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Visiting the magnificent National WW1 Memorial , I found this little fellow in his crisp military forest camo standing guard at the door to the remembrance hall.

Walking through the silent, somber, dimly lit, and cold displays of artifacts from fields that run red with blood and tears, one can't help feel shivers down the spine and be made aware of some kind of other worldly presence. :)





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The National World War 1 Memorial

(From left to right) The memory Hall, The Memory sphynx, The guardian tower, The Future sphynx, The exhibit hall. (Under the tower is the main museum, gallery, and education center).

* The two sphynx statues shielded their eyes. "Memory" faces East ashamed of the atrocities of war in Europe that man has inflicted upon fellow man. "Future" faces West, afraid of what future wars may bring to mankind.

* The Guardian Tower has 4 40ft statues symbolizing courage, honor, patriotism, and sacrifice. It is both a reminder and warning of the horrors of war.



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National WW1 Memorial -continued.


The back of the memorial with the largest wall sculpture of its kind in the world measuring at 148 x 18 feet.. It represents "Progression of Humankind From War to Peace"




The "Great Frieze" Reads:

These have dared bear the torches of sacrifice and service.

Their bodies return to dust but their work liveth forevermore.

Let us strive on to do all which may achieve and cherish

A just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations



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