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The End of the American Century?

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Or is it because the shootout serves as means for a hegelian dialectic method of "Problem-Reaction-Solution"?

Korek! Just to grab the Guns and the government become totalitarian! They already under the surveillance state! I'll wont be surprised that someday the US government declares Martial Law because Americans are already fed up and will start a rebellion!


Just watched both US speeches of Obama & Putin! One talks of exceptionalism , unilateralism and threats everyone that He will not hesitate to use force! While the other one pleads for respect of international laws as stated in the UN charted, asked the hegemon "Have you realised what you have done?" and declares he will lead a new anti-Hitler coalition that will stand up for the World! Couple of days later started to Bomb ISIS in Syria with approval of the legitimate Syrian government! We my friends are headed to a Multipolar Order in the World! Now I can say "may Pag Asa pa pala", now its up to us in 2016 to vote for the right leader who will stand up for our country and join this new world order!!!

Edited by maddromeo
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  • 3 weeks later...

Korek! Just to grab the Guns and the government become totalitarian! They already under the surveillance state! I'll wont be surprised that someday the US government declares Martial Law because Americans are already fed up and will start a rebellion!


And give the US and UN the opportunity to declare martial law and use the US military war machine to conquer the world?


Things are starting to get very very disturbing:


There Will Be Blood: Socialist Professor Says America’s Gun Owners Should Be Shot: “It’s Very Simple”



The Facts: Why This Feels Like A Depression For Most People



America Waiting to Explode: “If Supply Lines Go Down… Millions of FDA-Approved Drug Addicts Go Psycho”



Global Trade Is Collapsing As Retailers Fear the Worst: “The Ground Is Shaking Here”



A very good dissection of the PC Cult-ure:

How To Stamp Out Cultural Marxism In A Single Generation



Preppers used to be pointed to as wackos, so why are the really rich suddenly prepping?

Elaborate Superyacht Getaway Subs and Stylish Shelters “Elite, Paranoid Preppers… Beyond James Bond”



Billionaires Kick Doomsday Prepping Into High Gear: ‘Something Big Is Coming’


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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...


Hillary did unscrupulous things as Secretary of State; that's going to be a tough battle for her. That is if the American public is paying attention, it'll be difficult to defend that email scandal that's being investigated by the FBI.


Whoever the next US President is going to be, I hope he/she proves to be a stronger leader than the current one. World security depends on it.


Unscrupulous is an understatement. Hillary is a liar and is the best among all of them. Lied even to herself and stayed with Bill even after the Lewinsky thing. I mean who does that???


I didn't vote for her although it didn't matter because I live in the bluest of the States where everyone is a snowflake.


Off topic but what the hell - I hate her.


Another campus shooting has happened in the US. Again what comes to fore are the gun control laws. Perhaps it is not yet the end of the American century if they can ask themselves why these things only seem to be prevalent in their place. It is important because the shooters belong to the generation of their future leaders. So why do these things happen now when gun control laws are even stricter now than they were generations ago? The Philippines also has strict gun control laws but it is not followed so much so that there are more guns in the Philippines than people. Yet there aren't that many school shootings, are there? Me thinks kasi it's because the kids here still receive spanking


I asked myself why it happens as much in the US than in the Philippines and then I remembered the 2nd Amendment. LOL.

Then I asked myself why there aren't much school shootings in the Philippines then I remembered that one time being shot at with darts...at school...




On a serious note - the US needs to address domestic gun violence but this is sort of a weak argument for this topic.


Interesting times ahead. But for small businesses, women wanting better opportunities, American workers in general, families in the inner cities wanting school choice, the energy sector, or anyone watching the Dow - there's a whole slew of reasons to be hopeful. Allies can be hopeful.


Yes interesting times ahead. Very hopeful though because at least Trump does what he says.




Well, would you rather have a "Chinese or a Russian century"?

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Dirty Donald just instructed his destroyers in the Mediterranean to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles at major Syrian military installations. I wonder how Bad Vlad would react to this.


Putin responded as expected - blame it on Trump and the rebels and protect his only asset in the Middle East.

Russia, however, seemed to acknowledge the presence of Syrian Chemical weapons by saying that it was unfortunate that it was "accidentally" set off by the rebels while Syria on the other hand, vehemently denies that they have chemical weapons.


Hmm, fishy.

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I don't think North Korea is worried. I regard North Korea as a berzerker. If the US launches cruise missiles at them, their default reprisal would be to do the same to South Korea so if the US plans to launch something like this, it better make sure it takes out all the missile silos of Nokor. Otherwise, all hell is gonna break loose in the Korean Peninsula.


There is nothing the US can do if Nokor taunts it by conducting nuclear tests. The North has missiles pointed at the South and the US does not want Sokor, which has a US base there. in it to be put in harm's way because they launched Tomahawk missiles at Nokor. Also, the US can't risk a proxy war or even a direct war with China, a US trade partner, because of its aggression on Nokor. Kim Jong Un sure knows his geopolitics.


The US won't win a direct war against China unless it nukes the whole China.


I think THAAD missile defense systems are in the process of being deployed in South Korea. And besides, South Korea is well equipped to take care of its own as well. I mean if your "berserker" (LOL) North Korea really wanted to obliterate South Korea it could have done so before, right? But it didn't and it couldn't because they risk being obliterated as well. Not by the US though - probably by Japan, Australia or even China.


The US isn't worried about North Korea. Its worry is the destabilization of that part of the world by North Korea and we should be glad that they have the balls to intervene unlike ASEAN countries who for some reason have been "dodging" this issue. And honestly, all of North Korea's missiles have been duds - Its outdated, slow and heavy. It would take time for them to catch up with their counterparts. Couple it with a trade embargo on oil and resources, I would definitely be worried if I was Kim Jong Un (or whatever his name is).

Edited by JayZip
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Having Sokor in one peninsula is the trump card of Kim Jong Un. Sokor has more to lose if Nokor decides to launch a nuclear strike on it. Seoul is a bustling city with a lot of commerce and trade in it. The same can't be said of Pyongyang. If Kim decides to launch a missile at Seoul or any other Sokor city for that matter, the South will counter by destroying Pyongyang. Sokor will win but it will be a pyrrhic victory.


Australia? Nope, that would be a waste of time and logistics. If Australia's proximity to the Korean peninsula is the same as the Philippines, maybe.

It doesnt matter who attacks North Korea. The point is, they cant do much except test duds because they cannot attack South Korea much less a war becAuse (pyrric victory ir not) they will cease to exist if they do that.


Logistics? The US was able to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima with a nuke. What more allied countries near North Korea?


Sus, u a communist by chance? What are u really trying to prove with ur argument? That North Korea is a superpower and a country to be "reckoned" with? Or you just hate the west or the US?

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What country would Nokor exactly destabilize? ASEAN? The Korean peninsula is not even in the ASEAN region.

ay sorry naman po lol


Im talking about destablizing the whole region. You cannot just test and launch missiles and dump it on someones sovereign territory (like the sea of japan). How would you feel if i flung s@%t on ur backyard? Lol

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I don't think North Korea is worried. I regard North Korea as a berzerker. If the US launches cruise missiles at them, their default reprisal would be to do the same to South Korea so if the US plans to launch something like this, it better make sure it takes out all the missile silos of Nokor. Otherwise, all hell is gonna break loose in the Korean Peninsula.


There is nothing the US can do if Nokor taunts it by conducting nuclear tests. The North has missiles pointed at the South and the US does not want Sokor, which has a US base there. in it to be put in harm's way because they launched Tomahawk missiles at Nokor. Also, the US can't risk a proxy war or even a direct war with China, a US trade partner, because of its aggression on Nokor. Kim Jong Un sure knows his geopolitics.


The US won't win a direct war against China unless it nukes the whole China.


The US would be more circumspect than that, I think. They have to be, they don't want to be in a war and Trump did run on a campaign of America's economy first before policing the world on the dime of the American taxpayer. But recent events show that he can change his mind; he did about Assad when he saw the gassed kids.


North Korea seems to always make statements when global attention starts shifting away from them. It would just be interesting to know how Trump positioned the US with Xi visiting, knowing full well that by attacking the Syrian military installations he was making a huge departure from the Obama doctrine of leading from behind. Trump made sure the world understood there's a different kind of sheriff in town, no?


Then there's Mattis and Tillerson facing off with the Chinese contingent. Wonder what that meeting was like.

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Causing worry to South Korea, maybe, but the whole region? That's quite a stretch.


You are not concerned that they are testing nuke capability and launching missiles? Who else does that in the region?

Testing under the premise that it is in response to US aggression? Because the US have been ever since doing joint military exercises with South Korea, Japan and even the Philippines?


I am worried. So should you be.


Practice makes perfect and those duds may one day cause the South to spill blood. How could they cease to exist when they have the their bad-ass big brother, China, behind them?


That was WWII and the US had to bomb Japan so that that World War would be concluded. Your are comparing two different circumstances. What is the reason for Australia to be aggressive towards North Korea when it is thousands of miles away from North Korea and does not have any interest in North Korea? Countries go to war because of common interests which both covet (i.e. land/territory) or conflict of interest (i.e. religious wars or idealogical wars). Usually, it is neighboring countries going to war with each other with the US policing/meddling in some wars. Australia is not a superpower that will police the world like the US


Logistics: US sending a "strike team" near the peninsula.


Anyway, I think the US doesn't care about what the North Koreans do anymore just because North Korea will be North Korea.

The strike team was probably more of a message to the Chinese saying "Hey, we're here to protect our assets whether you like it or not and its up to you to deal with North Korea"


Do you really think China would have their back if North Korea attacked South Korea first?


I am just stating theories just like you but my theories are more plausible than yours which are not even logical and far-fetched. Remember, it was you who first quoted my post. I just answered dungeonbaby's question to my post. Have you run out of things to say that your counter is asking me if I am a communist or that I hate the US?


I don't think they are far-fetched. It's happening now.




And I apologize for the bad blood. I had a bad week last week. LOL

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