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Random Thoughts Thread

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Tsk tsk


If you're too blind to see that your paranoid psycho boyfriend is an assh*le, then I pity you.


If you do not want to speak up against his invasion of YOUR privacy, then that's your problem.


Sorry if I was worried. But hey, it's really not my problem, so it's no skin off my nose.


Have a nice life. I hope he doesn't k*ll you

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No matter how many times the scene plays over and over again in my mind, random re-runs seems to desensitize me of any feeling except disgust and resentment. I'm getting the hang of blocking out the replays, compared to a computer the human brain does have more ports to block and filter out. On one hand, its for sure, for some, there'll be always a ghost in your lives either when you're not alone or together, until the very last day you die. The sweetest revenge is to live the happy life.

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the aggressive passion of the young is fascinatingly frightening.

while the assault was not exactly resisted, there was a frantic attempt to deflect and step back a little...

the need to dig up some reserved stamina was not obvious.

giving in and giving up...sorting it out while being axed is difficult...

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