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Mafia Wars On Facebook


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Yan ang iba ko pang stats sir pipe. Bumibili din ako ng items sa faction store, hirap nga lang magipon. Hehehe. Tapos ko na Bangkok, nasa 2nd stage na ako ng Paris.


hehe, malaking tulong kung na-vault mo na yung money laundering collection. unless hindi ka nag dedeposit. hehe.


hindi masaya tong paris. nakaka antok kasi antay ka ng 8 hours :P

sana may LV na soon :D

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this just in..



Thought you’d finished with Bangkok? Think again. Return to the Far East for two all-new episodes for Bangkok, where you’ll need to fight to re-establish your hold as a major Yakuza and Triad boss. Extend your influence and consolidate your power base. It’s only a matter of time until you will be the greatest criminal in Asia, and you’ll need to overthrow the Thai government to protect your criminal empire. These episodes will only unlock after you have completed episodes 5a and 5b.


Watch out though - power has a way of bringing some unwanted attention from some shadowy forces… With completely new jobs and Mastery items, there are new challenges and prizes that await. Are you ready to conquer the mysteries of Thailand?


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may big raj poster dati eh.. mukhang tinanggal ng zynga. remember yung hindi mag post yung mga job help? dun lumabas yun big raj app na yun at nakapost ng job help ang mga players. pati money laundering andun. nag search ako and hindi ko na makita.. hehe.


so i think, hingi ka sa mafia mo kung sino may spare. hehe.

o help ka sa mga may money laundering jobs pa. may nakikita pa ako every now and then.. hehe.

pag nakumpleto mo yun, from 10% bank fee, magiging 7% nalang (re-vault is money socks)


ano pang kulang mo idol?

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Straight from the Zynga chat room on skype, from Jill (Zynga):



[5/5/10 8:00:23 PM] Jill: bird's the word that you should all make sure that everyone should grab their 10 digit codes that are starting to show up in game.

[5/5/10 8:00:40 PM] Jill: this is critical especially for anyone that was unwilling to share their email addresses.

[5/5/10 8:01:00 PM] Jill: be certain not to share your PIN 10 digit code as these will not be compensated or supported if lost.

[5/5/10 8:01:12 PM] Jill: Sorry I can't say more at this time. long and short is this will assist us to directly tie your account assets to you so that nobody can phish or steal your account and claim it was theirs.




If you come across a 10 digit code while playing mafia wars, SAVE IT!!! It is your PIN number and is unique to your account. This will help identify who you are incase your account is hacked or stolen. So please heed this warning: when the game gives you a 10 digit code, save that number and NEVER share it with ANYONE!


This also might help people who lose their FB accounts, but then might be able to transfer their MW account to a new FB identity with that PIN.



There are tie-ins to the mafiawars.com standalone site not being disclosed here either, and vault hacks (including collecting it multiple times) are already flowing on the usual scene release sites ^_^


==> LONG STORY SHORT: Treat the new code like a credit card number; if anyone gets their hands on it, you are screwed. Proof of concept hack from TeamInfinity quite soon, already found NUMEROUS HOLES AND EXPLOITS THIS OPENS UP... someone gets your code, they can take ALL YOUR LOOT.



Update: These codes are ostensibly for your new mystery vault, since the release notes in MW fail to mention Jill's disclosure. Go to NY > lower end > do a bunch of 2 energy jobs until it appears. Copy the code. Go to your home page on MW, click the vault thing in your news box and enter the code to get a random prize.


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Zynga (Gamers) vs Facebook (Non - Gamers) -- ang saya. message just got in my inbox :P


Subject: Please read and Respond to this page!!!

We know that Zynga makes its revenue from selling hoes and machine guns, 90% of its revenue according to a recent Business Week article.




And it’s not as if FB doesn't enjoy an income stream from us pay players. Zynga, according to BW, spends $5-8M a month for banner ads on Facebook.


We have an Economic Voice, yet:


*** Every day, social gamers’ FB accounts are disabled for ill-defined and sometimes arbitrary reasons.


***Facebook doesn't respond to numerous requests regarding disabled accounts.


***Accounts remain disabled for weeks and months and are sometimes never restored.


***Nowhere are criteria defined for an account disable or suspension; FB refuses to provide us that information.


***Number of weekly account disables is on the rise.


Non-gamers have a voice and have made their voice heard. "I Don't Care About Your Farm, Or Your Fish, Or Your Park, Or Your Mafia!!!" is 6 million strong. FB page referenced in the BW article:




According to BW, FB has begun implementing changes in response to user complaints about "spam-like messages that appeared every time one of their game-playing friends…" We know what those changes are; we are experiencing them through increased Account Disables and "SHOW SIMILAR POSTS."


We have an Economic Voice! It’s time to use that voice! Let’s demonstrate that we are greater than 6M+ players, that we generate revenue, and we want our voices heard!!!


I'm asking you to help anyone that has been caught in the Black Hole of Account Disables – and help prevent this from continuing by joining this page, STOP DISABLING ACCOUNTS FOR NORMAL GAME PLAY:




Godfathers and Admins: I'm asking you to send this out to your group for distribution. We need to reach the MW players and fighters.


All others: Please send to as many friends as possible. Let the Gamers Voice be Heard.


GOAL: Greater than 6 Million!!!


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Guest Dennis®



2. i got my 10 digit code - i am sure, everybody will get theirs sooner or later :P


i was about to ask about it. meron na pala sagot.thanks pipe! i got mine just now.

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^ after +3 defense, + 3 attack, +3 stamina and +10 health.. hindi na nagamit ang mafia wars code :lol:

but yeah, still keep it. hehe. i saw an article on how to retrieve lost mafia wars code -- i haven't read it nor tested it.





*** WAR DECLARED *** FACEBOOK vs ZYNGA ... Thats right it is a war. Facebook want 30% of Zynga's profits and Zynga says no. So what does Facebook do they shut of Zynga's ability let users post anything. 2 rich kids fighting. So Sad !!!


Hello Everyone. This week has been one for the books. Zynga is listening to us and asking us questions on what we would like to see and giving us answers to some of our questions. Facebook on the other hand are just ignoring us as usual and wont even respond to anyones questions. I have called numerous times and sent emails to them and I am ignored now.


Ok lets right to it. Facebook does want 30% of Zynga's profit and Zynga says no. Zynga is stating that when they signed up they were told they get to keep all the profits from their applications and I confirmed that was TRUE. But agreements tend to change especially when rich kid Mark Zuckerberg feels it suit him. They saw all the money they were making and decided they wanted a piece of the action.


Facebook does not own Zynga so it is not entitled to their profits. Zynga does pay between $5 -8 million a month to advertise on Facebook. But alot of good that does when the word cant get out because Facebook shuts down the feeds. So you will see a either a lawsuit, an agreement or Zynga leaves Facebook or a combination of things on this topic.


Think of it this way Zynga makes $350 million on Facebook. Facebook wants 30% or $105 million PLUS the $5 Million per month for advertising, another $60 Million, so that is $165 Million or Almost Half of Zynga's income before Zynga's expenses. And they dont even own they company. Is That Fair ? I think Not !!!


As far as Zynga leaving Facebook well it is unchartered territory for a social game to do this. It has never been done before. Rumors are everywhere that this is happening. Zynga has taken steps to making this a reality by registering Zynga Live back in February as they saw the writing on the wall with Facebook.


Zynga is also looking into the possibility of even taking the company public. Now this could be good for us and them. They would be able to break away from Facebook cleanly and not look back. It would give them the money needed to make sure they have a stable platform and the ability to do what they have can to make games successful.


The good thing for us is that they will forced to answer to the shareholders and regulators so all those glitches and bugs will have to fixed at once. I am not saying you wont have any but when you do they will have to fixed ASAP or their stock price will drop and they will lose shareholders and millions if they dont fix them. Also the regulators will be on them to make sure they offer the public a safe and viable product. So that is a plus for us.


Will it happen? I dont know but Zynga has been putting people in place to see if it is viable and this has been going on since last year. They have now linked all the accounts to a special ID # which will enable them to transfer everyones account over so no one loses any thing especially those who have invested in some cases $1000's of dollars. So the plan is in place now we sit back and watch the war.


Some say this cant be done but I think it can quite easily. Dont believe me, ok check this out. A clan can go make a site just by going to lets say Google. They chose a template, theme and just plug in the applications they want in it such as chat, a forum, games, music and they can even make money with it by allowing ads on site. So It is all plug and play stuff not very hard. So do you think that Zynga with all their money cant make the site. The main issue Zynga will have is with servers and that is really not to much of an issue as they have plenty of servers available to use. Pretty easy to build. But the big worry is "If You Build It Will They Come."


Well the outcry by all Zynga players is yes they will especially if it means the games run better and they aren't handcuffed with Facebook rules. They already have a stand alone version of Farmville. Clans will flock over especially if Zynga makes a section on the site for groups and they are assured they will not be restricted like they are on Facebook. But they will not only come from Facebook but watch for the other sites like MySpace that have Zynga games too.


So the answer to the question. "If they build it will they come " The answer is YES. Will Zynga be successful ? Probably, if they do it right. What will happen to Facebook ? They will go on but they will take a big hit to their membership initially but they too will survive.


Who wins the war ? I think it will be Zynga as long as they stick to their guns and dont cave to the loanshark tactics of Facebook. They will set the bar for other companies and force Facebook to conduct business properly. Besides the fact that Facebook is now coming under the scrutiny of the federal government they are going to have more damage control to do than Zynga. So In my opinion Zynga Wins.


There are rumors Zynga Is leaving June 1st. Well they are just that. I just got off the phone with Zynga and they say they are still trying to negotiate a better fee with them instead of 30 % they are trying to get the industry standard of 10% but at this time there are no plans to leave Facebook.


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when jobs not posting --> be a fan of this page: THE CLEARING HOUSE


New York Job Help



Cuba Job Help



Moscow Job Help



Bangkok Get Help Job



Bangkok Episode 1 Boss job




Bangkok Episode 2 Boss job




Bangkok Episode 3 Boss job



Bangkok Episode 4 Boss job



Bangkok Episode 5a Boss job



Bangkok Episode 5b Boss job




** Remember... These links DO NOT POST any job You MUST already have had the job in order for these to work!!


They will only allow you to publish the link if a job you TRIED to post that did not post. They do not create a job for you! You can not click on the link yourself.


Place your Facebook Id in the appropriate spot and then copy and paste the link in your status message so your Mafia Family can click the link to help you with a job you ALREADY have but did not post.these links do not re-post the jobs..


note: seems pinutol ng MTC, copy the link into notepad - replace FACEBOOKIDHERE with your actual facebook id.


trick on how to get facebook id - save your Facebook picture, right click -> save th picture, you will see 9-10 digit, that is your facebook id :D

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re: lost code

mmm. the article sent to me was this:



One way to get the Code is to go to NY, and hit those low-level jobs the ones with 2 or 3 exp. pts until you get it. If something happens and you lose yours, write to Zynga right away and report it.


Do not just save it on your computer. Write it down on your desk paper somewhere. I lose stuff on my pc all the time. Is there any guarantee this Code is going to mean anything? No. Do we know it won't? No. It could end up being as big a deal as our Profile ID # eventually, so ya need to learn it.



2. from http://webgamestips.com/mafia-wars/mafia-wars-central-mainframe-access-secret-code/

Did you lost your secret code ? well i found a solution from forums credits to rosso7 :

I, like many here, foolishly threw away / forgot to save / had a mishap with my code & so couldn’t access the mainframe today & so sent in a support ticket explaining what the problem was

(I just said it wasn’t clear to me that I needed the same code each day so I hadn’t kept the original code & asked if there was a way of getting my code resent or an entirely new code sent to me) & Zynga just emailed back with my code.


I recognise it as my original code & just tried it now & it works fine so if you want your code send them an email/support ticket explaining everything & hopefully they do the same to you. I even got a swift response too, less than an hour!


You can contact support using the following link:



i still have my pin with me, so i can't verify this but i'd rather go with #2 on this, sir bubuy :)

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