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Random Thoughts Thread

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Many of the great men and kings throughout history have had their fair share of bastards. Of course they chose mostly the noblewomen for their girlfriends. (they may be f*ckers but they sure don't f*ck with jologs) And so, many leaders of today, from Winston Churchill to David Cameron to (surely) some Asian leaders too, can trace their line to some great yet illegitimate ancestor, who had first brought them forth.


Now thanks to today's damn hang-up about morals, it is mostly the miseducated jologs who f*ck around and mutiply, overwhelming the gutters and the shanties with their ugly ilk. And the better bred breed so much slower, so frowned upon are children born out of wedlock, such that these lesser jologs and their broken english bandy about the national stage, and with such disastrous results. Just go watch today's prime-time TV shows. An accurate reflection of our masses' debased dreams.


If only the holy orders did not have such celibacy-damaged brains we would be introducing birth control so that the better bred can keep up with the demand for born leaders to lead over their lessers. We as a country do not yet have the mass social education for a proper democracy (as Rizal saw, so long ago) so it still falls on that aristocracy of the better intellectuals to work their way up into key positions of business, industry, call centers, mass com, health sectors, and society in general (politics is just one sector) and there put in place the needed long term changes that will benefit the next generation, instead of looking out for just their generation.


As for this generation, my generation, we are all gone to hell. We are too jologs riddled and we will just barely hold the line, stalemating the dark forces of today, even with all the dirty tricks under our sleeves. So we must instead put some effort on paving the way for the next generations to come - i can write so much on that.


With so few of these intellectuals today, it does get discouraging. Many of these remaining few indeed quit of that necessary burning drive to replace their (jologs) boss and the next bosses after, whatever sector they are in, or to work and study abroad, if that brings more renown, opportunities, and ammunition for a comeback someday.


But fewer of these valuable folks would quit if they could just forget their miseducation and realise that they are allowed to get in touch with the Dark Side of the Force, on occasion. Spare me that bullcrap about the Dark Side corrupting you - we are not weak jologs here, it takes the Ring of Mordor itself to corrupt us, not just the use of a few dirty tricks.


Really, sometimes I wish I could discover if I have any illegitimate cousins somewhere, and then ally with them, blood being thicker than water. And then it would be a lot of fun, whatever we end up doing.



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