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that was the best news i've received this week...

been thinking about it since you told me but i just didnt want to constantly ask about it given it's a big deal and i didnt want to pressure you into thinking about it the whole time as well...


i miss you too...


be good!











i wish we got closer a little sooner...

i realized i missed a lot not having known you well long before you know...

ill edit that which you gave me tomorrow...

hopefully, you can give a seal of approval by monday or tuesday...

although i know you'll be very busy then because of -----

good luck... ;)


anyway... with that last thing we talked about...


there's a reason for everything...

don't be depressed about how things worked out...

God has better plans...


please try not to be sad anymore...


dito lang ako...


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I came to you today just to see you and spend some quality time with you. Even if you said you can't meet me coz of this and that... but, my gut told me to go still. And what a revelation it was. At first i thought it was just an office mate, i never thought of you confessing afterwards there's something more to it. You could have broken up with me first than flirting with some lowlife who knows you have a bf. You betrayed my trust. I thought you were different and honest. All those five years we spent on and off together amounted to nothing but betrayal. I could never forgive you. I couldn't feel anything from your embraces and kisses a while back that's why i moved away. I loved you and everything i have worked for was for all the best and for you. If you really choose to be with him, goodluck, as i've said a while ago, i so believe in karma. I so believe in God its like that He whispered to me to go there and witness something i do not deserve. I am thankful i followed that gutfeel ... all the while its only a woman's intuition that exist... there's such a thing for guys... Of all the heartbreaks i have endured, seen, felt... the stabbing sensation a while ago wasn't all that painful anymore... what i feel now is that, how could i have been so stupid and trusted you like that. I may not be able to spend all the time, but when it comes to that, all that i can muster i give to you. I can never look to anyone like you anymore, nor look at women the same way. It may take a while but as of the moment, i feel so numb. Men don't really cry but i guess we hurt in a different way. An old dog like me, don't have the audacity to pillage in the conquest of other real MEN. If you so far choose him, I am not the lesser man. Although, some may say i should fight for my love for you, but it is you that's giving that love away already. If you so far want to be in the arms a marauder then all loyalty and respect i withdraw hereon. On my shield i shall go. Its time to let go.






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I just recently saw your "new" nose. Seriously, why did you do it? <_< You were fine then... Now look at you? You are a millimeter short of being the evil witch with a long nose and s@%t...


i love you A i just wish you could love yourself too.



Anne :)

Edited by dixiechiq
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Now its finally over, i have my closure. It was weird it ended like this, but i believe God meant for it happen so that the truth will come out. Ever have i known i wouldn't have forced myself to continue on but now that i know the entire truth about your indiscretion I am contented to end it. I am numb and somewhat happy on one note knowing that i'm not the only you fooled. Regardless, its not worth my time and effort to attend to this kind of matters anymore. Its totally pointless and cheap. Who am i kidding? This is really a waste of time knowing what the real deal is. I admit i was all too trusting again. But i guess oh, i believe, karma will always play its part in anyone's life. It is just a matter of time. You will feel the same in the near future. I won't take you back, nor even consider it. I have a new life thanks to this occurrence, and i believe it is for the best. It is something that i know that is, or shall i say make me a better person, on one hand, makes the both of you fools to the deepest level. Even if you were able to play your game, in the end, i eventually won. The misery is no longer with me, as the realization of your infidelity clears, my freedom from you surmounts and sets me free on one hand, leaves you with someone you betrayed as well. It is a bittersweet victory for me. You may have each other... but to what means? I on the other hand relish in the fact that i have cleansed myself and remained valiant. I am the better man. I am the one who is free of all the abomination of your betrayal... i was not the one fooled... you fooled yourself... for every moment you'll be spending with him, you'll remember me, the one you betrayed, you will feel that tug in your heart that will haunt you for the lifetimes you'll have. I'll relish on the fact that at the back of your mind i am there haunting the both you and cursing you til the unending echoes in your head reminds you of what you have done. All of that is all too gratifying for me. I just wish you could have replaced me with someone who is more of me... you totally downgraded yourself. The last laugh will be mine... to relish, to echo... to haunt you... you will never have your peace, while on the other hand i already have mine. What sweet victory it is.

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to my soul sister,


thank you. i know you're always with me in spirit. :P

yeah.. the previous week was crazy. i'm glad things went well. i would still say life is so great.

i came to realize who the genuine people are. i became to realize to love more than i usually do.

i hope you'll get over things well soon........ for good.


................................. there are some things i can't mention here...


but i'm sure you already know what i'm thinking.. :rolleyes:


i miss you too,

baby sister :*

Edited by _Honey_
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bakit ganun? as much as i would like not to care,


wala e,,, nagpaparamdam ka pa rin kasi uli,,, <_<



why do you like me to just stay and


wait for you,


understand you and what you're going through,


love you,


when in the process of doing so you know that


you're hurting me a 100%?



why don't you just leave,


let me be,


and live your life without me in it?


kesa sinasaktan moko,,,


hmp. unfair.



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