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What's Your First Impression Of MTC


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Some thoughts from a new member. First of all, I’ll startwith the fact that I’m 71 years old and have been endulging in the P4P scenesince before many of this board’s members parents were born (man, that soundsold). I’m a foreigner, but have called the Philippines for over 25 years andbeen working/visiting since 1974. I spend about half my time in AngelesCity/Subic and the other half in Makati. For the last 10 years, or so, I wassort of a homebody when in Makati. It’s only been recently that I’ve startedplaying around again, and I’m limiting that to daytime fun. There’s more thanenough alcohol and nightlife to keep me occupied up North.


In the ‘old’ days, I spent a fair amount of time in theMakati and Ermita bars, but for the serious stuff, went to massage parlours. Inthose days, spas were not as prevalent as they are today. My favourites were CaesarsPalace on A. Mabini St and the scrub and rub at the Arrilio Hotel (run by Inday– the former wife of the infamous Lord Moynihan). The New Dawn of Life was alsoan enjoyable respite and a serious spa. Living in Makati, I rarely went out toQuezon City, but have to say, there were a few excellent venues – the namesescape me now.


Anyway, a few months ago a friend and I were discussing the currentrub and tug scene, and he suggested MTC as a source of up-to-date information.And, of course it is. As is Google. Between the 2, I’ve found, and tried,several different spots. It appears there’s a bit of a political rift amongstsome of the establishments and this board, but no big deal. MTC is, by far, thesingle best resource I’ve ever seen.


Let’s get back to the P4P. At my age, my preference is toplay during the day as I also enjoy copious amounts of alcohol in the evenings.With that said, my libido sometimes runs on a 1/8 tank. Much depends on thenight before and, of course, much depends on the therapist de jour. One note; I’llnever post a negative review unless the visit was a total disaster. That, BTW,does not mean poor ES. In my experience, I’ve found the ladies, here, much lessmercenary than their Asian sisters and their Western siblings. Thus the famousGFE rating on the field reports. No place on Earth beats the Philippine ladiesfor GFE. I also take into account that many of the ladies may not haveexperience with foreigners, and can be uncomfortable with English. The rest iscalled chemistry. Most of the time, the first encounter is a ‘getting to knowyou’ event. For me, the 2nd is better and the 3rd can beoutstanding. I also tend to stick with the same therapist once I’ve foundsomeone who is fun. I have one lady whom I’ve visited once a week for the last8 months! She’s in her 30s, has a fair body (no kids), great boobs and the besthands ever. She knows every hot button and how to push it.


One thing that piques my interest is the forum interactionbetween the girls and Board Members. I belong to a few other P4P sites, and themembers and administrators forbid participation between customers and femaleproviders. Many owners have an unnatural phobia about ‘sneak outs’, and thinkthat by limiting female participation their business income will be enhanced.On MTC female participation is encouraged. Management seems to want their staffto have Facebook accounts and post their address. What a cool attitude. It’snever been my practice to try to cut out the middleman. Without his/her hardearned investment and extraordinary risk, our fun options would be severelycurtailed. Kudos to you all. And thanks to Bizman and the other Boardmoderators and administrators.

Nice one. I wish this had more user based threads like western based P4P sites instead of only threads from places that pay... But i agree lots of useful data to find here

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