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Finding Older And Married Women Attractive

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She was 10 years older than me, but she knew what she wanted. She had a bit of sass and self-confidence that you don't really get until you've been through a lot, and knew how to show energy only when needed. She had such a heartwarming puppy, too. Some people come into your life just to show you the right way to do things, then they leave. :)

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She's only 5 years older than me but she already knows what she want so we got off easily. Luckily we both want the same thing so, not much of effort to exert for us to share steamy late night drive to the nearest hotel. but still the kilig was as intense as it would have been with teeneagers ☺️

Edited by JhanDoe
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On 9/24/2017 at 11:34 PM, Soo-yeon said:

When much younger guys say that they are attracted to me, I would usually think that they are not really serious. I would think that they just wanted to fulfill their sexual fantasies and probably they also just wanted to free ride. That's the reason why I've never entertained them.


More power to your room!

Hello! I've met you in person and I can say that you are truly attractive and intelligent. But I knew of your hesitation so I never asked. :D

Wish you all the best in the New Year!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agreed to go out next week with a guy who’s six years younger than me. I strongly prefer older men and have only dated a younger guy once before—he was two years younger, and that was ages ago.

I thought it might be an interesting change to spend time with someone younger. You could say I’m doing it as a bit of an experiment. I’m curious to see how the dynamics will play out.

(P.S. I'm not married, never been.)

Edited by Holly Golightly
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