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The End of the American Century?

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Posts here seem dated and redundant. It lacks common sense. The Chinese are the largest US financiers holding the most US Bonds. Thus if war erupts, the US stands to gain by not honoring its obligations to a hostile enemy. Also, the Chinese funding somewhat paid for the recent US military contracts that have upgraded defense and cutting edge offense capability that were covered by US government securities. A Chinese vs USA war is completely tilted against China.


There is also the question of Chinese government financial integrity of stuck funds in US Securities. If China got a lot of funds in US Securities, how can they account for Chinese military buildup they made? Where did the funds come from? My conservative guess is that China made a financial hocus pocus - the real reason for its desperate military expansionist strategy which had btw, stepped on the toes of Japan and Russia - among others.

China has invested in some pretty expensive infrastructure in the past 10 to 15 years. Bagong yaman mentality. They must have borrowed a lot of money to make that happen. Perhaps it "borrowed" from the US or more accurately, the US paid back some of its debt to China which in turn used that money to construct all that infrastructure and modernize its military

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China has invested in some pretty expensive infrastructure in the past 10 to 15 years. Bagong yaman mentality. They must have borrowed a lot of money to make that happen. Perhaps it "borrowed" from the US or more accurately, the US paid back some of its debt to China which in turn used that money to construct all that infrastructure and modernize its military

What you are deducting is China is probably more indebted than the USA today. This is also what I am saying, but unlike the USA which keeps a tab on its financial standing, China don't offer much public disclosures. Thus, Chinese claims to prosperity and mighty capability do not match with its almost suicidal and desperate attempt to expand in territory.


It is highly likely that China got a bubble larger than anyone else. Australians echo this sentiment too when it asked China to provide data on its finances.

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What you are deducting is China is probably more indebted than the USA today. This is also what I am saying, but unlike the USA which keeps a tab on its financial standing, China don't offer much public disclosures. Thus, Chinese claims to prosperity and mighty capability do not match with its almost suicidal and desperate attempt to expand in territory.


It is highly likely that China got a bubble larger than anyone else. Australians echo this sentiment too when it asked China to provide data on its finances.

And when that Chinese bubble bursts...Kaboom!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

There seems to be a lot of news recently on Blacks getting killed in the ole US of A.


#Crimingwhilewhite is a mind-blowing view into white privilege and the law



#AliveWhileBlack emerges in response to #CrimingWhileWhite, Garner case


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There seems to be a lot of news recently on Blacks getting killed in the ole US of A.


#Crimingwhilewhite is a mind-blowing view into white privilege and the law



#AliveWhileBlack emerges in response to #CrimingWhileWhite, Garner case


Grand juries always seem to be siding with the cops lately. How can the members of the grand jury simply ignore the video showing the cop literally strangling his victim to death? And all over a petty crime of illegally selling cigarettes!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many people claim of another economic bust in the US! Well we just have to wait and see for ourselves, but the good thing other countries are starting to diversify their economies. Gradually reducing their use of US dollars, doing barter trades and choosing Renminbi as a alternative currency. Central banks around the world are beefing up their gold reserves as well.

In my own personal opinion there wont be a sudden collapse on the US economy or government but a gradual decline on its influence around the world. People are now starting to realize the blunders that the US has committed for the past decade and how vulnerable its economy is (due to debt). We see now the rise of BRICS nations and other NAM countries standing up against US interests. My only wish is that our country realizes this and starts to diversify our economy as well! And not be independent of the US for trade and security! And for God's sake no WWIII! US should realize that their influence is diminishing and no one believes their propaganda/ motives (w/ hidden agendas) anymore.

A True SuperPower country have the economic and military might to be called one!!! But lets hope diplomats/politicians can talk and settle their differences for a win-win solution and not just bomb one another.

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Here are some interesting information about which states in the US are worst at.




What Every State in the U.S. Is Worst at (Including North Dakota at Tourism)
ThrillistDecember 17, 2014

By Kate Peregrina

One thing that makes the U.S. great: no two states are the same. That diversity leads to distinct strengths and weaknesses, but how can you know what makes North Dakota different from South Dakota, besides a made-up line separating them?

Well, in the interest of showing that every state sucks in some way, we picked out one key area where each is most deficient. This is what every state is the worst at.


Credit: Thrillist/Jennifer Bui

Alabama: Most child smokers

Alabama is one of the few states in the Union that has raised its smoking age to 19, but apparently this measure is improving health about as much as fast food restaurants listing how many calories are in a bacon double cheeseburger. Smokers gonna smoke.

More: 10 Things Foreigners Love About The US

Alaska: Highest chlamydia rate

All that oil money apparently leads to some bad decisions. But really, in the state with the lowest population density that’s also got the coldest average temperature, you can also just blame it on lonely Alaskans looking for another warm body.

Arizona: Worst at going to the dentist

Nearly 60% of people in Arizona say they don’t get regular dental exams. Which, if you’re retired and have dentures, probably makes sense. But still — gross.

Arkansas: Fewest advanced degrees per capita

Only 6.1% of people in Arkansas have an advanced degree or higher. You know your state is doing something wrong when West Virginia is calling “SCOREBOARD” about its academic prowess compared to yours.

Related: What’s America’s Booziest State?

California: Most polluted cities

Everybody already knows the air in Los Angeles feels like it was imported from a Mad Max movie. But, not surprisingly, the air also sucks in Bakersfield, Modesto, Sacramento, and Fresno. As if you needed another reason not to visit Fresno.

Colorado: Greatest cocaine use

The next time you’re in Colorado, and somebody at a party is talking about fresh-cut powder, don’t assume the discussion is about skiing conditions.

Connecticut: Most unequal incomes

Connecticut has a lot going for it, with the highest rate of school enrollment in the country and the highest per capita income. But the top 1% in Connecticut earn 41 times what everyone else earns. The rich get richer, and everybody just keeps trying to figure out what New Haven pizza is.

Delaware: Least regular exercise

According to a Gallup poll, less than half of people from Delaware report exercising regularly — for 30 minutes a day, three times a week. According to Google Maps, it only takes about an hour to drive from the north end of Delaware to the south end, and surely very few Delawareans know how long it takes on foot.

Florida: Most recreational boat accidents

Florida has the highest number of boat accidents and fatalities. Yet studies consistently show that Floridians operate boats at least as well as highly caffeinated orangutans.

Georgia: Least integrity

Politicians in Georgia are the least ethical in the country, with an estimated 658 state workers having accepted gratuities during a two-year period. State legislators were not available for comment without an offer of basketball tickets or honey baked hams.

Hawaii: Highest homelessness rate

The good news is that homelessness has been decreasing in the United States in recent years. The bad news is that Hawaii still has about five times more homeless people than Mississippi, Indiana, and Kansas. At least they get to sleep on a beach?

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  • 3 weeks later...

The US has already overtaken Saudi in oil production and this is the major reason why oil prices are going down. Shale-based oil from the US has been eating into the oil market. Because of the falling price of oil in the world market, consumers such as us are enjoying it. Good job, Uncle Sam.

Agreed. According to this article, Putin may even resign because of falling world oil prices.



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11 Predictions Of Economic Disaster In 2015 From Top Experts All Over The Globe



Federal Reserve Hiring an ‘Emergency Preparedness Specialist’: “Anticipating a Massive Economic Calamity in 2015″?



On The Verge Of The Next Economic Crisis, 62 Percent Of Americans Are Living Paycheck To Paycheck



10 Key Events That Preceded The Last Financial Crisis That Are Happening Again RIGHT NOW



not to mention that White vs Black violent incidents are escalating after what happened last year.

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  • 1 month later...

This is already bordering on the ridiculous. What's happening to plain old common sense in America? It's not like this 70 year old teacher and collector of historical items is a threat to society. On the contrary, it seems the government is becoming a threat to citizens.




Flintlock from 1700s could land elderly NJ man in prison

By Maxim Lott

Published February 18, 2015

Van Gilder acquired the centuries-old gun for his antiques collection.

A retired teacher is facing 10 years in prison and the loss of his state pension for possessing a flintlock pistol that may not have been fired since George Washington was alive, his attorney told FoxNews.com on Wednesday.

In a case that underscores the Garden State's strict gun laws, Gordon Van Gilder, a retired English teacher and collector of historical items, has been charged with criminal possession of a handgun and faces up to 10 years in prison. If the 72-year-old is convicted, the charge carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 3.5 years and the pension Van Gilder earned as an educator could be revoked, penalties attorney Evan Nappen called "outrageous."

“It’s crazy," Nappen told FoxNews.com. "The gun was unloaded and strictly possessed as a historical relic. We’re hoping the prosecutor will exercise discretion and dismiss his case.”

Van Gilder readily acknowledged the unloaded gun was in his glove compartment and wrapped in cloth when he was pulled over for a traffic violation in Cumberland County in November 2014, according to Nappen. He had recently bought the gun and was planning to add it to his collection of antiques, which includes other old firearms, the lawyer said.

"Apparently there must be a lot of drive-by flintlock shootings in North Jersey."

- Gordon Van Gilder

“This is a Queen Anne flintlock, which is a very pretty gun," Nappen said. "The barrel looks like a cannon and it has a single shot – you have to actually untwist the barrel to load it – it’s pretty involved to even attempt to load it. But the craftsmanship is from the 1760s, and it’s just magnificent to think that every piece of it was handmade.”

But New Jersey law does not exempt antique firearms, said Nappen, who recently defended a Pennsylvania single mother who was pulled over just across the New Jersey border with a registered gun she carried for protection. In that case, Nappen helped his client avoid a 3-year mandatory minimum sentence only after widespread publicity including extensive coverage by Fox News led the state Attorney General's Office to drop the case.

The Cumberland County Prosecutor’s Office, which charged Van Gilder, did not return a call for comment Wednesday.

If Van Gilder is ultimately convicted, Nappen said he hopes Gov. Chris Christie would consider a pardon.

But he said the case could drag on for a long time.


Related Image

A Queen Anne flintlock is a prized collector's item, but not the weapon of choice for modern criminals, according to firearms experts.


“I called the prosecutor to see what we could do on this, and the prosecutor told me that they were waiting for ballistics," Nappen said incredulously. "And I’m thinking, ‘What? Ballistics on a flintlock?'"

Second Amendment advocates say the case illustrates the need to make gun laws more reasonable.

"This proves just how Draconian gun laws are in New Jersey," Alan Gottlieb, of the Second Amendment Foundation, told FoxNews.com. "Laws that are used to prosecute gun owners like this one are why the gun rights movement cannot trust gun prohibition politicians."

Gun control advocacy groups, including the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the Violence Policy Center, did not return requests for comment.

In an interview with NRA News, Van Gilder gave more details about his arrest.

“One of the undersheriffs said, ‘Well, let him go, it’s 250 years old,’" Van Gilder said. "But his boss, who is the sheriff, said, ‘No, we have to arrest him.’ Next morning, I am sleeping and hear pounding on the door, and four of them came and took me away with three or four sheriff’s cars -- I guess they didn’t have anything better to do with taxpayer money.”

“I was fingerprinted and I was chained by my legs to an ice cold bench. Apparently there must be a lot of drive-by flintlock shootings in North Jersey,” he quipped bitterly.

Van Gilder, who is frightened for his future, has set up a legal defense fund. He knows he could be in for a long fight.

“I’m charged with a felony," he said. "That could ruin my life. That could hurt my pension that I spent 34 years acquiring. And I couldn’t vote. It’s not right, it’s not fair. “

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Dollar Dump Begins: Russia Unloads 20% Of Its Total U.S. Holdings In ONE Month



WWIII is going to be the American Empire vs BRICS.


Now if all the other countries will follow in dumpuing the dollar! It will break US/West economic hegemony!

Does anyone here knows that our BSP (central bank) holds any gold reserves? or using fiat/ dollar reserves?

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Shock Report: Domestic Black Sites Now Operational: “When You Go In, No One Knows What’s Happened To You”



Landing Strips, Farms and Hideaways: Secret Escapes of the Elite: “The Rich Are Worried and They Should Be”



Reminds me of pre-WWII Germany....

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