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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Yes definitely, it's His law that we should put in my mind that His law is above all the laws in the land ... most especially the " Love God with all your heart, with all your soul , and with all your mind " and "Love your neighbor as you love your self " law.

Even if one hasn't read the Bible, much less understand what is said, all one needs to do really is observe these two major laws which encompass everything God expects from us. The first one as you stated is "Love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind." And the second is "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."


Much much easier said than done. For instance, let's suppose someone kills your daughter. Rapes, tortures, murders and then mutilates her corpse in front of you. And then goes on to do the same to the rest of your family. In front of you.


Somehow you survive the attack. What would your natural reaction be?


Most people would think of revenge. Make this b^^^ard pay for what he did to your family. Make him suffer the way he made your family and you suffer.


Question: Are such thoughts in accordance with the second law of "loving your neighbor as you love yourself?" Is "loving your neighbor" conditional or is it absolute?


I believe it's absolute. So if it's absolute, what should my reaction be if I want to obey Christ's second commandment? Should I forgive my family's assailant? The answer would be yes. But how does one forgive such a heinous act? It's human to hate the person that did this to your family.


I read somewhere that forgiveness is a blessing bestowed by God upon the faithful. Being human, it's impossible to forgive such a crime. But with God's blessing and grace, we achieve what is humanly impossible. The grace and strength to forgive. That doesn't mean that the person who brutally murdered your family won't be punished. He will. If not here on earth, then in the after-life according to Christian belief.


The Bible states that if you do not forgive your enemies, neither will God forgive you. It's a tough call. But with God's grace, the impossible becomes possible.


Incidentally, it is not possible to claim that you love God in accordance with the first law if you do not observe the second. These two laws go hand in hand.

Edited by sonnyt111
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  • 5 months later...

The object of the debate as I understand is that whether or not a moral code is needed.


If this is so then the idea is morality per se without the influence of thr different beliefs of each individual.


Then it will come down to the question: What is considered to be moral or not?


If we look into the aspect of right or wrong, can we consider the right is moral and the wrong to be good. But who or what will say that a certain action is morally right or morally wrong.


God's moral code, as you say it in the absence of God (hypotherically speaking of course) wouldn't exist if there truly is an absence of God.


Then how can we look for one such code?


The moral code that we speak of is a guide meant to bring order to chaos.


The ancient greeks and romans have it. Review our history and you'll see that even our ancestors, before the spanish ever did arrive, have it.


Without any form of moral code, whether it's from God or whoever, civilization as we know it wouldn't exist.


The greeks have it. The romans have it. Review our history we have it. Without a certain moral code civilization as we know it won't exist.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

God's Laws are different from man made constructs, although human laws have been patterned to follow divine laws.


When socialism was born in Russia, the Laws of God were ignored. There was a reign of terror that attracted natural calamities leading to God's punishment which is pestilence, famine and war. In no time human plans were demolished due to lack of God's blessings. Russia not only suffered extreme weather conditions but had food shortage leading to starvation. A part of the territory - Alaska was sold to neighbor USA to pay for the cost of grain - and secure their national survival.


Today that socialism put on the Emperor's New Clothes and has been called the Environmental Movement. Likewise, it ignores the divine laws too. It has hijacked science and politically charged the propagation of knowledge in schools and in tech driven information society. Problem is there is no longer truth in science and even the best countries are powerless over the calamities that come to them. This is despite the fact that the environmental movement is focused on creating a better world free from pollution and man made technology detrimental to the well being of Earthlings. God's Laws in nature has been twisted and packaged as KNOWLEDGE of the environment INSTANTLY creating fear of destruction unless human politics become relentless and absolute over each and every person in the planet.


However this call for complete human control over the environment lead us to witness the wrath of nature instead. What is happening is a dramatic shout out and wake up call for mankind saying that it is never man but God who is in control.

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FYI, in Russia, the motivation of people was the emancipation of labor and workers from capitalists. But history etched the truth in the blood of Russians. In World War 2, Stalin forced Russians to fight the Germans leading to the greatest loss of lives for any country in that war. Some say that the combined total number of loss of non-Russians lives including civilians like the millions of Jews who died in the holocaust is even smaller than the Russian lives lost in World War 2.


Apparently lacking in supply of firearms and ammunition, the Russians were eliminated by the superior weaponry of the Germans and also by Stalin's military command to shoot those who abandon their posts and refuse to fight the NAZI. Socialism did this to the Russians - both the NAZI socialists from Germany and Stalin who is Georgian and head of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The error of socialism led Russians to a fate far worse than ordinary workers suffering from capitalism. What happened was worse than slavery since they became like a worthless dummy shot and killed by their fellow socialists.

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  • 1 year later...

we must not commit sin

What is sin to you? Is it following the will of man or the Will of God?


With so many laws today, one must reflect if such rules would be in harmony with the Will of God or not. This is especially true since men today are campaigning against God and hoping to eliminate divinity completely from a picture perfect environment.

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I belong under the umbrella group of what you call atheists -- in my experience there are many different kinds of atheists, just as there are many denominations within christianity (fundamentalists, lutherans, roman catholics), and still more variations of belief in god (christians, muslims, the jewish).


Since atheists do not give much authority to revelation or anything "god-given" then yes, we really do try to build ourselves a moral code from the ground up. Sometimes these moral codes coincide with something that other religions have, the Golden Mean being the obvious example. Sometimes this moral code is based on a person's reason or sense of fairness, sometimes it's based on selfish desire, so just as christianity and islam has it's share of bad apples, so does atheism.


When you say 'just two examples of purely random man-made "moral" standards' what exactly do you mean? That you chose two random examples of atheist thought, or that atheists just came up with these randomly? Because the latter is insulting, it implies that atheists pull their ideas of right and wrong out of their asses without much thought. If that is what you think of atheists, then you're really starting off on the wrong foot.


Also, are you saying that ONLY atheists believe in legalized abortion and gay marriage? Because that's utterly ludicrous - Ellen Degeneres believes in god. She's not roman catholic, but she's not an atheist either.


Ellen DeGeneres was raised a Christian Scientist (but considers herself now as non-religious). It is a sect of Christianity that does not believe people should see doctors ( or any health professional ) or take medication. People in that religion believe in Holy Ghost but heaven and hell are just states of mind.


As for the topic, let me assert this mainly that most of the rational people believe in objective morality. Like, why do people generally think that some actions are ‘right’ and some actions are ‘wrong’ regardless of people’s subjective opinions? Why do most people believe that it is ‘evil’ or ‘wicked’ for someone to steal something (killing, too, is a form of stealing one’s life) etc.


Because, it is noted by a certain evolutionist Edward Slingerland, humans have metaphysical rights. Rights that are “a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses” and “rely on moral values”. In fact, most people (even many atheists) admitted that real, objective good and evil do exist.

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  • 4 months later...

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