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The Mail Box

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you don't know who much you stress me out with your UNREASONABLE requests...


imagine, a certification training that usually takes months, you want me to complete in less than 2 weeks?!?!?!


if you want me out, just say so, demmet!




seriously, i'm hating every moment I work with you...


it's just my sense of duty that keeps me here, I know I still have a lot of backlogs...


waiting for the time the backlogs will be cleared,


your stressed out employee



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my one with an E,


i am missing you this morning. i soo missed you when i saw you're bright eyes, sparkling.. how i wish i could give you ONE BIG HUG! :D sorry, boss is here and got too tight deadlines. i'll just have to finish a lot of things.


ikaw ba naman kumuha ng ganitong trabaho eh, di ka pa mamatay?! :lol:


but rest assured, i am enjoying my time.. :) of course, i miss being with someone.. but seeing you're happy just satisfies me. :)

Beeing with JD, Joy and BF-MJ last Sunday was good, it relaxes me emotionally and spiritually.. :) And again, i missed you.


I know it's too early to plan for a bigger future! :lol:.... but i am looking forward to sing the "SONG".. :) Don't let things bother you, just go with the flow... GOD will never give, what you can't take. :)


i'll see you in a few months... :*




you're NOT pathetic driver to be... :P

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Dear Chriz,


Thank you for remembering.

I wanted to greet you last March on your birthday but i just thought that by "me shutting up and letting you be" would be the best gift i can give you. I'm sorry if i didn't. You of all people should know how backwards i use (or not use) my brain. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. And in affairs of the heart, well, let's just say I'm happy too. As happy as you are.


I realized i had a lot of potentials and i know right now, you are happy for me because you KNOW and you can SEE that i am very much contented with my life.


I saw you few months ago.. You looked uhh well, okay. Happy? yeah but you know that "normal" look you have? Pensive? i don't know... go get me a deeper term for that. :lol: ANYHOO, my point is that next time id bump into you, i'd say Hi and maybe give you a good big hug.


Thank you. And yes, i am taking care of myself.


Take care of you too. ;)


I hope one day you'd get to read this.


Your ex-gf and ex-bestfriend,

Angel :hypocritesmiley:

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my head aches as well as my nape. i think i nearly had

a heart attack for being too angry last night, with you,

with your 'walang modong' sister, and with the whole situation.


i'm tired. can't work effectively today. my brain's like

malfunctioning or something. i can't think straight. my

mind's off somewhere. though i know that we're ok, i know i still am depressed.

my manic depression's already eating up on me and what's left of my sanity.


i was just disappointed and frustrated at the same time.


disappointed cause you failed me again. how can you not speak for me

and for our family? how can you not tell them how important it is for a mother

to be advised where her daughter's going and who's gonna be with her?

how can you just stand and watch me freak out because your goddam

sister just won't answer my texts and calls?!


and i was frustrated! coz i couldn't do anything! i couldn't even curse at that

bitch for being so stupid. for chrissake, your daughter was and still is coughing

like s@%t and your arrogant sister just made it worse by taking her to that place!



you know what, i'm not happy. i'm not happy with the way things are going.

i love you but you also have to prove to me and to your children that you

are worth loving. you have to know your priorities be. i can't always please 'them'

and you know what i mean. i also love your family but of course, i love my children



im sorry if i yelled. if i brokedown. if i was berserk.

but of course, my being sorry won't really take everything back.

anyhow, think about what i've told you.

you should. if you want to keep us with you.








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I got a lil worried when i learned you left some letter for me.

I thought you have something scary to tell me. :P


But reading it made me feel goooood...

and your lambing earlier was soooo sweet.

Just so much like you. :)


I don't want to expect too much my dear. But you see, circumstances are making me do so.

The other party is planning everything.

And you know how i want to be pampered like this.

I keep on praying for this. Imagine, i am praying for him....that. :lol:


you will sing that song maria. no matter when, you will sing that song.

And he will personally invite you to do it.

he heard it, and he liked it the way we both liked it. :)


I sooo miss you too.

i miss telling you everything.

I guess, that is why he was jealous that night i looked for you than wanting to touch him. :lol:




You will forever be my best buddy maria. no matter what. :)


take care tonight when you have coffee with the bodyguards. one will guard your car. the other your body. :lol:

on a serious note, i am sure HE is nice. so just be nice to him too. :D

oh, if need be, please drink another cup of coffee for me.

i sure miss the taste of it while sitting in front of you. :)





your one :P

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To the Man i loved most.


The older I get the more I realize I'm a lot like you. And the more I realize that, the more I know it is, by and large, a good thing. I just want to thank you, for instilling the same sort of value in me. Thanks for exposing me to different sorts of things — different ideas, different people, different landscapes. You are a very good teacher.

Sorry about last night,but: it's OK to cry.it's actually a good thing for a man to express his emotions — not to wear them on his sleeve of course, but never to repress them.


I understand you (even more) now


I love you.



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dear fairies of the earthly quest,


to love is to taste a piece of heaven

like a warm breeze that caress your face.

out from the gelid mist of a stormy weather,

it is a breathe of comfort and loving embrace.


to love is to relish the tranquiil moonlight,

so enduring in the serenity of its muted calm.

in the weariness of life's unyielding grapples,

it is the tender hairstroke of a soft and loving arm.


to love is to cherish the fondest of mem'ries,

of bubbling laughter and raptures unsurpassed.

for in the scorching anguish of blinding sun he persists

to arbitrate the turmoils of beguiled tears yet amassed.


to love is to commune with the stillness of solitude,

a respite at the core of dark and gloom above.

for in this silence do worn souls gather strength again,

to come forth and seek the elusive bliss... to love.



the hermit


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