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i've said this before. You have got to let go, if only for your own good. Frankly, it's stupid to keep beating your head against that wall. Look, i know you really did fall in love with her and she's a wonderful person, but i'm afraid you were just passing scenery as far as she was concerned, i'm sure i've told you that already. It's simply the stage of her life where she's at. Whatever feelings she may have had for you, all of that is gone. Kaput. Face the fact, painful as it is, you ended up as roadkill. Happens to all of us. And if you really do love her, you'll keep doing so without wanting anything in return, even if you're out of her life. But for God's sake, move on with your life, brother. You owe it to yourself.

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To the One who has Brought me Back to Life,


You do not do

What others seem to do


intentionally wrong.

You do not see

What others seem to see

in me...

ugly, in, outside of, around me.

You forget.

You fall with me.

You walk, run, jump with me.


You do not do

what others do.

You are not who they are.

You are not what they are.

You do what you need to do

because you love

purely, deeply, passionately.





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Guest Serenity12

You know, I actually pity you. Are you that insecure that you can't bear seeing me look fabulous last night and you just had to make catty remarks? Tsk, tsk. If you must know, I like making men's jaws drop when I walk in the room. If looking at me makes you feel bad about yourself, then why don't you do something about it for a change? Talk is cheap. ;)

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Hank and Karen


You are both breaking my heart...... I kinda like the love you have for each other it makes me believe in love or that it ever exist inspite of all the f#&king and screwing other people there still love how can that ever be possible ? I know this guy he said he found the love of his life and still f#&ks around.. hahahahaha I guess Hank lives inside of every man...Rock on Hank.

Edited by TinkerBell18
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What's up friend? I bet you've had lots and lots of adventures lately. I like the way you're so open, totally upfront about who and what you are. You;re always friendly and interested in me. It's weird when you meet someone completely different from yourself. I hardly even understand you language (joke). Still, I wonder what your world is like. I'd like to spend a day looking through your chinky eyes...LOL...Miss you...

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Every time I remember you, I get this surge of negative vibes which isn't good for my psyche. You were a douche. You were the lousiest so-called boyfriend ever. That was the suckiest relationship that I didn't even cry after the break-up, or missed you. Not once. You were selfish, neglectful, immature, inconsistent, and you weren't smart enough for me. Ang dami-dami mong atrasong pinalampas ko, ang dami-dami kong naging sacrifices when you weren't even worth it. At ang dami ko ring inabono. I am over before it was over, but I can't perhaps forgive myself for staying THAT long in that condition with you. Ilang beses na may date na nakalimutan mo, nasa meeting na place na ako for an hour before I could reach you and you were already home. Iiwan mo pa ko noon sa Boracay, when I covered for the entire stay and your round-trip plane fare just because your flight was delayed for an hour. You are not even good in bed. Tinulugan mo pa 'ko while I was giving you head!


I dodged what my friends were telling me about you, because I gave you a chance--which you didn't even value.


The worst thing is I remember you when I log in here, which is, thankfully, not often.



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Guest Serenity12

Look, I'm getting pretty tired getting weird phone calls from you where all you do is breathe heavily on the mouthpiece and say nothing.


If you're one of those losers I said no to in the past, just buzz off and get a life ok?


If you're one of the wives of the men I've slept with, then can you just goddamn curse and scream and call me a whore or something? It's not my fault if your husband wants to sleep with me.


If you're just one of those sick individuals who just want to annoy total strangers , can't you just go and pester someone else?


I can change my number but that would mean informing almost a thousand people of my new number. And I absolutely HATE changing to a number I can't memorize easily.


So, if your ultimate goal is to irritate the HELL out of me...congratulations! You win!

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