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You really got to me last night with your call&SMS ... so I did as you wanted, BETTER. I made the ENTIRE "album" viewed "Only By Me" ... actually, ALL the albums where you guys are in.


Will NO LONGER take "family" photos ... what the BLOODY hell for?


You're ALWAYS censoring what I post!


Am a 40 year old already ...


Yes, you ALWAYS *hurt* me this way.


Weird, for JDGH ... you dont meddle in her online activities. Why mine?




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A king may move a man, a father may claim a son, but that man can also move himself, and only then does that man truly begin his own game. And remember that howsoever you are played or by whom, your soul is in your keeping alone, even though those who play you be kings or men of power.


When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus," or that virtue was not convenient at the time. This will not suffice.


Remember that.


-The Kingdom of Heaven

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A king may move a man, a father may claim a son, but that man can also move himself, and only then does that man truly begin his own game. And remember that howsoever you are played or by whom, your soul is in your keeping alone, even though those who play you be kings or men of power.


When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus," or that virtue was not convenient at the time. This will not suffice.


Remember that.


-The Kingdom of Heaven




here's the leap of faith.








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i woke up from the same dream:

falling backwards,

until it turned me inside out.


now i live a waking life

of looking backwards;

a model citizen of doubt.


until one day i had enough

of this exercise of trust.

i leaned in and let it hurt,

and let my body feel the dirt.

when i break pattern, i break ground.

i rebuild when i break down.

i wake up more awake than i’ve ever been before.


still i’m pinned under the weight

of what i believed would keep me safe.

so show me where my armor ends,

show me where my skin begins.

like a final puzzle piece

it all makes perfect sense to me…

the heaviness that i hold in my heart belongs to gravity.

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It was difficult to have seen you in the state you were in last night in the ICU ... :(


I know that your family (your 5 boys & husband) are doing the BEST they can for you DESPITE your diagnosis.


We can only PRAY for you ... that He take you WHEN it is His time to do so. Or when you're READY to leave this PHYSICAL world.


We are praying for you & the family, Tita.


H family

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Don't give me that look. You know as well as I do that you share part of the blame.


First, when I said we needed to put in extra time on our project, I meant real work needed to be done. Data to be analyzed. Graphs to interpret. Reports written. Right. It doesn't help much when you insist on plugging my ear with your earbuds even though I don't understand a single word of French. Yes, it's really haunting. No, we're not going to dance! How can you be sure we're the only ones left here. But how can I resist when you're already pulling me up from my seat? My right hand clasping your left, the left hand on your waist. Your face burrowed on my chest, my chin resting on your head. And as we shared your earbuds, in the silence of the glass-wall enclosed space, we swayed.


Second, you know I can never say no to sushi, especially when you keep shoving chopstick-full of small bundles of exploding flavor in my mouth. How did you discover this place? Snuck away in the bohemian part of town, I thought this area was only haunted by banker types eager for beef protein smashed between toasted buns. Two, three Sapporo's, just sloshed enough to find our way back to the train station.


And third, you know how I hate goodbye's, most especially with you. Never mind the fact that it's only a matter of hours before I see you again. It's the suspicion that if I take the same train taking you home, then chances are I'll end up staying for the night. As it is, people are still talking about THAT episode in the meeting room a couple of weeks ago. So what more when they see us coming to work together, and me wearing the same clothes as the day before. Not a good idea. Not yet, at least.

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Again and again, we must recall the Two-Step dance of Strategy:


1. What is the best path, given straightened means, to get from Here to There?

2. How do we turn this into a story, a plot, a narrative, that will sell to the people whose help we need?


Thinking of item 1, makes you also consider item 2, and then you check back to see if item 1 is still fulfilled, and so on. A dance, simple and clean.


It's like fcuking - you thrust, then checks how she reacts, you adjust, then check again, until the Dance ends.


It's like life, in general. The ones who can dance the steps faster, get more out of it.


Like you.


Happy Valentine's!

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Yes ... I *know* your INITIALS.


Coz I checked the traffic ticket (that you got while we were making our way to Rosal the other day) ... while you got down to buy condoms at 7/11.


Was BAD form for you to PUMP me a few times ... then PULL OUT & say "I cant DO this".




Well, this SCREW up is ON you ... not me.


I just REGRET that I pretty much JUMPED just coz you asked me to meet you ... even AFTER you DIDNT CUMfirm about our 1pm meeting.


I hoped, EXPECTED and looked forward to getting my brains f#&ked ... but you just GAVE UP, mid way mind you!


Hell! You CLAIM that you're REAL good at GIVING ... you make SURE that the woman is SATISFIED. What happened?


THIS certainly SHOWED you were ALL talk!!!

Edited by Barenaked-NoMre
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My dearest A,


we're two of a kind

when one of us thinks it's warm, the other may be chilly

one likes a wacky TV show, the other thinks is silly

one loves the smell of flowers, that just makes the other sneeze

when one wants spicy mexican, the other wants chinese

a happy couple is bound to have some differences, it's true


we are the exact opposite, but we still have each other...


i'm sorry for the times i hurt you, for the brat and hard headed me

i miss you so much , i love you.




i do not wish to unwrite my past, the pain and joys were so perfect

to make us what we are right now.

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