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Random Thoughts Thread

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Lately I've been thinking about the term down-to-earth. When you're worms-deep in humility, you are not bothered if others grow over you and bask in the sunshine while you remain on the ground. And it doesn't mean you have no ambitions either. Far from it. It just so happens that you have a different role to play in life. While others take root and sprout from the soil, you are busy fertilizing the loam that will nurture all living organisms. It's essential work. Without you nothing can reach up and kiss the sky.


This is especially true in the workplace setting. In this data-centric age of convenience, promotions are bestowed upon people not necessarily on the basis of merit but on so-called personality, often at the expense of the most deserving. Meanwhile, those who do the hard work, who are worms-deep in humility, get little to no recognition whatsoever. As one person once said, "Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan."


So, being down-to-earth is good, so long as you don't let people nonchalantly step on you. Say to them, "Keep off the grass! I'm busy living."

Edited by Lord Superb
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