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The Mail Box

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Dear Teach,


I know that there's been so much going on around us lately. There's me being busy at work, out of the country, and back and forth. There's your brother's passing away, and the hustle and bustle of the wake and family members arriving and leaving. That's a lot for us to take. And yet, these things have brought our relationship to a whole new level. I am praying that we can stay strong, faithful, and loving to each other until it is our time to finally rest. I love you, dear. You're one of the strongest men I've ever met. Hang in there.



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I thought during our conversations, you at least knew how I think and what my current situation is, so when I said I needed more moolah before I met up with your, what I meant is that AT LEAST, I want to split whatever expense we were gonna accumulate on that day... I don't want to be a burden to ANYONE, especially you... did not mean to turn up my nose on you, coz that, I never do...


and besides, the invite was made jokingly, and forgive me for being damn dense, but I took it as a joke, but admitted that I WANTED to meet up, I just want to be able to at least pay for what I eat or drink, if I can't treat you out to a good dinner...


Guess you don't know me that well, and frankly, I realized I don't know you that well either...


hope you'll be happy


the panda that just got the jolt of his life

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My dear A--


I know you're hurting, but that you so desperately want to believe. That you so desperately want to trust in that which you have. I feel for you, and desperately want to believe for you, but please remember that in this there are no guarantees, no certainties that things will work out the way you hope it will. MAGTIRA KA PARA SA SARILI MO. These things very rarely have a happy ending.


Believe me, I know.


Your dear friend.

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Dear You,


I’m finally turning in after a long, long day. Not that I’m complaining, because I got quite a bit done, and I’m finally getting the rhythm just right. I’m starting to find that things are becoming easier now-- I smile more often now, laugh more often now, and I hope I’m starting to lose the perpetual sadness in my eyes.


See, I was starting to think that it was pointless to still think of my dreams, that maybe, just maybe, they weren’t mine to dream of after all. That I was so smug to think I knew what I wanted, only to find out too late that I wanted something completely different after all. Now though, I am starting to dream again, and believe in those dreams. Of what I am, of what I can be. Who I can be.


I am finally learning that much as I would like to, I cannot control everything, measure everything. That some things are beyond even the wildest of my imaginings, that so many surprises, good and bad, are waiting along the way. I am learning to not be too hard on myself, to not kick myself time and again for not accomplishing the goals that others and I have set for myself lifetimes ago, and instead make new ones, aiming to simply give it my best shot and leave it at that.


I am learning that little as they may seem, the things I am doing right now do matter, and that in one way or another, I affect other people’s lives.


Here’s a little secret though: You my darling, are the key to it all.


So today, I celebrate you. The good, the bad, and everything in between. Today I celebrate the darkness, and the light shining from you. The beauty, both inside and out, that I see when I look at you, that I can only wish you saw when you look at yourself in the mirror. Today, as with every day, I celebrate the wonder of you and your love.


I am looking forward to the future, imagining where I’ll be in 5, 10, maybe 20 years even.


I can care less as to the actual logistics of things, but I can only hope it will be with you.


I love you, my dear, darling, silly boy.



Your silly little girl.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear K,


You really are my best friend. It was great talking to you yesterday. It's been awhile since I've been able to be myself and be in the presence of someone aside from my family and my partner, whom I can be comfortable with being my good old self.


We're lucky to have found the men in our lives right now. And you're right, they are our rewards in as much as they are our pieces of redemption from a not-so-perfect past.


As I have began to purge unnecessary people and circumstances in my life, I will never forget what we learned from Fr. E back in college: "Today is the beginning of the rest of my life." Thanks for pointing out that the day Teach and I fell in love was the beginning of the rest of my life.


I wish you lasting happiness, dear friend. I will never purge you from my life.



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9 yrs ago, so much has changed. I still think about you every day or night, not because I’m longing for you.


I know this is what I wanted; this is what I asked from you. A space and time for myself. To do the things I want to do. I want to focus on my career, and I can’t do it if I’m in overtime, set up, or out of town and you keep on bugging me every 30 minutes asking what I was doing and when or what time will I go home. I want to spend time with my family, without you even being our driver. I want to spend longer hours with my friends. I don’t hang out with them that often, I rarely see them, and whenever I could, you are with me. Whatever happened to the so-called “girl talk” or “girls night out”?


I’ve been praying that one day, the papers of the two cars will be released. It should be transferred to your name already; it’s been a long time.


I wish that you will soon realize that sharing your finances with your new gf shouldn’t be done by impulse. Do you still remember that you lost your money (which you loaned from a bank, and the bank was chasing you for the monthly payment?) when you put up a business with her? (I was still your gf that time and she was your business partner then) You lost over a simple decision of buying a stupid roller iron. She took out your spine, spent your money and went ahead to buy that iron. In the end, you didn’t get the client and the iron is sitting in the corner, useless. Do you still remember that your current gf borrowed money from your father? And she was giving out bouncing cheques.


I saw her at the train station few weeks ago. I followed her even if we will not ride the same train. That second, I want to feel and I want to be awake that she exists. And yes, she is so real, right in front of me. She didn’t recognize me, like what I’ve said, so much has changed. She looks better by the way.


I met your good friend. I heard news about you. You bought a condo unit... with her. The worst part is, you mistakenly bought something you guys didn’t like. Then you bought a second unit, and now you guys are paying for 2 freaking units! Your friend told me, even if you aren’t complaining; you are having a hard time on your finances.


You are the only best friend I ever had, wake up. Marry her if you love her but don’t pressure yourself to buy her the things you thought you need as a couple. (Yes you need a house, pero wag mong pilitin kung di mo kakayanin ung monthly amortization!) I know you have plans, be on top of it. Don’t let her rule. Be practical, spend wisely, and think straight.


I can’t do anything about this. I guess I’m venting out. We have separate lives, two different worlds. I’ll keep on praying for you.

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Guest Riveria

I have been trying to reach you with no luck. I am posting this so hopefully one day you will find it, although I doubt you will. Maybe I will get lucky and someone we know will see it and tell you about it.


I know that things between us went terribly wrong. I want to fix them. I am not pointing fingers or placing blame on anyone. I just want to fix them. The last night we spent together was something I have needed for so long. I wish it would have never ended. I thought seeing you again would make me nervous but it felt as it always has. It felt like coming home again. It felt natural and calming.


I know we are no longer a couple but I wish we were. I have always been there for you and nothing will ever change that. I still love you more than anything in this world. I hope that someday, this will find you. Until then I will keep trying and hoping for the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Betrayal of Trust


The first question that comes into my mind is - Why, have I not been a good friend?



I will not hide the fact that I am deeply hurt by the things that you have done. I know how you are but it was never an issue to me because I never imagined that you'd find the audacity to do it to a friend - if you did consider me one. Who was always there for you when you needed somebody to talk to because you had a fight with your bf? Who visited you when you got hospitalized? Who offered her house when you were thinking of moving out of your house because you were having this nasty fight with your family?



For all it's worth - hope you're happy with what you have done. If you're happy talking about somebody else's life other than minding your own business then go ahead. But remember this - life's a bitch. What goes around, comes around.



It would have not mattered if it you were just somebody else but then I have treated you as a friend and it takes a lot more effort to just forget about it. I know the best thing to do is just walk away - move on and charge it to experience.



My life had always been an open book. I have always laid my cards since it's not in my character to pretend to be somebody that I am not. I am not proud of my past but it doesn't make up everything that I am now. I may have 2 kids fathered by 2 different men, but that doesn't make me a whore. At least, I stood on my own, faced the consequences of my action and took the sole responsibility of looking after and providing for my two lovely kids. Now if on you're book that's unclean and we are gonna be talking about morality here - take a good look at yourself first.



I have gathered a lot of friends through the years and they can attest to what kind of person I am. I am not the type to judge a person for what they are,have been or will be or for whatever they do with their life. I simply offer my friendship with arms wide open. I value friendship like I value family. I am not the type to just walk away unless I've been lied to. For you to judge me based from the things that I told you is simply sooo low - you really had to stoop down to that level just for what? What do you get out of it? What i told you - I told you in confidence. Hoping that you understood what I was going through . You proved me wrong.



So they say he who has not sinned cast the first stone. If you are so clean yourself and you think you don't have any inch of sin, then go ahead cast that stone.



I am so done with you.


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  • 4 weeks later...

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