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Wheat Grass

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What is Wheatgrass?


Wheatgrass is a special strain of grass that has the highest chlorophyll content among all plants: 70% in fact. Chlorophyll is “plant blood” with a very similar structure to our own blood. It’s very rich in enzymes and amino acids beneficial to both plants and you. Wheatgrass has so much chlorophyll in it that just one ounce of wheatgrass juice is equivalent to 2 ½ pounds (that’s a kilo) of raw vegetables!

It is considered as a Superfood and a wonder medicine that can cure or prevent various health problems. So imagine getting all the wholesome goodness of all those veggies in a day and then some with just an ounce of wheatgrass juice! Who knew being naturally healthy was that simple?


Why does Wheatgrass work?


Wheatgrass is so effective because of chlorophyll. The structure of chlorophyll is similar to your own hemoglobin or red blood cells. Oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen are held together by iron – that’s your blood. Chlorophyll also has those elements but is structured around a different metal: magnesium. The similarity of your blood and chlorophyll is what makes it so easy for your body to absorb all those nutrients quickly. It is also referred to as the green blood.


Since wheatgrass is 70% chlorophyll, you’re effectively giving your blood fresh, raw, and abundant materials to use in improving your whole body! Your body can easily transform chlorophyll into hemoglobin which increases your red blood cell count. And an increased amount of red blood cells means that more amounts of oxygen and other nutrients are delivered to the different parts of your body faster!


Benefits of Wheatgrass


- Natural live energy and helps overcome aging - Natural high active enzymes

- Natural anti-bacterial - Superior detoxification agent

- Washes out drug deposits in the body - Neutralizes toxins

- Purifies liver and blood - Improves and normalizes blood sugar levels

- Naturally improves strength, endurance and disposition - Improves sense of well-being

- Cures acne and removes bad odor wherever applied - Prevents and fights cancer

- Dissolves scars in lungs, that is caused by breathing carbon m. - Cures chronic sinusitis

- Overcomes ear inflammation and infections - Prevents tooth decay and eases sore throat

- it is great for blood disorders of all kinds including anemia - Excellent in a case of constipation in keeping the bowels open

- Cures psoriasis and helps overcome skin problems - Gives energy to the sex hormones

- Reduces high blood - Reassembles red blood cell molecules

- Helps reduce the absorption of carcinogens - Helps eliminate bad breath and pulls poisons from the gum



Why juice?


You might think that it’s easier to just take wheatgrass pills or use its powdered form as opposed to taking time and juicing your fresh wheatgrass. We believe in juicing because of one thing: enzymes.

The enzymes contained in wheatgrass could be denatured or rendered inactive when the product undergoes pasteurization, which is essential to turn wheatgrass into its pill or powdered form. You might have an easier time popping a wheatgrass pill or mixing powdered wheatgrass into your favorite smoothie, but you’re missing out on the enzymes that were destroyed in the heating and packaging processes.

Juicing raw wheatgrass not only ensures freshness, but makes sure all the enzymes are there when you drink it. Juicing also makes it easily digestible since it’s in a liquid medium. This is why wheatgrass juice is best taken on an empty stomach. Within 20-30 minutes, the juice would’ve been absorbed by your body so you can go on to eat your breakfast knowing that you didn’t skip out on all those beneficial enzymes.


How often should I drink Wheatgrass juice?


Before we talk about how often or how much wheatgrass juice to drink, keep in mind that you’re juicing wheatgrass fresh for a reason. Wheatgrass juice is potent for up to 2 hours after you juice it; if refrigerated will last for 12 hours.

If you’re new to taking Wheatgrass, we suggest you start out at one to two ounce a day for a week and increase to 4 ounces after that. Your body needs a bit of time to adjust to the wheatgrass and you may experience nausea the first few times you take it. Rest assured that the nausea will pass and it is not an allergic reaction to wheatgrass. Wheat allergies are caused by the gluten in wheat breads, which is not found in wheatgrass juice. You’re getting all the health benefits of chlorophyll and enzymes, but not the allergies.

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HI! How much is a wheat grass? Is there a seed available?


wheatgrass seed cost p250 for 500grms imported from australia.


a tray of grown wheatgrass which has a size of 10"x16" will cost p400 plus cost of tray

P100 for a total of p500

Edited by romeo
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can we have some pics on the plant and the seeds itsel bro...


does wheatgrass grow on our backyards if planted? no organic fertilizers needed?


hehehe, dami ko tanong bro sensya na, interested lang


yeah they grow on backyard, but if you intend to juice it. I dont recommend you do it that way. (for sanitary reasons)


no fertilizer needed to grow wheatgrass....just soil for sprouting and water.

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