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Electronic Cigarettes

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Can any of the people who have electronic cigarettes share their views about this product?


Answer questions like:

"How is the taste compared to a real cigarette and what are the flavors?"

"Does it really fix your nicotine fixation?"

"Does it help you quit smoking?"

"How long does a cartridge last?"

"What is the best e-cigarette brand and the best model from said brand?"

"How much is it and where can I buy it?"

"Is it sturdy or does it break easily?"


Thanks to all those who can answer some / all of the questions above.


Feel free to promote the e-cigarette you are selling (if you are indeed selling them). Thanks!

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I'm Selling Electronic Cigarettes, here are the answers to your question


"How is the taste compared to a real cigarette and what are the flavors?"

Its taste like the real cigarette, for flavors there are lot's og them.

"Does it really fix your nicotine fixation?"

It's has less nicotine.

"Does it help you quit smoking?"

It won't help you in quiting.

"How long does a cartridge last?"

It's re-chargable.

"What is the best e-cigarette brand and the best model from said brand?"

I sell Denkat model.

"How much is it and where can I buy it?"

You can PM me for details.

"Is it sturdy or does it break easily?"

It won't break and in case there are replacavle parts available.

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I'm Selling Electronic Cigarettes, here are the answers to your question


"How is the taste compared to a real cigarette and what are the flavors?"

Its taste like the real cigarette, for flavors there are lot's og them.

"Does it really fix your nicotine fixation?"

It's has less nicotine.

"Does it help you quit smoking?"

It won't help you in quiting.

"How long does a cartridge last?"

It's re-chargable.

"What is the best e-cigarette brand and the best model from said brand?"

I sell Denkat model.

"How much is it and where can I buy it?"

You can PM me for details.

"Is it sturdy or does it break easily?"

It won't break and in case there are replacavle parts available.



"How is the taste compared to a real cigarette and what are the flavors?" - as a replacement if you run out of cigarettes - taste fine


"Does it really fix your nicotine fixation?" - No


"Does it help you quit smoking?" - No


"How long does a cartridge last?" - a single cartridge can last for days probably because doesnt taste like real cigarettes (This my own opinion lang ha)


"What is the best e-cigarette brand and the best model from said brand?" - Denkat


"How much is it and where can I buy it?" - it was just a gift for me


"Is it sturdy or does it break easily?" - no, dropped it a couple times na but still working. Wierd looking nga lang because of the light when you puff on the tip of the stick


Again my opinion: It's like inhaling dry ice.

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"How is the taste compared to a real cigarette and what are the flavors?"

Flavors I've tried is Cola, Mint, Marlboro, Oregano, Marijuana.

It tastes sorta like a very weak cigarette.


"Does it really fix your nicotine fixation?"

Not really, not even close. And I'm already using 4x the nicotine level of cigarettes.


"Does it help you quit smoking?"

Not at all.


"How long does a cartridge last?"

30 minutes (I smoke it pretty much continuously.


"What is the best e-cigarette brand and the best model from said brand?"

It doesn't matter, its the refill that's expensive.


"How much is it and where can I buy it?"

If you buy here? Expensive, in China, dirt cheap.


"Is it sturdy or does it break easily?"

Its pretty sturdy, mine has been abused for months already.


Thanks to all those who can answer some / all of the questions above.

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Thanks for those who replied to this thread. :)


So I guess the only + sides of having an electronic cigarette is that they don't have other bad chemicals and that you can smoke it pretty much anywhere (even in class). I did some research and they claim that it really did help people quit. Oh well... now I'm thinking if I should still push through with buying one.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi! I've quit smoking since around 5 years ago but I miss the buzz it gives me when I try to relax so I tried this out just for the fun of it.


"How is the taste compared to a real cigarette and what are the flavors?"

There are actually several different flavors in the market today. The more common ones are subzero, chill, valdente, Blueberry, Banana, Capuccino, etc...


Get this: you can even order the nicotine level you want. There Zero (0mg), Low (12mg), Med (18mg), High (24mg). That's just the nicotine in the fluid. Once the fluid vaporizes, the actual nicotine level you inhale is significantly reduced, thus the need for a higher concentration.


There's also two different flavor types: Light (which just contains the flavor plus vegetable glycerine) and Hard (which contains the flavor, VG, and a tobacco base for a more cigarette-like flavor).


So if you order a subzero with high nicotine and hard flavor, you'd get a higher nicotine kick plus the throat hit of a real (or what some now call 'analog') cigarettes.


"Does it really fix your nicotine fixation?"

Depends on how long and how heavy your smoking habit is. When I first tried it, and remember I haven't smoked in 5 years-- with just a low nicotine, light flavored subzero, I got the nicotine buzz after just three puffs!


"Does it help you quit smoking?"

Officially, it doesn't. It's marketed as a recreational device for smokers, for when you can't smoke because you're in a public place or in a non-smoking restaurant, for example.


BUT I've read some claims from several forums that it helped them kick their habit. Most users are saying that after using it exclusively for a week (no conventional cigarettes), when they tried to use their cigarette brands again, they immediately got coughing fits and felt repelled by the smoke.


The WHO has cautioned manufacturers agains marketing it as a smoking cessation device so you understand the answers from our friends above.


"How long does a cartridge last?"

This is actually a very technical question. You see, a "cartridge" is just one part of the e-cig (or what some call personal vaporizers or PVs, which I rather prefer, just so it wouldn't have a bad connotation.) The cartridge is a hollow tube with one end which is closed except for a very small hole. This is the part you inhale from.


The other end contains a foam-like device. This is where you drop the e-liquid (the more proper term for e-juices). 10 drops for a dry foam/filter and 4 drops for a moist one. Once you've completely soaked the foam/filter, you place it on the end of the device. When you turn it on, a coil inside the PV heats up, vaporizing the e-liquid. It's these vapors which you actually inhale.


The liquid lasts from I dunno-- 10-20 puffs? It all depends on how much you inhale.


When you feel you're not getting enough vapors, you can just remove the cartridge again and refill it with more e-liquids and you're good to go.


There's a new item they call "cartomizers" which is a single unit containing more foam with the heating coil included in the unit. BAsically with this new device, you can put 1.8ml of e-liquid instead of just 4 drops and this will last a very long time. They say it also brings out more of the flavor. I haven't tried this one yet, though because I have yet to use up the 5 free cartridges I got.


Now, each cartridge (the tube with the foam inside it) can last you a week or more if you're careful in using it. However, it's really designed to be disposable and costs just P150 for five new ones so what the hell-- it's dirt cheap so you shouldn't really be concerned with this.

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To complete the explanation, there's another part of the PV you need to know about. Remember the heating coil I mentioned? It's actually called an "atomizer". It's another small part of the e-cigarette (or PV, personal vaporizer)which connects to the cartridge above and to the battery below. This is also completely replaceable and has a life of about 2-4 months, depending on how much you use it and how you take care of it. There are ways of cleaning it to prolong its life and a new one costs around P400 so it's really not much of a concern.


Lastly, there's the battery. It's a lithium-type battery and it powers the atomizer. There's the 180mah version which you need to recharge every 1-2 hours again depending on your usage, and there are 380mah, 650mah... I've even heard of a 3000mah battery! It's life, just like all lithium-based batteries is around 300-1000 cycle depending on the quality and care. A new 380mah battery would cost P750 and a 750mah costs P1000.


"What is the best e-cigarette brand and the best model from said brand?"

For most users, the Joye 510 would suffice. Vapor production is good-- it's just like you're smoking the real thing! Batteries come in the 180mah and 280mah versions. The 180mah version can last 1-2 hours and the 280mah version lasts around 2-3 hours.Do take note that this is with heavy vaping. Heck, my joye 510 with 280mah battery can last me the whole day since I'm just a casual user.


For the heavier smokers out there, there's the Joye eGo and its offshoot, the Em-Riva. Joye eGo produced the first of these types of PVs and some companies followed suite, thus the Riva. Some claim the Riva is actually better than the eGo, but it's still an ongoing debate.


One reviewer for the Riva claimed he's a already a heavy smoker but when he used the Riva, he almost coughed his lungs out because he made the mistake of drawing out as much vapor as he would usually do with his conventional cigarette! And he said the throat hit was just awesome!


Another user said he had to crack open his car window while using his Riva because all the vapors were obstructing his vision!


Last comes the model for the very heavy vapers: the indulgence and GGTS. I've never really been interested in them so I can't tell more about them than the fact that they're expensive as hell. They cost around 6-8k.

"How much is it and where can I buy it?"

"Is it sturdy or does it break easily?"

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"How much is it and where can I buy it?"

First off, let me tell you straight away not to buy the ones they sell in malls like the "E-health" brand. Vapers say this is one of the reasons why most smokers who want to shift to PVs fail. They k*ll your vaping experience right away.


With that out of the way, we can now go to the more useful PVS.

The Joye 510 kit costs around P1,800-P2,500. A kit means you get 2 batteries, 2 atomizers, five cartridges and one AC charger. Some sellers throw in a few e-liquids. Some are even offering free taste tests so you can choose which flavor to start with.


Having two batteries mean you can use a fresh one while charging a used one.


There are even personal charging cases (PCCs). They look like cigarette cases and you can charge them at home since they carry around 650mah (I think) batteries so that if one battery runs out, just put it in the charging case and it will automatically charge the battery in about an hour while you're enjoying vaping using the second battery. A case can charge a battery as many as four times! This should last you the night.


Back to your question:

The Em-Riva kit costs P2,950 and the eGo costs a whopping P4,000!

The Indulgence costs P4,900 and the GGTS costs P8,800. I guess you can see why I don't have much comments about these two.


As to the second part of your question:

There's a shop at Tutuban named PC R US and they carry the Denkat 510, Joye eGo, GGTS and several other brands. They also have refills, e-liquids, etc. They carry almost everything you'll need to start, continue, and elevate your vaping experience.


The other internet seller I know are eshotsph.com and vapecig.com.


"Is it sturdy or does it break easily?"

I guess I've answered this question when I explained the cartridges. Basically, they're very sturdy but you must remember that each part is designed such that they have a llimited usage life(?). The good news is, they're very easy to replace and the cost shouldn't be much more than what you regularly spend when using conventional cigarettes.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

I bought my Joye Ego PT unit last march 2011. Till now i haven't had any cravings with "analog" cigarettes. Why? because my kit lasts 6-7 hours of continuous smoking which is good for a day and a half if youre a mild smoker. My battery lasts 18 hours without charging cause im a bit of a heavy VAPER. My kit has a USB port at the tip of the battery so while im infront of my PC, watching TV, or even driving, i can VAPE while charging, and thats with windows closed and AC on.


I bought my kit at PhP 2000.00 with free 10 ml liquid. As for the liquid, i read somewhere that 1 ml is equal to 20 sticks of cigarettes, and 10 ml bottle costs 200-300 pesos. You do the math. I got addicted to the different flavors that they sell, and my favorites are strawberry, cola, nutella, japanes corn, and marlboro reds of course.


im 31 now and i started smoking around 13 y/o and i quit just this march 2011. last time i checked i was smoking 1 pack of marlboro reds per day, and when i quit, the tobacco withrawal was uneasy, i would palpitate periodically for 5 days. some people are even worse, they got fever and flu, but afterwards its heaven. base on my personal experience, i dont get easily tired anymore when i walk, jog, workout, and my taste buds are now normal. one thing though, you get your appetite back, and the e-juice makes you hungry cause of the flavors.


i tried 2 puffs of analog cigarette (marlboro lights) and it tastes like sh*t, and thats after only 3 weeks of VAPING. I guess the best thing that im getting from e-cig is, while you are taking in some nicotine, you are NOT getting the carbon monoxide, nor the toxins or tar that you get from smoking. Remember that e-cig has no ignition and fire hazard. For me thats good enough knowing that my lungs are WAY safer now. Just last week i went to the province for 5 days and i forgot my e-cig at home, i didnt crave for analog smoke at all. Hope this helps you decide. :rolleyes:


and if ever, i know the people who sells legit products. anyone can pm me if interrested. :lol:

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I bought my Joye Ego PT unit last march 2011. Till now i haven't had any cravings with "analog" cigarettes. Why? because my kit lasts 6-7 hours of continuous smoking which is good for a day and a half if youre a mild smoker. My battery lasts 18 hours without charging cause im a bit of a heavy VAPER. My kit has a USB port at the tip of the battery so while im infront of my PC, watching TV, or even driving, i can VAPE while charging, and thats with windows closed and AC on.


I bought my kit at PhP 2000.00 with free 10 ml liquid. As for the liquid, i read somewhere that 1 ml is equal to 20 sticks of cigarettes, and 10 ml bottle costs 200-300 pesos. You do the math. I got addicted to the different flavors that they sell, and my favorites are strawberry, cola, nutella, japanes corn, and marlboro reds of course.


im 31 now and i started smoking around 13 y/o and i quit just this march 2011. last time i checked i was smoking 1 pack of marlboro reds per day, and when i quit, the tobacco withrawal was uneasy, i would palpitate periodically for 5 days. some people are even worse, they got fever and flu, but afterwards its heaven. base on my personal experience, i dont get easily tired anymore when i walk, jog, workout, and my taste buds are now normal. one thing though, you get your appetite back, and the e-juice makes you hungry cause of the flavors.


i tried 2 puffs of analog cigarette (marlboro lights) and it tastes like sh*t, and thats after only 3 weeks of VAPING. I guess the best thing that im getting from e-cig is, while you are taking in some nicotine, you are NOT getting the carbon monoxide, nor the toxins or tar that you get from smoking. Remember that e-cig has no ignition and fire hazard. For me thats good enough knowing that my lungs are WAY safer now. Just last week i went to the province for 5 days and i forgot my e-cig at home, i didnt crave for analog smoke at all. Hope this helps you decide. :rolleyes:


and if ever, i know the people who sells legit products. anyone can pm me if interrested. :lol:

where can i buy this particular brand?

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There's a shop at Tutuban named PC R US and they carry the Denkat 510, Joye eGo, GGTS and several other brands. They also have refills, e-liquids, etc. They carry almost everything you'll need to start, continue, and elevate your vaping experience.



dude, can you tell me where in tutuban is this store located? i'm planning to go there this weekend...

Edited by resident_big_evil
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