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Random Thoughts Thread

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-it’s good to get to the playground early so you can save a swing with your hanky, but it is even better to have powerful allies because some bully will always throw your hanky away or, worse, blow her nose with it! his will later apply to your entry-level job where you’ll have to line up at the copy machine only for someone to cut in “for the boss in accounting.” but if you were friends with the xerox lady, that ain’t evah gonna happen.


-don’t ever let anyone convince you to learn a musical instrument, play a sport or get married.


-instruments are a pain to travel with, let alone learn, and there are always CDs to buy. you can stay thin just by watching sports on TV (as opposed to playing and suffering in the heat) if you don’t eat. Marriage and children are two of the most over-rated joys in this world but no one will admit it because they are stuck with those cost centers for life. unlike a plasma TV (which will probably bring you more joy), you can’t return them to the store even if you have a receipt. In fact, even with a signed prenup there still can be huge problems.


-not everyone wants to talk to you so you better spend most of your time with people who do.


-you have to learn, at the very least, the language of your parents and the country you grew up or were born in. plus english. extra berlitz brownie points for other languages.


-your reputation is like a restaurant. people will always come to you with preconceptions but you better leave them with a good taste in their mouths.


not so random life's lessons from kitty go. i couldn't agree more. now that is random! :lol:

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