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Random Thoughts Thread

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Philosophers, occultists, metaphysicians think that every one of us is a minature planet orbiting each other. Hmm, interesting.


I tend to agree with this notion. Just think of our relationships with people, both the intimate and chance encounters. Alone in a dark alley, you find yourself tensing up when someone gets close. The tension is almost unbearable until the stranger walks off, leaving you safe and unharmed. You breathe a sigh of relief. When planets get too close to each other, they say that it causes a gravitational pull or tension strong enough to influence world events or cause natural catastrophes. The same is true when a person we don't like or have done us wrong gets too close in our orbit. Suddenly our good mood is gone.


But the more interesting scenario is when we fall in love. As a miniature planet orbiting the galaxies of life, we sometimes stumble upon, or get drawn magnetically to, a beautiful planet. Our heart beats, hoping that no other planet is yet orbiting this great find. We wish to discover its occupants--the families, friends, enemies, fears, hopes, longings, frustrations, joys, etc. As we look through the eyes of love--or lust, or both--we soon discover ourselves in this planet. Love does that; it makes us see ourselves as though for the first time. First, we realize what we lack in life, things that can only be found in this planet. If we were literally planets, our hearts would have leapt in joy at having found lumber, gold, ore, gas, whatever we lack. But since we are humans, our needs are fulfilled by someone we can make love to and be best friends with, share our hopes and fears, make promises to, and all the little things that make us human.


I guess the cliche "Welcome to my world" can be taken in this context. Happy orbiting.

Edited by Lord Superb
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Guest biancaanne

Selective introspection isn't a bad thing after all. I want to learn how to set back, relax, and avoid complications as much as I can. I wonder if avoidance is necessary as well? <_<


I'm tired of this game... :thumbsdownsmiley:

Edited by biancaanne
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