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Random Thoughts Thread

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My god. Is August the new February? Everyone seems to be in love!


Well, good for all of you then :D


The harvest moon in August compared to other moons is orange and big due to it's closeness to the horizon. It gives a warm, fuzzy feeling especially in the northern hemisphere's summer months. And yes love is a form of lunacy... So August may as well be February. :)


So, good for all of them too...



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The harvest moon in August compared to other moons is orange and big due to it's closeness to the horizon. It gives a warm, fuzzy feeling especially in the northern hemisphere's summer months. And yes love is a form of lunacy... So August may as well be February. :)


So, good for all of them too...



really? so that warm and fuzzy feeling is.... the one they refer to as love? :D


now thinking of changing my name to.... hmmmm... Luna Tick....


oh, the love bug, cheers to the new August!




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My new skinny on love....

It's boundless and nothing in the world can truly define it or describe it. Not even the odes and prose of John Keats, Sir Byron, Percy Shelley, and all the other romantic poets combined can come close.

It has no beginning or end, people simply discover it as their paths meet and run parallel to each in their journey through life.

It is blind and does not car about religion, race, philosophy or social standing in life.

It has no concept of time and space,

Love is itself absolute and infinite..


... from my early morning caffeine induced ramblings or maybe due to sleep deprivation. :)



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