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The Mail Box

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dear mang kepweng,


you're right. you're no mang jose. mang jose wouldn't know how to talk to someone who has a broken heart. you did. andon ka when i needed someone to comfort me. to remind me that i was lovable (still). you cheered me up and talked to me even when you had other important things to do (like talking to the most important girl in your life of the moment.) :) :P sorry 'bout that.


and then the most scariest decision i ever have to make. you were there. you helped me through it. you talked sense to me. i know you were not keen on the idea that i was going to see the "real" mang jose but you showed your support just the same.


you never failed to text me day and night. you must have spent a fortune just on sms alone. the one i love could not even afford to text me once a day but you didnt care. you were there all the way.


that night, last week, i thought was the last time i was ever going to talk to you. i was crying when i was saying "talk to you later" because there might not be a later. i was so sure i was not going to make it. i tried to sound cheerful and brave. i know. very silly of me. but i really did think i was not going to make it. thank God i did. and guess what? who was one of the first person who texted me? yes you. :)


you are one of the sweetest man i know. i thank God and my lucky stars that i met you. ang tadhana nga naman. you lose some and then meet some. i am thankful that i have you in my life right now. i just hope you can stay awhile. marami pa akong drama na madaanan and im sure i will need you there.


i prayed for you, you know. before they put me to sleep. for you to have what your heart desires most. lets just wait and see. it will happen .... :)


and always remember that i will always be here for you. im just a text away. :)


walang sawang nagpapasalamat,

mahalia tajanhari

member of SNNSL



i will have that iriver mp3 ready to be shipped :P

Edited by Heaven
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To All of you..




Nkakapagod din pala... kung sakaling mababasa nyo ito, sana naman ay maisip nyo

na lahat ginagawa ko para sa inyo.. sana magbago na kayo.. kasi nakakapagod

mag ayos ng buhay ng ninyo pero sariling buhay di maayos.. may mga personal

na problema din ako.. wag kayo masyadong umasa sa akin... magtulungan tayo..

at sana... sana... sana lang... sana.. wish ko lang na sana... sana lang...

'wag....... ma....... EEEEEPAL! :P


wala lang mailabas ko lang... yun lang.. :P


From All of me...

Edited by Parental Guidance
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Again by chi-chi


If only I can hear the sound of your voice again

The way you whisper in the cold night's end

You hold me in your arms as if nothing can hurt me

Your face in the mornings I forever want to see


The way you wake me up and kiss my cheek

And tickle me while kissing me it still makes my heart tick

Tapping my back to make me go to sleep

Those are the things that have meanings so deep


But then the time came where you had to let go

I cried and begged you to stay and you said 'no'

You fell out of love and forget the promise you made

"I'll love you forever babe until death's shade"


You left me so quickly and left me with a broken heart

With broken promises and tears that tore me apart

I kept asking myself what were my mistakes

What did I do wrong and put my everlasting love for you at stake


I kept asking myself will he ever come back?

Maybe I should change the way I talk or new things I lack?

But you never did and I keep asking the same question for so long

'Mahal' why did you leave me, where did I go wrong?


Now 3 months have passed and I thought I would be over you by now

But it seems like forever and love for you I still endow

It may be years before you think about me again

But 'mahal' I just want you to know by that time I will still be waiting for you then..

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dear fraulein frankenstein,


that was very touching, indeed. and like i said, you don't know how much that meant to me! :flowers: i don't think i can out do that so i'll just try a point by point attack.


firstly, do keep that "i". the people from "a" would hit the roof if they see me use that in place of the "i"s they've given me but i deeply appreciate it just the same. i also wouldn't want to deprive you of a toy to listen to madonna, sting and the rest of the il postino gang you so dearly love. :P


as for the supplication, you know i did, too... for you. i mean, i called that you'd go thru that smoothly and wake up feeling renewed and relieved of the crippling affliction that's been bothering you for quite some time. apparently, i drew a higher priority number or maybe mas malakas ka lang talaga kesa sa akin dun... or is it the other way around? :lol: at least we now know he picks up the phone. :)


pero, on the contrary, maasim nga eh. that's the whole point of being a tequila garnish. look it up if you don't believe me... unless you want to wager your "i" against my "i"s again. :lol: but don't worry, you're still my tequila shot so you know i'm always nearby... let the the salt come, they are, after all, still part of the essence of the entire drink.


and don't even think i'm burdened by the sms, they're all charged as service inquiries. :lol: keep in mind though that if, at some point, your phone rings with an incoming call from a +63 number that you don't know, answer it with: "hello, apl svc hq, how may i help you?" :lol: .. with the matching accent, of course. :lol: none of that cracking voice i heard last week, ok? and cut your service guy some slack, i think he has you in his heart, wala lang sigurong client na may ipag-charge-jan ng load in your part of the world pa. he'll come around, don't worry :)


but you're right, marami ka ngang kakornihan sa buhay. :lol: i was only worried about the going under part in this last one. matuto ka ng uminom kasi so you can build up a resistance to toxins. the lambanog is still waiting to be shipped, you know. charge nga lang ang duties and taxes sa yo. :lol: and i still hold the position on mel gibson against russell crowe. now more than ever. but like i said, it's your call. i'd still push that you always look at the best of both worlds and let the benevolent taxman worry about the rest.


and don't worry about me. i always manage. you may find those weird posts here and there from time to time but y'know that's therapy for me and i'm glad you're catching-up on the habit... quite beautifully at that. ;)



gorio mambobote

vp for recruitment

samahang naumay na sa libog (:lol:)


p.s. charter president, no! :P

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for love has come and gone, your life was worth more than what you think.

friends will go as well, but you know very well whom to treasure.

you're smart enough to think what's right and wrong..

your sweetness will bring you close to them but they will never know the truth behind those smiles.


pick yourself slowly, coz there's more to come sweetheart

put your feet on the ground like a stake

outline your life like a framework.

don't take too much time... but enjoy the fresh air.. :)


will always be here for you.. :*

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thanks for putting up with me and all my crazy stints,,,

i know i've been this hell of a war freak, ill-tempered bitch

and yet you've kept your cool as always...


so sorry if i'm like experiencing the menopausal stage,,,

i'm just so stressed with work, with our bills, with

our children's safety and with all these partying,,, <_<


i hope you know how sleepless my nights have been

eversince that client told me to call back after 5 days,,,

i just wish that God would speed up the time so i can

finally rest and have a peaceful sleep,,, -_-


nway, my birthday's comin and i just want you to know

that you really don't have to give me anything material,,,

just smile for me always and take care of me and my madness,,


you know how insane i turn out whenever i'm depressed,

frustrated or disappointed,,, you know i rant and cuss like

a raging lunatic especially when stupid people ruin my day,,, :wacko:



so my birthday wish is that,,, :hypocritesmiley:


for you to always stay as loving, as patient and as caring,,,

i know we don't have so much time to bond or just date or make out,,,

but that will never change the love that i have for you,,,



i love you be.





thank you for trusting me again,,,


and of course, for letting me


go out with my mtc friends tomorrow,,,


heehee mwah!







your bembem :*

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uwi ka na, daliiii! please? :cry:


don't wanna go to our condo because it's sooo empty since you're not there.


two days more. :(


thanks for exerting effort to remind me of taking my vitamins and eating and reminding me to take it slow even if you're there, lah.


I hope my lock of curly hair is enjoying it's job of keeping you company there in SG.


I miss you. Can't wait to be cuddled by your hairy arms again. Only by then I'd feel at home.


No pasalubong wanted. I need you back here. Just you.




the one who drove you crazy,





wag ka nang sumulat. mas mauuna ka pa dun. may emayl naman. :D

and go easy on them street foods. hope your brother is taking care of you.








only 6 posts up for grabs out of the 18 noobs? man! tough competition! and I thought I was done with all those laboratory values and pathophysiology and s@%t. I thought this job doesn't require brains... I was wrong. :lol: I just hope my US license doesn't get jeopardized and my other job doesn't suffer with all your demands. And I do hope we'd get what we deserve... if you know what I mean. ;)



little miss spontaneity

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my MC,


for no one can ever take your place..

they could think all the things about us.. :P

but no.. it'll be ewww!!! :lol:


i miss you... i'll be missing you on my special day.. :)

i wish you'd be here to hug me and personally give your gift! :lol:

i love you so much!


i hope you won't get tired of me..

i'll be your guide in your not anymore-so-pathetic life... :D



will always be your 2nd rate trying hard...


MK... :P

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To my dear kakornyhan chatmate NOW,



I appreciate you.

Soooo much.


The small things you say and do to me make me feel really really loved and well appreciated as a friend and as a lover.....errrrr.... as a person. I hope this friendship of ours will last till the end of time.


i care for you so much korny chatmate. :P

I love you so much too.

I miss you a whole lot, if you just know.


I am sorry if i cannot be there on sunday. Or even when you have your celebration tomorrow.

How i wish I could but realistically, I know and i admit it is impossible. :)

I really am sorry.






you oh-so-pathetic-chatmate-NOW






PS: i sooo much want to hug you now. but it was sooo ohhhh nice to see you on cam again. i love you. :wub: :*

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conceited a*****e,




how many times have i told you,

it's not always about YOU, you know???

it's not always about your being magaling,

your being disciplined, your freakin diet,

and your belief that you should be idolized or yet,

your feeling that you are indeed THE GREAT ONE...



for chrissake! you're not really good in everything!

you're a lousy dresser,

your arrogance radiates from you that makes us women scram,

you have a freakin bad mouth for a man that makes me doubt your masculinity,

my gawd, you're a worse nagger than me or any other woman i know for that matter.



i know. i sound mad. angry. disappointed.

but actually, i'm not.

im just plain pissed because of all these nonsensical papansin you make.

not to mention all the stupidity you show and all those

novels about your life that you keep on sending me.

i don't need them.

i don't read a lot anymore.

and i don't really care if the novel is written by you.

specially, if indeed it is written by you, GREAT ONE.


just stop knockin at my door and visiting my place

coz i'm not really happy seeing your sardonic face

or hearing your proud comments.


get out! now.






your karma,


-=not your number 1 fan=-

Edited by angel_dust
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until then

all i have is just a memory of you

that i can hold on to

until then

all i have is just this luxury of time

to wait and think of you

coz you'll be on my mind

until then



The thing about you

Is you know just how to get me

You talk about us like there's no end in sight

The thing about me is that I really wanna let you

Open that door

And walk into my life


And now there's a voice inside my heart that's got me wondering

Is this true, i want to hear it one more time


Move in a little closer

Take it to a whisper

Just a little louder


Say it again for me

Cuz i love the way it feels when you are telling me that i'm

The only one who blows your mind

Say it again for me ....

:wub: :wub: :wub:

Edited by suckmykiss
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