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Guest Riveria

I never regret anything that has happened to me in my life, whether it is making a bad choice, deciding to do something I shouldnt have, saying the wrong thing or not doing something I should have done... because all of these things have given me the knowledge I have today and helped make me who I am today... and that is one thing I will never regret.

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This is important:


When you write, when you post, when you compose a note and put it down in cyber letters or in the usual pen and paper, remember this: what you write may live beyond you.


So write for the years and the decades. Write in such a way that years from now you will look back at your composition and revel at the alliteration, and glory in the clarity of structure and the transparency of thought.


Write for all time.


That is your guiding thought. If you write and upon rereading it the next day or next year should find yourself dissatisfied, then you have come short of the writer's calling.


And I don't seriously f*ck with such folks -



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Guest biancaanne

I wonder if most of the lessons you've learned recently were taught by me.

I wonder if I should start building a higher, thicker wall.

I wonder... about you a lot.

I wonder...








The best lesson that I picked up from you would be ACCEPTANCE.

But baby, it's the hardest lesson I have to learn so far.

Is pining for you a part of it? :cry:



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Guest Riveria

Not being able to hold you has got to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But I get to look forward to the next time you are in my arms; your smile only inches away from mine getting closer and closer until at last... our smiles meet. Something that beautiful... that's what keeps me going.

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Genius, or inspiration, is like a chick's orgasm. You keep pumping your big organ on the issue; experienced, steady, smooth, unhurried, bending your will to the task at hand, sorting the possibilities and the angles. Then suddenly you sense a solution: a light in the distance. You empty your thoughts of distractions, willing the light to approach. Then the light is near...and DON'T fukking hesitate! Just keep going with your brain organ take the leap and jump jump jump into the light and the new universe of the completed solution!


Any hesitation, doubt, stopping at the precipice, is as fatal to achieving genius as it would be to a lady's pussy on the brink of eruption. Do not lose your guts at the limit you arseface!!! Keep that organ going! Else, you have to start all over again, and perhaps even await another day or another century when the moon and stars once more align with her cookie.


And only after you achieve the explosion and the world settles to the new pattern, do you then examine the small details, the ifs and buts about the inspiration, checking out, just as you would ask the lady her name and number politely and delicately some time after the fukk. After - and never before. Too much pre-analysis ruins the possibility of genius as much as it does fukking - just like hooking up with hotties.


For genius is just fukking by another name.


And this is why artists of whatever stripe profession orientation or gender must approach marriage carefully - they need an adequate supply of highly interesting women/boys to get them to reach the creative sneeze point, to blast open the doors towards incandescent inner inspiration. How else would so many writers, never formally schooled, the Tolstoys of this world, manage to string along the eloquent wordage that is their craft, exquisite despite whatever translation into whichever language? How else, I ask you? By the help of angels of Lord? What are they, apostles all?


Do you hear me? Do you understand?





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Guest Riveria

I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to hug you, I have the ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart that's aching to see you smile again.

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I've been thinking constantly of you.




I don't know...

I guess I just want to get to know you better

I guess I just us to be friends.

I guess I just want to have a real quiet dinner with you.

I guess I just want to hear you laugh.

I guess I just want to be with you.


Maybe, it's because you're witty

Maybe, it's because...






And for you J, it's been a while




Once to me you said "I love you with all my heart"

...How come you left mine shattered and torn apart?

...These words I hung on and firmly believed

...These are words that make my heart still grieve


Another line said "I love you with all my mind"

...Where now is that promise I cannot find?

...A promise given in voice soft, sweet and tender

...I keep clinging to it until the time goes forever


Before the end I read "I love you with all my soul"

...Why are you not here now to ease my woes?

...A vow to each other be bound has risen

...But now in emptiness this heart of mine is frozen


You promised me forever

I said I will leave you never

You asked for my hand

I said beside you I will always stand


Where had all the promises gone?

Why did the song cast a somber tone?

How did this love come to a bitter end?

Into the darkness and void this love now sent

Edited by darkeinjel
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You can try and hold me back. Build your damn walls, pack sandbags along the edges and yell at the clouds and the rain and the sky to stop.

But I will not relent. I will reach you. And I will continue to love you no matter what.



Edited by Leyna
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My life may seem useless and pointless in your eyes,

but what i do here is important and in fact, non-of-your-damn-business.

like you, never have i neglected my duties nor abandoned my post.

i appreciate the "i hope you get blown up someday in that hell hole" remark.

thank you very much for the beat down, i wish you well.



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Guest biancaanne

I'm starting to love Friday nights because of you. It was a pleasant surprise to wake up with you still beside me, and to "meet" your friends and former students...alaskador ka nga lang. :P



G, sleep it off. Then text me again and tell me if you still want to make other people's lives easier with what you wanted to do to them.




I understand you wanting to keep Ma off your back, but for why the hell do you think I asked for the family to go to Pagudpud this coming weekend? It's not just to scratch my itch to go to the beach this summer, you know. Bro and I will try to keep the peace. I already bended to your request to change the Pagudpud request to just a La Union day trip, so please exert some effort as well. Your family needs you to stop being just a provider and be a real father just for one day.



Your kids love you so much, we do. But can you please stop talking about how strong and well-adjusted you are when all you can do is talk about Pa? Or at least let me put down my bag first before you start with the litany. We love you, but it isn't easy shielding ourselves from your emotional vampirism. It's physically and emotionally exhausting. Besides, it's only your kids who can tell you head on what your problem is.



Your daughter, your only daughter (on behalf of your only son)

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Guest Riveria

All the ways you wish you could be, that's me, I look like you wanna look, I f#&k like you wanna f#&k, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.


Sorry naman tao lang...kaw kasi eh.

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13 months... not bad ;)

13 x nth time more I hope.

stronger bond, more laughters and more intimate moments that only you and i share is what i look forward to.


thanks for the love, care, support and thoughtfulness :*


Your Miss


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As always, you never cease to provide me with great wisdom. Don't worry, I haven't changed much. I still apologize and admit my fault when need be.

I'll see to it that my apology will be extended immediately to the "offended person" in no time! :) Thanks for the encouragement. ;)


Can you be my shrink forever? Can you continue to stretch your arm as I dip in and out of the waters? :)


I hope you and your family in the province are fine. There's been a lot of challenges in your domestic life lately. Hang on. Your strength of character, no doubt, will shine out in these trying times.

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You make Momma proud of you..This is not the end my dear one, we still have a long way together. As you enter secondary school there are far more things that you need to know. And Momma will be here for you. Don't forget my advice. You'd meet a lot more deserving guys than you would in school. So focus on your studies first. Crushes are fine but getting into a serious bf-gf relationship is different. There'll be better ones once you have your own job. I love you lil ivy. You'd always be mommy's little darling.



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What comforting words can I say to someone who is slowly fading right infront of me? What kind of encouragement can I extend to someone who has suffered for almost 10 years now? Months ago, we both laughed when we jokingly talked about how all of this would end, and when. "Ang tagal naman akong kunin ni Lord. Nakakainip na. Nagsasawa na silang bantayan ako." I laughed at your remark because I didn't know how to react. Pity is the least that you needed, and the talk of death was spoken matter of factly.. Your laughter was so crisp. You looked so healthy. Who would have thought that it took all your strength to go through chemo therapy, radiation sessions, and blood transfusion over and over again...


Then one day I received a call that you were gasping for air and was immediately rushed to the ER. The sight of a tube attached to your throat made me still. The number of nerve openings in your left hand, used to accommodate the big needles for your dialysis, made me numb. And in the middle of all the heavy doses of drugs given to you, you managed to crack a joke..."Ano ba, mukha kang namatayan diyan. Buhay pa ako noh."


You made me promise NEVER to cry when this time comes...but how can I not? We prayed together, begged, surrendered, but I'm sorry Bong, I cannot journey with you in this last phase...letting go... because it will take you a few seconds to finally let go of your last breath, but it will take me years to let go of you..


When the time comes, I will be consoled by the thought that you are finally free from all the pains those numerous cancer has beset you. Until then, my days will be spent thinking of ways to hide the tears and pain so you'd see no trace of it... Such a tall order, dear Bong... Such a tall order, my friend...


"The Lord gave me this role of dying ahead because He knows that I cannot bear watching a love one slowly fading.. I am full of pain, yet, I am more blessed..."


I couldn't agree more...








You will definitely be disappointed, but please tell St. Iggy that I refuse to cooperate. I'm sorry...

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Guest Riveria



Did it surprise you that I am not who you thought I was? Did it surprise you to find that I don't exactly stand for what you thought I stood for all along? Did it surprise you to find that I'm not exactly how I played myself out to be? That the person you thought I was is actually nothing to what I am.



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thanks for the company. good night and enjoy the rest of the weekend. :)

exactly two years ago today, i got a warm, seemingly innocent reply to that. the first of many thrown back at me since... warm and seemingly innocent as they have always been. of course, "warm" and "seemingly innocent" have evolved to connote totally deeper, even different meanings or perhaps the meaning has remained, it's just that i have come to know the sparkle in the eyes, the hint of mischief in the wide smile, the comic faces... even the occasional ambivalence that lurked behind those conceded compromises made when those exact same reply were uttered. now, i can actually close my eyes and vividly see the many varied ways i have heard it since and i think of no better way to answer it now but in an equally warm and seemingly innocent way of saying...


thanks for the company. good night and enjoy the rest of the weekend. :)




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This is really starting to be the season of endings and goodbyes, I know. A great relationship can be undone by a shitty ending while a shitty relationship can be rescued by a happy ending. In your case, both are shitties, so no reason for regrets. :D


Yes, I also wonder about the coincidence with the celebration (or commemoration is more apt) this week, but as you said, araw nating mga duguan at sugatan. Let this be our share in keeping up with the catholic tradition. :lol:


Me and the gehls will always be here for you. Good thing you're keeping the car we need that. Lab yah!




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