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Love? I leave that to the idle ones.


Those with more battles to handle and more situations to control than hours in a day, simply have better things to do.


Broken hearts? I leave that to the weaker ones.


Those with many friends to help out and have complicated lives to follow, simply have no tears for another, who is merely one person in 6 billions.


Have you no fierce ambitions? Have you no burning dreams? Have you no life to plot with? What happened to changing the world and contributing society, or at least the bits that you could reach?


Are you now needy of the affections and understanding of some person? What an achievement!


How important is that person anyway, in the greater order of things? Is he one of those who will help many others? Or is he merely another person content to spend time pursuing of the affections and understanding of another mere mortal? A near-total waste of talent that could have been gifted to other men who would put them to some use?


Surely you were put into this world for some better purpose. Surely there are many things more important than one's mere "heart".


Love? I leave that to the fat-ass rear echelon f*ckers and to the career babymakers. The front liners are too busy doing their jobs like they are supposed to.


Love does not run the world, save for a few long dead poets. Do not make love run you.


Unless your planet is named Mills and Boon, little gal.

Edited by LostCommand
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You finally woke up old man! I'm so happy this nightmare is over! I've been crying a lot lately, but today is different. I'm crying because it's finally over, the bitch is gone. I hope she never comes back. I hope you finally realize we don't really need her. You have us, your family. We're here for you, always.



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I duno ... I may be falling.


You dont make it HARD ... you're a sweet, kind and CUTE man. :-)


I just dont hear from you as often. I just have too much time on my hands to think CRAZY thoughts and am also emotional/stressed about my situation. Not a good combination.


My past with MEN havnt been good or great. You're the only one who's treated me well ... like a WOMAN, respected.


I hope to be occupied SOON ... so that I dont cause anymore stress on you with my woes and rantings.


You need time and space for yourself ... your own stuff. I respect that.


Hope despite everything ... you'll still be there.



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Riches come and go. Pockets do bulge and flatten. Egos come crushed and inflated.

Careers subside and rise. In all these, love follows their ebb and flow. To shunt it aside and kick it to the sidelines would render every success hollow and every defeat more bitter to swallow. Half of women could be bitches but hopefully some small percentage can be angels. We do not let the bitch half dictate what we view of love....I always wake up with the bright hope that who I have is an angel.

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A VILLAGE called EARTH.......


IF Earth's population was shrunk into A village of

juz 100 ppl with all da human ratios existing in da

world still remaining--What would tiz tiny,diverse

village look like ?


57 would B Asian

21 would B European

14 would B from da Western Hemisphere

8 would B African


52 would B female<->48 would B male

70 would B nonwhite<->30 would B white

70 would B non-Christian<->30 would B Christian

89 would B heterosexual<->11 would B homosexual


6 ppl would possess 59 percent of da entire world's

wealth,& all 6 would B from da U.S

80 would live in substandard housing

70 would B unable to read

50 would suffer from malnutrition

1 would B near death

1 would B pregnant

1 would hav A college education

1 would own A computer



Think of it tiz way->If U live in A good home,hav

plenty to eat & can read~U r A member of A very

select group.& If U hav A good house,food,can read

& hav A computer~U r among da very elite.If U

woke up tiz morning with more health than

illness~U r more fortunate than da million who

won't survive tiz week.If U hav never experienced da

danger of war,da loneliness of imprisonment,da

agony of torture,or da pangs of starvation~U r

ahead of 500 million ppl in da world.If U can attend

A church meeting without fear of

harassment,arrest,torture,or death~U r

fortunate,more than three billion ppl in da world

can't.If U hav food in da refrigerator,clothes on ur

back,A roof overhead & A place to sleep~U r richer

than 75% of tiz world.If U hav money in da bank,in

ur wallet,& spare change in A dish someplace~U r

among da top 8% of da world's wealthy.If ur

parents r still alive & still married~U r very rare,even

in da United States.If U hold up ur head with A

smile on ur face & r truly thankful~U r blessed coz

da majority can,but most don't.If U can hold

someone's hand,hug them or even touch them on

shoulder~U r blessed coz U can offer healing

touch.If U can read tiz message,U r more blessed

than over 2 billion people in da world that can't read

at all....



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I can't understand you; you probably can't understand me. I don't know what you want; you probably don't know what I want either. At this point all I can tell you is I don't want to be involved in that game; I hope that was clear to you from the start. So, what now? I don't know. We would have to figure out what we want first and then talk about it; if we still would like to talk about it, that is. Until then, it would be best to step back.


Til our paths cross again.



Edited by Icee_1
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this is an undelivered mail. and this may not reach you because one, you don't go to this part of the site, and two, you may not have friends who go to this part of the site.


i apologize because your insensitive joke has caught me at the time when i could spit fire and venom on any hapless individual who would dare cross my path.


i know that this is an adult site. and i'm tempted to define for you what "adult" means because i think it has escaped you. adult is not only about sex. adult is not only about saying what you mean anytime you want to anyone anywhere. in fact, that last is not adult - it is childish and uneducated.


oh, yes. i am aware men and women can get easy lays here. but in my 6 months of being a member, i realized, you could get more than that -- even here.


at mtc you can commune with intellectuals. you need only be one yourself. or they'd eat you alive. you can't pretend. they'll smell you. you can't be an airhead, they'll burst you.


but you don't have to be intelligent to be a little sensitive, a little considerate. unless of course, if you're a dickhead. in which case, you belong to an assh*le.

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WOW! Didnt figure you to be a SNOB. To see you today and have you pass by my table and ignore me ... that says a WHOLE lot about the kind of person you are.


To also witness you in "ACTION" ... well, that's the kind of guy you are.


To think I was impressed and even thought "priviledged" to have been with you.


I was dis-illusioned but your height, skin tone and demeanor.


Another one ... to "charge" to SEXperience.



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thank you for letting me be, for giving me space. there are things you need to know. but not yet. i am not done sorting out those that need to go from my systematized chaos.


contrary to what you once said, i know what i want. but you know what my real problem is? i don't know where to get it from. but the even bigger problem is i'm down with two options. and both are good.


please, wait for me until i have learned a lesson from this. don't hold my hand, i can manage.



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almost. but not quite.


i almost lost you again

precious bundle

gift from the gods

my reason for being


life seems to

conspire against us

but i wont let it

get in our way


we have

the rest

of our lives

to live


i'll hang in here

if you promise

you will too.

i love you.


more than

you can




by some miracle.

Edited by Wyld
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when you came into my life,i was staring across the table.i never looked your way but you walked towards me and held my hands.


yes,i remembered the dance.i watched the people grooving on the scarce floor.i told myself 'what am i doing at the center of the crowd with you?'


i met you that night.i was indifferent.i have to admit,flattery was present because of your persistence and kindness.


until now,it is still you and i after all you did for my sake.the story of us,i don't know if there would ever be.i am sure about one thing though,i cannot bear the thought of losing you.pardon me,i never answered back with 'i love you.'


the good thing is we are still living.


:) :) :)

Edited by lovelybabe
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dec 25, 2004


i loved you much but the feeling is now gone.i abhor lying,i cannot do it anymore.maybe,we are better off as strangers again in each other's world.


in spite of us ending this way,i want you to know that everything i said was real.and,i have no regrets whatsoever.


thank you for stopping over in my life.


:( :cry: :wacko: :)

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how dare you talk about me and my life as if it were a common commodity in a public market?


you do not know me and have no idea who i am and what i am all about, yet you have the guts to make those sweeping proclamations about what i have done and not done in my life.


you may be smart and you may have it all but ... there is something you do not and will not ever have, and that is my respect and my trust. if you think that acting all "concerned" about me will hack it, then you have another think coming.


you do not fool me, with your sweet winning ways. i have seen right through you. manipulative little twerp.


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Ramblings and unanswered questions


It's winter once again in my heart. And the cold is creeping, enveloping, consuming me. The warmth I thought I felt before was a farce; the feelings I thought I had developed were just dreams. The happiness and the peace of mind that I thought I had are now just memories. And now, the harsh reality of my life I must face. Alone? Perhaps; but hopefully, not.


I realized that it's love I am obsessed with; and that I am not in love. Good? Maybe so, my friends and my family definitely think so. Yet, funny thing is, I still need someone to keep me warm, to hold me tight, and to stave off the loneliness that comes unbidden at night.


What do I do now, now that I feel I am incapable of love; now that my heart has been rent and torn to a million pieces, time and time again; now that persons who claim to love me have judged me as if they did not know who I am and what I am capable of? What do I do now, that the persons closest to me feel I should keep myself cloistered until everything has been undone? What do I do know that I find myself unable to even begin the process of undoing everything? Why do I rush, they ask; do you have someone new in your life? Truth be told, there is no one in my life right now; but, I don't think it would be wise to wait until then before I start to do something about my mistake.


They do not support me in my decision; they feel that I should grin and bear it and that we should pretend that everything is all right. But, although I love them immensely, I want to start loving myself too. I don't want to be miserable, and I know that grinning and bearing it will make me miserable, hardened, and cynical; it will make me a person I don't want to be. Yet they feel that since I have chosen wrongly, I should suffer the misery that comes with such wrong choice. But, have I not suffered enough? Should we not correct the mistake, since there is a possibility of doing so? Am I selfish in thinking about my happiness? Should I do what I feel would make me happy, or should I do what would make other people happy, and be contented with the happiness that I had given them?


Maybe my family and friends are all right; maybe I should not even entertain the notion of love, or of like, as the process has not yet even begun. Maybe I should not socialize, and should keep my head buried in the sand for the shame of what has happened. Maybe I should just keep myself locked up at home, and suffer the consequences of a wrong choice I made several years ago. Or maybe I should just up and go off to a foreign country, to search for myself, to start anew, to do all the things that they had dreamed for me, yet I have been unable to do because I made my wrong choice.


What do I do now? Where do I go? To whom do I run for succor and support?


I know I have my family and friends, who have seen me through the ups and downs of my life. Yet, I still long for someone special to hold my hand through this. I wish I had someone special who will protect me when the going gets tougher than it already is. I wish I had someone special who will be there for me and talk me to sleep when the pain is unbearable. I wish I had someone special who will bear my problems with me as we struggle through life together.


But that is all wishful thinking. I know now that I am alone, and that I will be alone for the long haul. That that someone special is a dream, and will remain a dream maybe until I am old and gray.


Since these problems have not killed me yet, then maybe they will be good for me, and will make me stronger and better. Maybe I will turn out to be a loving, generous, caring and warm individual of whom my loved ones will be proud. God willing, I will emerge from this a warrior who cannot be fazed by anything. God willing, I will emerge victorious. God willing...

Edited by Icee_1
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