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Who, What Made you SAD today???

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Will now choose discretion as the better part of valor


In acts, words, and everything in between


Not just for me, but for all that could possibly be in this mess



I keep breaking this promise I made to myself. That I am better.. That I am on top of this.. That only our affairs matter in the end..

Turns out, the end might be coming sooner. even if it was to be expected

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I will not only feel sad but also hurt .. I love my BF so much and our relationship is going smooth but what if we had a misunderstanding and it's his fault.. He won't even make up for it Because he said he doesn't know how to make up .. What if that's the only thing that can make everything's right., what if I just want him to make up for what he did , but he choose not too..


I dunno if where going to last if my heart can bear it that I feel like I was taken for granted..


And I realize that I can get the attention from others.. It will still hurt me because I choose him because I love him


I feel like ten wheeler truck hit me

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a girl who doesn't deserve my love and respect. who blatantly continue to rub in my face she doesn't give a damn to what i feel. too good for this


Just talk it out, pre. Lahat naman nadadaan sa usapan. Calmly of course as there's no point going in guns a blazing.

Do not live on assumptions as it has it's intricately proven way of destroying you piece by piece.


Communication is a two-way street. Get her side as well and adjust accordingly.

Lambasting someone won't do you any favors, rather, it will push you further down the drain.


Good luck sir

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