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Dear Teach,


I would love to meet your family. It excites me as much as it terrifies me.


You caught me by surprise when you wanted me inside your world even more, and asked me to meet them. It's been really challenging, trying to understand you and your quiet, busy ways. It's also be difficult for you to understand me and my emotionally complex mind. But for all its worth, and that we are taking it slow because we are both so afraid of being hurt, however, knowing that you want me in your life, long-term I am here for you through thick and thin.


We've got a few more years, my love. Then by that time, it's goodbye to our past and hello to a new life. (I hope by that time, we have checked off the items on our list).


I love you, you insanely intelligent, insensitive, busy, and yet loving man, you. You make me dream and work hard for my dream again. Thank you for giving me my life back.


Your Student

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On the bike, off the bike, we are all going to die sometime. But seeing you in that coffin made me cry, because it just wasn't right. Can't believe you're gone so suddenly. It's been said of others before, but it is no less true when i say that the world will be a lesser place without you. Damn, we will miss you. You made a difference to people around you, especially us. Ride free forever, and go with our love.

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Dear Tsongkey,


I'm not in a hurry to get promoted this time. You can suck up all you want as long as you don't drag me down with your dirty work politics. I'm contented with contributing as much as I can to make things better at work, so all of our lives would be made easier. Even if we're friends, I hope you don't become my boss because I know you enough to be so sure that you would only have your best interests at heart.


Oh, and by the way, you'd better talk to her and set things straight. I'm hearing two different stories, and I'd hate to be in her position right now. She thinks you're exclusively dating, bro. Hands off ako dyan.





Dear Bky,


I'm sorry if I've been avoiding you at work as much as I can. I'm just avoiding getting too irritated by your bratty-nella ways. You don't have to treat the guards and servers like they're always stupid, you know.




Dear Ma, Pa, and Bro,


'Can't wait to get home next week! I'm riding in style ;)




Dear Teach,


Your weekend is waiting for you. Two more days and hell week is almost over, dear.


Two more weeks, and we'll be hitting the beach. I love you!


Your Student


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King of Vermins,

I know your intentions are not pure. You've lured countless women into bed with you and im sure you feel so almighty. But remember this,you have a mother,a sister,a girlfriend,or maybe even a daughter. You wouldn't want them to pay dearly for your sins wouldn't you? Karma is a bitch,remember that. Lastly,you're a poor excuse for a man. A piece of rotten meat between your legs doesn't make you one. May your soul burn in hell for all eternity, and may the demons feast on your flesh. f#&k YOU!!!!!!!

From a trueGENTLEMAN

Edited by ndn
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