me could drive big men like him wild, so why not be allowed to drive big toys as well.


You just don't know how you made me sad that day to his delight.


one disappointed little wife

Edited by BallBreaker
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