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hey nineteen seventy seven,


i'm curious.


are you or are you not? :)

i'm somewhere in between. leaning towards the i'm not... yet.

your crazy way of reporting your whereabouts, sending sms in the middle of the night and food combination (a lemon and chocolate drink? what were you thinking? :lol:) make me think you really are...


we'll get there ;)


repentant wild child


and for once, this is the right place to post this. undelivered. unless you´re also here :)

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Leslie Corporation,


Thank you for making your Clover Chips much more cheesier & with vitamins.

Try reducing the saturated fat though from 25 grams to a more acceptable level, I may develop a hear condition from eating too much your cheesier Clover chips.


Thank you once again...


Look forward to not hearing from you





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Dear Dad,


Five years today.... could it have been this long already?

I couldn't sleep last night. Were you thinking of me? I felt your love and your presence.

With all the suffering that the world is going through I have managed to be always thankful with what I have because that is what you have taught and shown me.

I kept my promise to you. I took care of my sister and her kids. Help me so I can do more, alright?

Mom is okay, too. She is sick but we promise to be there always for her so don't worry about her.

I miss you. I still cry when I think about what we talked about before you passed on. The ache is still there. I would have thought it would wane but it feels as if it's magnified.

I know you are in His arms so for that I am extremely thankful and happy. But how I miss you.... I promise not to cry as much.


Your Daughter

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dear g_f,



i know this may sound weird


but i appreciate what you did yesterday,,,


it was kinda funny and scary at the same time


but the thing is, you made me realize how


much i mean to you,,, and that made me


smile and think about all those times that you


were there texting me even if it's


already late just to cheer me up and comfort me


because life's too bitchy. ^_^



i know you love me and i feel it.


yet somehow, i'm worried you might get hurt


in the end,,, :(



but i just hope you stay that way ----






sensitive... :wub:



nevertheless, don't love me too much


because love consumes.







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dear a_d,


sometimes things happen for a reason and we just can't figure out why they do.


At this point in time I'm just happy God made a way for me to find you.


People see things differently. What maybe wrong for some may seem okay to others.


But in any case. I just want you to know. I'm happy that I'm part of your life


and I feel blessed that you are part of mine.


I dunno where this journey is gonna take us.


But I wanna enjoy the ride.


I'm here to stay.


You need not worry.



Yours all yours,


Edited by geneticfreak
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lagi tayo nagaaway lately...

because of the things she writes...


and how different they are from the things you tell me...

and i dont know what to believe anymore...


last night was really bad...

and im still mad...

i wish i could say i'll get over it that quick...

but your message did not appease me at all...

i don't know why...

usually it would...


you unregistering will not make a difference...

it's her who has been annoying me...

if you just tell her the things you've told me...

then maybe just maybe things would have been different...


she disgusts me...


Edited by Yavanna
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There are several things you have to know about me, if we are to work well together in this MBA project.


1. I live for work, for ambition. It is my actions and results that define me, and it is the actions and results of others that will define them in my mind. Well written words and fancy pants poetic writing are bullcrap - I can do those too and I am not terribly impressed.


2. These airy ideals of finding the true goodness inside, it is with the heart that ones sees clearly, etc, are all nice, kind, and such pure romantic asswipes. Even if I myself were to marry, it would have to be a politically beneficial marriage, true to long family tradition. For I find happiness in doing what is right, and not in doing what is good. (apologies to F)


3. That said, I only want to work for the more important fields or companies, those at the forefront of developing what can be developed in this misguided country. Please do not make me work for the shampoo and diaper corporations. And all this company work, here and abroad, are mere stepping stones, until I can get me to the country's command bridge and influence a few critical course changes, without the damn enemies know what's happening.


4. The assf*ck Masons have their four truths. Well, I only have my two balls, este, truths: Do we have the right ends? Do we have the right approach to achieve these ends?


Truth, fairness, justice, love? Tell that to Machiavelli, and to the aristocratic founding fathers of successful corporations and countries. What disgusts me no end is this persistent belief that only love, honesty, and truth and suffering can triumph over our enemies. What the f*ck happened to cunning strategy? What happened to brilliant shortcuts? Why are we not fighting using also the dark arts? Frodo himself was unfair, spying about in disguise to deliver deep sabotage from within.


Where are the Frodos today?


5. What does have to do with our project? Know this - I am no democrat. I intend to run this project the way private sector projects are run. I may listen to you, but I run everything top down, all critical decisions mine. There is no democracy. No holds barred, likewise no trickery forbidden. We are already the underdogs here.


6. Yes I am an aristocrat, dammit. And so are you. These masses are looking to us for leadership. And this country is in the way it is because we aristocrats have failed in our duties to lead and educate, and infiltrate and sabotage. And have squeamishly left that dirty game of leadership in the hands of the dirty people. Inflicting pain does not make a doctor cruel. And ability to play dirty does not necessarily make one dirty as well - leadership is not Sunday school, you know. Don't take those old nuns and priests too seriously.


Too much celibacy damages people.


7. When we are done with this project, and you go back to scratching your balls or whatever it is you were doing before you worked with me, you will suddenly realise that, yes, one can start something, and something big too. We are not helpless, really.


I will reserve democracy, consensus management, open forums, and other such luxuries for our successors. For you and me, for today, my friend, there will be no such luxuries - we are by default already the leaders, and must do our lonely duties. A small sacrifice to pay - I promise you great adventure in return.



Edited by LostCommand
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dear you,




i'm ok na... sorry if i made you worry,,,


my manic depression and paranoia started yesterday


after i read all that stuff


[you know what im referring to and what i felt]...


i just didn't want to see myself in that same situation


coz i care a lot about you and i value what we have,,,


i don't want this to end just now and just like that,,, :(




i know i can't love two people at the same time,,


but all i know is that you're in my heart and that


won't change,,, :heart:



you made me realize that there's still someone who can love me


and take care of me even if the odds say that it's not possible,,,


i thank you for it and i want you to know that i really


appreciate everything that you're doing for me,,, as in,,, :blush:



i just want to enjoy what we have at the moment and


yet i also hope that we won't get too attached,,,


again because we both know that there's no future for us,,,


and because i want us to be both ready in case God puts


an end to this,,, -_-



i already told you how i feel about you,,,


so i guess i need not to broadcast it here... ;)



take care always,,,





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dear special you,


i already explained things to you and im glad you listened.


im glad you didn't choose to end it despite what you now know.


i promise you that whatever is in the past will stay in the past


for my present is you. my world is now you.


all that i am is now you.


you are all that matters to me now.


i know its not meant to last


but im just glad it happened.


i now how you feel for me.





yours and all yours,



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Guest killercath

dear "r"...


i love you... and unfortunately still loving you! how i wish things are not complicated... :cry:


i am moving on... its for the both of us!


give me a call... i want to here your voice! :cry:


--------------> "c"

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once i tried writing a letter to you

you. my past.

you. my future.

you. who always said this was forever.

you. who promised to never leave.

ever again.

piece by piece i am taking out memories

knowing that i am helpless against myself

trying to forget.

i will never forget

but i know someday


i will get there

just wait and see...

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You can never run away from the truth that you were betrayed because you betrayed her first.


She's moving on with her life, so you should move on too. And stop using our friend as your meantime girl. You're setting her up for a lot of hurt and pain. We both know that she deserves someone better.


Think about that annulment very well and give everyone a chance at happiness. I'll help you look for a lawyer, should you decide that you'll need one.


All the best my dear friend. Thanks for the constant reminders. I'll let you do that paps smear, if you want. Hahaha!

Edited by mwah
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