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Unforgettable Scenes/Performances/Lines

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Some Kind of Wonderful moments...


1. Keith practicing kissing with Watts' help...

2. Watts hitting on the brakes so hard that Amanda lines her face with the lipstick she was trying to put on...

3. Keith going after Watts towards the end of the movie... Watts was already in tears... and Keith catches up to her... and fast forward a bit, Watts wears the earrings that Keith bought for Amanda Jones, and he says to her "You look good wearing my future..." wub.gif


Love this part

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For me it has to be Pretty in Pink when OMD's If you Leave was playing during the ball.


The music was filling the scene there were less dialogues, but the music made up for it...


The scene where ducky curled or leaned on a post up while it is raining. Parang Smiths yung tug tug.

Smiths "How Soon is It now"

Edited by puretuts
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  • 1 year later...

Few Good men:



Col. Jessep: Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.

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some movie scenes that I liked:


1. Godfather- scene in the church during a baptism of a child

2. Dark Knight's Joker scenes

3. Devil's Advocate- Al Pacino's monologue

4. Schindler's List- Liam Neeson's end scene

5. Face Off- gunfight scene with the boy covering his ears

6. A Few Good Men- Court Room Confrontation

7. Wedding Singer's Airplane Scene

8. Sommersby's - Prison Scene


more to come :-P

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From John Q.



1)Hi, Dad. You find me a heart? 2)Yeah, kid. We got you one. Look like you've got a guardian angel. Try to stay awake for a minute, will you? I just need to tell you a few things. I want you always to listen to your mother. Because she's your best friend and family is important. And girls? You're too young for them now, but when the time comes, treat them like princesses because that's what they are. And if you say you'll do something, do it, because your world should be your bond. And if you have a chance to make money, go for it, even if it means selling out once in a while. Don't be a knucklehead like your father. Everything's so much easier with money. Don't smoke. And try to be kind. But if someone chooses you, be a man and stand up for yourself. And don't get caught up in the bad things, there's too many great things out there. Mike? 1)Yeah, Dad? 2)See you later, buddy.

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The Notebook


In the final scenes, it was revealed that nursing home patient Allie Hamilton/Calhoun (Gena Rowlands) had severe Alzheimer's Disease and could only remember the story of their love for a few minutes. She and frail heart patient Noah or "Duke" Calhoun (James Garner) had met and fallen in love when in their teens - in old age, Noah repeatedly rekindled their love by re-reading from her old faded notebook diary (written by Allie as a present to Noah years earlier, with the handwritten dedication: "Read this to me, and I'll come back to you"). After one of the readings telling of their love for each other, Allie briefly remembered their love during a special candlelight dinner in the nursing home when they shared a dance together - Allie requested: "Do you think I can be her tonight?" - but then she rapidly 'forgot' and panicked. In the final scene in the rest home, she remembered him as they held hands in her bedroom, where he promised he would always be there and never leave her. She asked him: "Do you think that our love can create miracles?" He replied: "Yes, I do. That's what brings you back to me each time." She asked a second question. "Do you think our love can take us away together?" He responded: "I think our love can do anything we want it to." They fell asleep in the same bed, and passed away together.

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The Reader (2008)


In director Stephen Daldry's Holocaust love story, adapted by David Hare from Bernhard Schlink's neo-classic novel, the film flashbacked to the summer of 1958 when 15 year-old virginal German schoolboy named Michael Berg (David Kross, and Ralph Fiennes as an adult) engaged in an erotic, passionate and secret summer-time affair with beautiful, hard-working, uneducated, repressed 36 year-old tram conductor Hanna Schmitz (Oscar-winning Kate Winslet); they had sex on a regular basis, after which he would read literature outloud to her (The Odyssey, Huckleberry Finn, The Lady with the Little Dog, War and Peace, and Lady Chatterley's Lover); his life was forever changed by the relationship; as a law student in 1966 in Heidelberg, he witnessed Hanna's Nazi war-crimes trial for being an SS guard at a satellite of Auschwitz near Cracow during the war; the trial revealed that Hanna had the weak and sickly women also read to her outloud before they were sent to the gas chambers; she admitted, falsely to the judge (to conceal her embarrassment about being illiterate), that she had written the report about the deaths of 300 trapped prisoners in a locked church fire; unlike five other female scapegoating defendants who were sentenced to a few years in prison, she was sentenced to life imprisonment; in 1988 after almost twenty years in prison, Hanna was to be paroled in one week, and Michael saw her during a poignant, painful prison visit for the first time in decades during which there was no real physical contact; he had been sending her audio cassette tape recordings of his readings of her favorite books (and she had painstakingly taught herself how to read and write), fulfilling his role as "The Reader," without any other kind of correspondence or replies to her letters; she told him: "You've grown up, kid"; he detailed how he had made arrangements for a job and apartment for her after her release; he also revealed how his own brief marriage hadn't lasted and then asked: "Have you spent a lot of time thinking about the past?" - she asked: "You mean with you?"; he responded: "No, no, I didn't mean with me"; she told him about her thoughts of the past: "It doesn't matter what I feel. It doesn't matter what I think. The dead are still dead"; he replied: "I wasn't sure what you'd learned"; she responded: "Well, I have learned, kid. I've learned to read"; when he came back a week later to pick her up, he sadly learned that she had committed suicide in her room - she had stacked up library books on a table (including copies of War and Peace and The Odyssey) before standing on them and hanging herself (off-screen); as he visited her cell, he was told: "She didn't pack. She never intended to leave"; in her 'will,' she had written: "tell Michael I said hello," causing him to sob uncontrollably; in the film's final scene in a steady rain, Michael took his grown-up daughter Julia (Hannah Herzsprung) to visit Hanna's grave in a church graveyard (where they had taken a bike ride when he was 15), as she asked: "Who was she?"; the film ended with them walking slowly away from the grave, with his voice-over: "I was 15. I was coming home from school. I was feeling ill. And a woman helped me"



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The Pursuit of Happyness


Chris Gardner: Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period. All right?


Christopher: All right.

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from the Bridges of Madison County...


when Robert Kincaid was standing in the rain and Franchesca saw him. she was so torn if she should join him or stay with her family. the longer they stare at each other, the more you feel the longing. and when Robert drove off, their truck was behind him. it was a green light already, but Robert wasn't moving. Franchesca knew he was waiting for her. the way her hand was clutching the door's knob. she was just so torn. yet she chose to stay with her family.


from If Only...


I couldn't get the last part off my mind when he exchanged places with her so she'd survive the accident. The first time I got to watch it, I was literally praying that the accident won't take place anymore and that they'd both be safe.

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in Love Actually...


when Emma Thompson cried inside their husband's room while playing Joni Mitchell's Both Sides Now. crying when she received the gift she wasn't expecting for she was expecting the necklace instead that she found in her husband's coat.


and another was the part when Andrew Lincoln finally revealed to Keira Knightley of how he feels for her. the way he said it, via the posters he did. a girl will definitely be touched with how he did it.

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