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Guest lustfortravel

Funny how a lot of people claim pure luck when their shots are admired yet can't take a critique really well. When you post a photo for the world to see, don't expect everyone to say " wow, ganda!". You will open yourself to criticism as well. Some people will give you constructive criticism because they know what they are speaking of. Some will criticize just so they can "brag" about their "extensive" knowledge in photography. Some will criticize because they are envious of your work and want to bring you down a notch or two.


If someone admires my photo and I know the amount of hard work I put in to be able to get that shot, then I say " thank you". I think it's an insult to one's efforts to claim false modesty and say ( as Filipinos are prone to say)"chamba lang" most of the time. True, there are some shots that can be attributed to dumb luck - being at the right place at the right time- yet you can't discount your own efforts in choosing the right aperture/ISO/shutter speed setting for you to be able to get that "perfect" shot.


As for the criticisms, I learn to sort the ones that offer constructive criticism from the ones that do not really offer anything. If it helps me improve my shot next time, then I am thankful for it. That is all there is to it.


My rambling thoughts for the day.

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