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Post a Question to the USER BELOW You, Vol 13.


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I don't do self-ratings. Looks/appeal, no. Not enough. One has to

make an effort to be presentable, at least, tho. Character and personality are kings.

but developing those two should't be done with an aim to be likeable; but more for

the realization of one's self.


People who NEEDS to be liked / likeable, have a lot of self-reassessment to do.




Do you consider it important to be likeable?

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Accomplishments...hmmm... i did say before that I don't consider what i have as accomplishments

but mere chemical reactions. Hysterical and useless. I don't see that changing any time soon. Maybe i just

refuse to be defined by them. So, there. I have nothing to be proud of. I'm more interested

in the journey of my poor soul than the statues and trophies it is collecting.



How about you, what things do you take pride on?

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I take pride in a job well and truly done.


Like a work problem or issue that you efficiently and elegantly solve.

Or a woman resting/recovering while well and properly sated from being fcuked by you.

Or maybe a task or chore completed in such a manner that you would like to believe your dearly departed father would approve of.



On a scale of 1-10, how seriously do you take yourself?

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I live. That's it. I may hate my life but i have far more respect towards life to treat it like a game.


@kimb3rly- i haven't and have no plans of doing so. Love is difficult and I love for all the difficult reasons, for only the difficult things have meaning.

And only the most difficult of things are worth doing


What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

Edited by ADAM
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