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The Mail Box

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If only we kept those thoughts to ourselves... we would've been harboring negative thoughts and feelings about each other just about now. I love the way we kind of think alike- no games, no bs. Thanks for being the first one to say what's honestly on your mind and not just shrug it off... sorry for being too preoccupied and all. This goes the other way around. Tag team. :)


And ok, since you and my bro said it... YES... I am aware that I am the cutest one in that group. Happy now? :P


Prepare yourself for later, I'll be doing some trick or treatin' on you in THAT costume I wore. ;)


your Kunoichi,

Christie Monteiro

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Guest killercath

"r" and "g"...


expect a long e-mail coming from me...


maybe, by sending it and explaining what really happen will put total closure to what we had... and will give me peace of mine... for me to be able to move on and forget the past...



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Guest killercath
"r" and "g"...


expect a long e-mail coming from me...


maybe, by sending it and explaining what really happen will put total closure to what we had... and will give me peace of mine... for me to be able to move on and forget the past...




i mean... peace of mind...

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dearest tablea,


nice and slow... the internet was never meant to be that but then evolution does and doing that in virtual reality is like swimming against the rapids. few are crazy enough to do so and maybe we're just trying to be the craziest of the lot. or maybe not... i mean we've stumbled upon enough s@%t to know better than let the currents carry us down. besides, it's always a comfort to know that when you're tired of swimming, you can always find a smooth steady stone underneath to anchor a foothold and rest. you don't need that stone going downstream, of course, but that's the folly of it... you tend to forget that it's there and it's not something you would want to do if you chance upon a waterfall. which brings me to my second and third point. upstream, you will see it coming and unlike going downstream, it gets you to the bottom of that waterfall. however high it will be, obviously, it's always easier to figure out how to go through the damn thing when gravity is in your good graces at the onset.


anyway, i guess what i am simply trying to say is i am very happy to be wading the waters with you... nicely and slowly. yeah, i know! :lol:



tinola :*

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Can't bring to drag myself out of bed today (and yesterday)... who would when you spent a few hours just staring at me and making me feel really adored and loved? Lovely. If only we don't have work and everything else, I could stay all day just like that. It's just so wonderful. Feels like I'm in the safest place in the world (just have to remind myself not to undress in front of you wearing a thong... dangerous). Shomad! :P

But what happens when you bring two headstrong individuals together??? gee baby, we'd make one very funny couple. welcome to the "real world" of ______ life. Bail out na tayo? :P


I'm so excited for you. Again, I would just want to remind you- your role is to let him get ready for the wedding, and the marriage, and to make her feel she's lucky to be marrying him... not the other way around! So PLEASE... we're talking 'bout the real world, not your world, so don't you "awwww.... awwww..." me... sorry, a stag party with strippers is totally out of the question. :P And I am so honored to be offered that but... you know why. I am shy... blech!


Thanks for everything and for our family day, baby. You're the bomb!


your shomad partner,


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To Ms. K,


Yes, I might not be the best person in this office in your eyes but I get the job done better than anyone.

If you think that I need to improve on what I am doing then please tell me upfront as I would appreciate directness in a person who claims they have enough balls to do their job really well.


I don't like hearing people near the water cooler talking about my performance, I'd rather hear it from you.

So please suck it up and just tell me what's happening otherwise I'll have to kick your virtual family jewels out the window.




Mr G.

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gawd! i did get what i asked for. but why am i acting up?


a man who knows my worth and cares little about it. a man not moved by my insolence (i meant to say audacity, but that's too obamish.), careless tantrums and CEO mentality.


a man who dares not match what i know or what i've accomplished. a man who damn well knows how to put me in my place. a man who puts me back to the time when women wore the skirt and men the pants. the time when women weren't allowed to vote and just tended the house. and despite the rage in the women's bosoms, they were happy.


damn! i did get what i hoped for. the audacity of hope! :rolleyes:

Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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why is it that everytime i see, i still feel the same

i still want to run to you so you could just hold me and hug until i feel safe like before

oh my, i just miss laughing with you and hearing your witty remarks about things


...just when I thought I was over you.... /

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