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The Mail Box

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Guest chunky

I fell into my own trap,


Yet I still have to let you go.


It goes without knowing


how I feel for you so.


I might have taken back


the keys to my door


but the keys to my heart


you've kept all the more.


I'm so sorry for what I did,


I have pushed you away.


But if it was to love me one last time


I can't let you stay.


I'll be moving on


even though I'm standing still.


For the void that's left in my heart


Only you can fill...

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Dear Dad,


It's almost two years now since you left us. I miss you sooooooooo much. But I have to be happy coz I know you are where you are needed. You had to go home and we are not supposed to question why.


Don't worry.. we are taking care of Mom as we promised. I rarely get to see her but we do talk on the phone.


It's just so hard to start over. So difficult to accept that the life you planned would suddenly and drastically change without you having a hand in anything. You know how much I hate it when things don't go as planned. But I have to make do.


I have new friends now. I haven't been looking for them and yet they fall into my lap everyday.


Thank you for molding me into the strong woman that I am now. Thank you for teaching me everything that I know. Thank you for planting in me the courage to move forward despite the hurdles and to never look farther than the first few meters so that I can keep an eye on the potholes I need to maneuver around.


It's almost my birthday and the few things that I miss is that no one ever beats you to greeting me first on that day even as we knew that you were so forgetful of dates. You were a good Dad. You may have your faults but you were the greatest Dad on earth.


I hope I make you proud..... I love you...... please whisper to God's ear for me. Tell Him that we do love Him and we are happy that you are with Him now.


And Happy Father's Day............. :heart:



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