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Post a Question to the USER BELOW You, Vol 13.


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Not really... My docs are the best in their specialization... pricey but worth it... Though I brought my Yaya around for a second, third, blah blah opinion, when I could not accept that she was terminal...


Lost her but she had the best medical attention that money can buy... I miss her...



Can't let the day pass without expression affection?

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@ FHM - yes I would, especially if I just want to be on my own, thinking about things, taking photos, enjoying a quiet moment.


@ BG - weddings are always the grandest party I go to, especially if they are the small intimate ones.


@ LX - everyday is a gift to me and I treasure each day dearly. The greatest though is I have my cam and I capture life, moments and memories.










If you can go to one place and stay there for one year, what place would you like to go to?

Edited by darkeinjel
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DE - Prague or Budapest... The girls there are really pretty... :lol:


Seriously, I'm fascinated about the Levant, Greece and the ancient Near East... (the different areas of the Mediterranean)


BCK - Nothing beats the homeland, among friends and loved ones...




If you were given a chance to visit South America, where would you go?

Edited by fieryhotmale
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