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Random Thoughts Thread

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I shook your hand and suddenly saw that your eyes that no longer feared death. I have seen similarly hardened eyes before, in those men whose line it is to take life, and regularly face having their own taken away. You saw in black and white your very own terminal, end-stage diagnosis; though by some highly unlikely chance, at the 11th hour, Fate’s Ffcking Finger had somehow missed you, yet you are now painfully aware that you, and actually everyone of us, are merely ticking away our remaining hours.


So you now see the world through evanescent eyes; you no longer think of the sweet possibilities of tomorrow, nor dream of the wistful past, but only of what must be accomplished in the few sands left us. You are no longer of the 99%, who only see skies that never fall, and ffcking that never ends.


We will see each other again. During, or after we have completed our duties. In this life, or in the next. We continue on our tasks, defiant of our coming doom, of Dark sun, of eternal Night.


“There is no day, there is no night. There is but the unending struggle between dark and bright. And our perpetual dedication to the Light…”



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