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New comments from The Wolfman director Joe Johnston about his next film, The First Avenger: Captain America, and the possibility of a Jurassic Park 4.



About Marvel Studios' "Captain America," he stated the following:


It's not going to be a Captain America that you expect. It's something different. It is influenced by the comic book, but it goes off in a completely different direction. It's the origin story of Captain America. It's mostly period—there are modern, present-day bookends on it—but it's basically the story of how Steve Rogers becomes Captain America. The great thing about Captain America is he's a super hero without any super powers. Which is why this story, among the hundreds of super hero stories, appealed to me the most. He can't fly, he can't see through walls, he can't do any of that stuff. He's an every man who's been given this amazing gift of transformation into the perfect specimen—the pinnacle of human perfection. How does that affect him? What does that mean for him emotionally and psychologically? He was this 98-pound weakling, he was this wimp, and he's transformed instantly into this Adonis. You'd think he got everything he wanted. Well, he didn't get everything he wanted. The rules change at that point and his life gets even more complicated and dire. For me, that's the interesting part of the story. It's got some great action sequences in it and some incredible stuff that we've never seen before. But at the heart of it, it's a story about this kid who all he wants to do is fit in. This thing happens and he still doesn't fit in. And he has to prove himself a hero—essentially go AWOL to save a friend...



He said the following about Jurassic Park 4:


Well, there is going to be a Jurassic Park IV. And it's going to be unlike anything you've seen. It breaks away from the first three—it's essentially the beginning of the second Jurassic Park trilogy. It's going to be done in a completely different way. That's pretty much all I can tell you.

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It's Official - Ivan Reitman Will Be Directing Ghostbusters 3!


It's now confirmed. Ivan Reitman, father of Jason Reitman who directed the two original Ghostbusters movies as well as Kindergarten Cop and My Super Ex-Girlfriend most recently, will direct Ghostbusters 3 sometime this year. Give or take the new screenwriters, it looks like the whole family is back again for Ghostbusters 3. We've known for a while Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, and even Rick Moranis, would be back!


He wouldn’t comment on recent rumors about the film. Reitman brushed off statements by Sigourney Weaver, who said that Bill Murray’s Peter Venkman character may appear in the film as a ghost. “I’m not going to comment on what’s in the script and on what Sigourney may or may not have said.” He offers that there are “some very cool things” in the script now.

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Set in 2039, the film promises non-stop high flying action as the greatest fighters from around the world come to compete in the last and greatest sporting event of all time, the Fist Tournament. After World Wars destroy much of civilization as we know it, the remaining territories are no longer run by governments, but by corporations the mightiest of which isTekken. In order to keep the masses down, Tekken sponsors the Iron Fist Tournament in which fighters compete to the death for ultimate glory and receive a lifetime of stardom and wealth.


We are introduced to this violent world through the eyes of Jin Kazama, a street fighter that enters the tournament in order to avenge the death of his mother that he blames uponTekken ’s powerful and controlling Chairman, Heihachi Mishima. He knows that the only way to get close enough to Mishima to k*ll him is to win the tournament.



trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4vP7wI8Vm8

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Don't these guys ever learn? Another crap of a movie just like Street Fighter & DOA.


They should've made a CG animated film of this instead. That one would've looked much better. Take queue from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

Edited by brian
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The Adjustment Bureau


Starring Matt Damon and Emily Blunt


The story, with action, romance and sci-fi overtones. Damon will play David Norris, a charismatic congressman who seems destined for national political stardom and a Fordham Alumnus who was a basketball player while he was there. He meets a beautiful ballet dancer named Elise Sellas, played by Blunt, only to find strange circumstances keeping their sparks from catching fire. Norris discovers forces are at work to keep them apart, and he peels the layers to find out why


The Adjustment Bureau, loosely adapted from Dick’s short story “Adjustment Team” published in 1954. Philip K. Dick’s work has been filmed numerous times including two of the more successful adaptations Minority Report starring Tom Cruise, and Blade Runner starring Harrison Ford based on the novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”.The film is written and directed by George Nolfi who wrote The Bourne Ultimatum, Ocean's Twelve and The Sentinel.

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The American


Starring George Clooney


In the film, Clooney will play “an artful assassin with a lengthy track record, constantly on the move and always watching his back. When an assignment goes wrong and a lover ends up dead, he vows that the next job will be his last. This final obligation takes him to a picturesque town nestled amongst lush Italian hills, its historical piazzas bursting with life. But to Jack, every location is a trap and every person a potential threat. Still, he surprises himself, enjoying confessional conversations over Armagnac with an insightful priest and slipping into an affair with a local beauty. But by letting his guard down, Jack may be tempting fate. A dangerous shadow-dweller shows every sign of closing in, and the mysterious woman who has hired him may not be all that she seems. As an increasingly wary Jack contemplates life, love and death in Italy, the film escalates into a climactic showdown through the cobbled maze of age-old alleyways. This sexy, suspenseful and intricate story blends intrigue and passionate romance within a searing morality tale to finally reveal the heart of this deeply private man.”

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The Losers


Starring Zoe Saldana, Idris Elba, Chris Evans, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Columbus Short, Óscar Jaenada and Jason Patric


An explosive tale of double cross and revenge, "The Losers", a DC-Vertigo Comics adaptation about a team of an elite U.S. Special Forces unit sent into the Bolivian jungle on a search and destroy mission. The team--Clay, Jensen, Roque, Pooch and Cougar--find themselves the target of a lethal betrayal instigated from inside by a powerful enemy known only as Max. Presumed dead, now they must band together and kick some ass on their way to finding those responsible for their attempted assassination. the group makes plans to even the score when they're joined by the mysterious Aisha, a beautiful operative with her own agenda. Working together, they must remain deep undercover while tracking the heavily-guarded Max, a ruthless man bent on embroiling the world in a new high-tech global war.Now they must band together and kick some ass on their way to finding those responsible for their attempted assassination.


The image below shows the rest of the crew. From the left we have Zoe Saldana as Aisha, Chris Evans as Jensen, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Clay, Columbus Short as Pooch, Idris Elba as Roque, and Óscar Jaenada as Cougar.

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Don't these guys ever learn? Another crap of a movie just like Street Fighter & DOA.


They should've made a CG animated film of this instead. That one would've looked much better. Take queue from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.



pwede! :thumbsupsmiley:


naalala ko yung street fighter na anime japanese ang language, movie yon ang umiikot kay ryu ang story ang main villain si m. bison... dapat siguro ganon din..

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The Rock Talks Shazam, Still Wants To Play Black Adam




The former WWE star turned successful actor talks about a potential Shazam/Captain Marvel movie, and the role everyone wants to see him play, Black Adam...

I think its pretty much a given that most CBM fans would like to see Dwayne Johnson portray Captain Marvel's nemesis/sometime ally Black Adam. He has been fan casted in the part more times than you could shake a stick at, and topped most fan polls too. One such poll was an MTV one, and the actor talked all about it when he stopped by for an interview...



“I don’t know,” sighed the star, when asked if he could ever see the movie happening. “I can never say that with truth. The truth that I can tell you is that I would love to play Black Adam.”


Screenwriter John August said Shazam seemed to be D.O.A. But Johnson revealed that his friend and Get Smart director Peter Segal is still determined to get the movie made at some stage..


“There’s a lot of [factors in play], the studio will have to decide on that, whoever the director is – hopefully, it will be Pete Segal – who is still very passionate about the project. Both of us are, by the way. I’m not too sure where it’s at right now, but I would love to [do it].”


“What I’ve found is [playing superheroes] is a lot more specific than [looks],” he explained, saying the Shazam character would be a rare mix of looks and backstory being perfectly suited for a star. “That’s why Black Adam resonated with me, especially once I started to understand the story of Black Adam and how he related within his story.”


I think we can all agree that The Rock is that rare thing, a wrestler that can actually act. Of course it would be nice to see him in better movies(in other words, stuff not like The Tooth Fairy) and Shazam is the place to start. Lets hope this happens. I'm not a big fan of Captain Marvel, but I do love Black Adam! Bring it on.

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Kevin Feige on Upcoming Marvel Studios Films


SFX Magazine's March issue features an interview with Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige in which he talks more about the studio's upcoming projects and makes one fairly big reveal.


Feige talked about how Iron Man, Iron Man 2 (May 7), Thor (May 6, 2011) and The First Avenger: Captain America (July 22, 2011) will lay the foundation for what should be the ultimate superhero epic - The Avengers (May 4, 2012).


"It's fun now, and we're introducing some new characters in ['Iron Man 2']," he told the magazine. "But it's not about just cramming in lots of new people; that's sort of the cardinal sin of the sequel - adding in too many characters. This is totally Tony Stark's story. And that's gonna weave into Thor's story, and Steve Rogers' story, and it's already ingrained with Nick Fury's story and an organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D."


He says that it is important to first focus on each character. "My only concern is that when we launch a franchise--whichever character's franchise that may be--it should stand on its own two feet... So by the time 'The Avengers' comes in 2012, it's not just a team superhero movie with a bunch of characters with powers. It's three people - four including the Hulk; five including Nick Fury - who you've seen before in other movies, coming together for the very first time."


Catch that Hulk bit? Feige also said that he won't rule out the possibility of a second Incredible Hulk film with Edward Norton. "That would be post-'Avengers,' if it happened... I think there's a chance. It's certainly our intention to use the same actors from film to film where we can."


Feige was asked it will be difficult to meld the fantasy of Thor with the high-tech science fiction in Iron Man and The Avengers. "No," he said, "because we're doing the Jack Kirby/Stan Lee/Walt Simonson/J. Michael Straczynski 'Thor.' We're not doing the blow-the-dust-off-of-the-old-Norse-book-in-your-library 'Thor.' And in the 'Thor' of the Marvel Universe, there's a race called the Asgardians. And we're linked through this Tree of Life that we're unaware of. It's real science, but we don't know about it yet. The 'Thor' movie is about teaching people that."


The magazine asked Feige what other characters may come to the big screen after The Avengers. "I love Doctor Strange. Ant-Man is like Whiplash - one of those chracters where you're like, 'Really?' that we've got a fun story with. I've always wanted to do something with Black Panther. I think what Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction have done with Iron Fist lately is great, and the Iron Fist mythology opens up a whole other part to us. I'd love to break into the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe even more- it's kind of there in 'Thor.' J.J. Abrams' 'Star Trek' got me jonesing to do that. It's what I grew up on - 'Star Trek' and 'Star Wars.' I want to do a big space epic. And we've got them in Marvel."

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The Losers:




Warner Bros. Pictures has debuted the trailer for director Sylvain White's The Losers, starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana, Chris Evans, Idris Elba, Columbus Short, Holt McCallany, Oscar Jaenada, Jason Patric and Peter Macdissi. The action-thriller opens in theaters on April 9.


An explosive tale of double cross and revenge, “The Losers” centers upon the members of an elite U.S. Special Forces unit sent into the Bolivian jungle on a search and destroy mission. The team—Clay (Morgan), Jensen (Evans), Roque (Elba), Pooch (Short) and Cougar (Jaenada)—find themselves the target of a lethal betrayal instigated from inside by a powerful enemy known only as Max (Patric). Presumed dead, the group makes plans to even the score when they’re joined by the mysterious Aisha (Saldana), a beautiful operative with her own agenda. Working together, they must remain deep undercover while tracking the heavily-guarded Max, a ruthless man bent on embroiling the world in a new high-tech global war.




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