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Post a Question to the USER BELOW You, Vol 13.


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it doesn't matter who owns the land. The real solution is inclusion. Whoever rules over Palestine should see to it that no one gets disenfranchised. It's not about "Jews vs. Muslims" to the common folk. Its about the "common man vs. poverty and oppression".


if you were given a chance to talk to a famous figure before he/she dies, who would that person be and what would you tell/ask him/her?

Edited by Jourdan
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@nick: fact is, there has never been an autonomous palestinian, muslim, or arab state on that teeny tiny piece of land. besides, historically speaking giving away land there has just made it possible for the fatah and hamas to bring their missile launch pads closer to the Holy Land.


@Jourdan: condi rice. i'd ask "would you sign my t-shirt please?"



where in the world do you feel closest to a supreme being (or if you're an atheist, where do you feel closest to the universe lol)?

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@ Jourdan - If it's from the past, I'd like to talk to Jesus, settle his divinity once and for all.


If it's from the present, hmmmm, that would be Gretchen Barreto, just to ask her why?


@ DB - When I'm in a place where all I can see is beauty, example a rainforest. :)




If you were to establish a faith, what would be it's cornerstone?

Edited by darkeinjel
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a ferry system around the islands that 1) works, 2) is efficient, and 3) services as many communities as possible. i think this'll help more filipinos gain access to better education and opportunity, and help them achieve more prosperity.



what event are you worried you will not live long enough to see and why?










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i've been guilty of that one too many times. personally, it makes you paranoid. other than that, i think whatever assumption you make, you'd want to try to get as much evidence to prove or disprove it, so in a way, i like that it makes you think, analyze, investigate.



would you consider hiring a detective if you suspect that your partner is cheating on you?

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